What is process of admitting Party members in 2023 in Vietnam? What are conditions to be admitted to the Party in 2023 in Vietnam?

I want to join the Party, so I want to ask about the process of admitting Party members in 2023? - Question from Thanh Thao (Binh Duong).

What is process of admitting Party members in 2023 in Vietnam?

The process of admitting party members to the Guidelines 12-HD/BTCTW in 2022, Instructions 01-HD/TW in 2021, Regulation 24-QD/TW in 2021 specifically:

Step 1: Take a class on fostering Party awareness

Those who join the Party must take a class on fostering Party awareness and have a certificate issued by a district-level political center or equivalent; where there is no political center, it shall be granted by the Party Committee competent to admit Party members.

Step 2: Meet and introduce to the Party

Step 3: Submit the application for admission to the Party

People who join the Party must make an application by themselves, clearly stating their perceptions of the Party's purposes and ideals, and the motivation for applying to the Party. People who join the Party declare themselves, fully, clearly and honestly according to regulations, take responsibility for the declared contents; If there is any problem that you do not understand and do not remember correctly, you must report it to the branch.

Step 4: Check the background of the person entering the Party

Those who need background check include themselves and the relatives of the person who wants to join the Party (natural parents, parents-in-law (husband) or persons directly raising, spouses, and biological children of persons entering the Party have full civil act capacity) and will then undergo a Party background check according to the affidavit

Step 5: Consider admission

After the background check, the branch will hold a meeting to propose the admission of Party members.

Step 6: Hold the admission ceremony

Within 30 working days. The party member admission ceremony must be held dignified; conduct admission one by one (if two or more people are admitted in the same ceremony).

Step 7: Party members go through the preparatory period

The duration of being a reserve member of the Party is 12 months from the date the branch organizes the admission ceremony.

Step 8: Official Party Change

Within 30 working days from the date a Party member's 12 months of probation expires, the cell must consider and request official recognition for the Party member. If the conditions are not met, the competent authority is requested to issue a decision to delete the name.

What are conditions to be admitted to the Party in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 1 of the Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam 2011 as follows:

1. A member of the Communist Party of Vietnam is a revolutionary soldier in the vanguard of the labour class, the working people and the Vietnamese nation, striving all his life for the Party's purposes and ideals, putting the interests of the Fatherland, the labour class and the working people above personal interests; strictly abide by the Political Platform, the Party Charter, the Party's resolutions and the State's laws; have employees, successfully complete the assigned tasks; have morals and a healthy lifestyle; closely associated with the people; obey the Party's organization and discipline, and maintain the unity and unity in the Party.

2. Vietnamese citizens who are eighteen years old or older; acknowledge and voluntarily: implement the political platform, the party charter, standards and duties of party members, operate in a grassroots party organization; Through practice, they have proven themselves to be excellent people, trusted by the people, and can be considered for admission to the Party.

This is guided by Section 1 of Regulation 24-QD/TW of 2021 as follows:

1.1. About age.

1.1.1. At the time of the Party cell's admission consideration, a person joining the Party must be from 18 to 60 years old (monthly).

1.1.2. The admission to the Party of those over 60 years of age shall be considered and decided by the Party Central Committee.

1.2. About the level of education.

1.2.1. People who join the Party must have a junior high school diploma or higher.

1.2.2. Education of Party entrants living in mountainous areas, islands, ethnic minority areas, areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions and other specific cases due to the requirements of Party development, but general regulations cannot be ensured, the instructions of the Secretariat shall be followed.

The age and education level of people entering the Party in some special cases are guided by Clause 1 of the Guidelines 01-HD/TW 2021 as follows:

1.1. About age

Only those who are over 60 years old will be considered for admission to the Party when they fully meet the following conditions: Having good health and prestige; currently working or residing at an establishment without a party organization, without a party member or due to special requirements; be approved in writing by the Standing Committee of the Central Committee before the competent Party Committee issues a decision on admission.

1.2. About the level of education

a) People who join the Party are living in mountainous areas, border areas, islands, ethnic minority areas and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions or fishermen who often work in the sea or islands, if it is not guaranteed according to the Regulations on the implementation of the Party Charter of the Central Committee of the XIII term, they must have a minimum educational level to complete the primary school program.

b) The educational level of people joining the Party are village elders, village chiefs, reputable people, living in mountainous areas, border areas, islands, ethnic minority areas and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions or fishermen who often work in the sea or islands must at least be able to read and write the national language and get written consent from the standing committee of the Central Committee before the competent authority issues the admission decision.

According to this Article, in order to become a party member you must:

- Being a Vietnamese citizen from eighteen years of age or older;

- Having an education level from lower secondary school or higher;

- Acknowledging and voluntarily implementing the Party Platform and Charter;

- Officially introducing by two Party members and trusted by the people;

- Preparatory Party members within 12 months before being officially admitted; ...

What rights do party members have in Vietnam?

Article 3 of the Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam 2011 provides for the rights of Party members as follows:

Party members have right to:

1. Inform and discuss issues on the political platform, the Party's Charter, the lines, guidelines and policies of the Party; vote on the work of the Party.

2. Stand for, nominate and elect the leading bodies of the Party at all levels according to the regulations of the Central Committee.

3. Criticize and question activities of party organizations and party members at all levels within the organization; report, make recommendations to the responsible agencies and request answers.

4. Present opinions when the party organization comments, decides on work or enforces discipline against them.

Reserve members have above rights, except for right to vote, stand for election and elect the Party's leadership body.

Best Regards!

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