What are the qualifications for the position of Head of Department and equivalent at the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam in terms of work capacity?

What are the qualifications for the position of Head of Department and equivalent at the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam in terms of work capacity? What are the qualifications for the position of Head of Department and equivalent at the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam in terms of educational level, leadership experience, management, and trade union work? What are the qualifications for the position of Deputy Head of Department and equivalent at the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam?

Thank you!

What are the qualifications for the position of Head of Department and equivalent at the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam in terms of work capacity?

Based on Point a, Clause 1, Article 8 of the Regulations on the Qualifications of Trade Union Leadership and Management Positions at All Levels issued together with Decision 3169/QĐ-TLĐ in 2021, the regulations on work capacity requirements for department heads and equivalent at the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam as follows:

1. Department heads and equivalent at the General Confederation

Meet the requirements for the qualifications of department heads and equivalent of the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam according to the current regulations on the list of positions for civil servants of the Vietnam Confederation of Labor, and at the same time meet the following standards:

a) Regarding work capacity

- Proficient in professional and technical skills in the field of work.

- Ability to organize research, develop projects, documents, programs, and regulations in the field of professional responsibility.

- Ability to manage, unite the team of officers, civil servants, and workers in the department and coordinate with relevant agencies, units, organizations, and individuals to effectively carry out the assigned tasks.

What are the qualifications for the position of Head of Department and equivalent at the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam in terms of work capacity? - Source: Internet

What are the qualifications for the position of Head of Department and equivalent at the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam in terms of educational level, leadership experience, management, and trade union work?

Based on Point b and c, Clause 1, Article 8 of the Regulations on the Qualifications of Trade Union Leadership and Management Positions at All Levels issued together with Decision 3169/QĐ-TLĐ in 2021, the qualifications for the position of Head of Department and equivalent at the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam in terms of educational level, leadership experience, management, and trade union work as follows:

b) Regarding educational level

- Bachelor's degree or higher in a relevant field.

- Intermediate level in political theory or equivalent; have a certificate in public administration as prescribed.

- For positions with specific requirements for educational level in a particular field, in addition to meeting the general standards under this Regulation, they must meet the conditions and standards for educational level in accordance with the regulations of the specific field.

c) Regarding leadership, management, and trade union work experience

- For personnel currently working at the department with the position in need of appointment, they must have at least 01 year of experience in the position of deputy head of department and have been evaluated as completing the task well. In the case of personnel working at departments that do not have a department level, they must have at least 03 years of experience in professional work in the field to be appointed and have been evaluated as completing the task well, in which at least 01 year of the most recent period has been evaluated as completing the task excellently.

- For personnel from other places, they must have the relevant professional and technical skills; have at least 01 year of experience in the position of deputy head of department at ministries, agencies, units, and organizations at the central level; head of department at provincial departments, agencies, sectors, and unions and have been evaluated as completing the task well.

What are the qualifications for the position of Deputy Head of Department and equivalent at the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam?

Based on Clause 2, Article 8 of the Regulations on the Qualifications of Trade Union Leadership and Management Positions at All Levels issued together with Decision 3169/QĐ-TLĐ in 2021, the qualifications for the position of Deputy Head of Department and equivalent at the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam as follows:

2. Deputy heads of department and equivalent at the General Confederation

Meet the requirements for the qualifications of deputy heads of department and equivalent of the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam according to the current regulations on the list of positions for civil servants of the Vietnam Confederation of Labor, and at the same time meet the following standards:

a) Work capacity and educational level meet the standards prescribed in points a, b, clause 1 of this Article.

b) Have at least 03 years of experience working in the relevant professional field that is suitable for the position to be appointed (excluding the probationary period) and have completed the task well.

Best regards!

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