What are regulations on the leader of the inspection team of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force in Vietnam?

What are regulations on the leader of the inspection team of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force in Vietnam? What are regulations on members of the inspection team of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force in Vietnam? What is handling of administrative violations and imposition of fines of patrol of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force in Vietnam? What is organization of the escort of violating fishing vessels of patrol of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force in Vietnam? 

Please advise according to latest regulations.

What are regulations on the leader of the inspection team of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force in Vietnam?

In Clause 1, Article 14 of Circular 18/2022/TT-BNNPTNT (effective from January 9, 2023), the leader of the inspection team of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force is prescribed as follows:

1. The leader of the inspection team shall:

a) Greet the captain or owner of the fishing vessel and name the inspection team of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force that is conducting tasks of patrolling, inspecting, controlling, and enforcing fishing and aquatic resource protection laws on the sea;

b) Provide notifications on the contents subject to inspection and control for the captain or the owner of the fishing vessel;

c) Request the captain or owner of the fishing vessel and workers on the fishing vessel to comply with the inspection and control of the inspection team. The inspection and control contents shall comply with Article 15 of this Circular;

d) In case of detecting acts of violations against fishing and aquatic resource protection laws, organize the handling as prescribed by law;

dd) Provide guidelines for the crew and workers of the fishing vessel on points to be noted when operating on the sea and disseminate and universalize laws on fisheries;

e) Inform the captain or owner of the fishing vessel of the result of the inspection and control before leaving;

g) Submit reports on the inspection and control result on the fishing vessel to the leader of the patrol.

What are regulations on members of the inspection team of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force in Vietnam?

In Clause 2, Article 14 of Circular 18/2022/TT-BNNPTNT (effective from January 9, 2023), members of the inspection team of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force are prescribed as follows:

2. Members of the inspection team shall:

a) Conduct the inspection and control of contents according to the assignment of the leader;

b) Be on guard and observe every development during the inspection and control on the fishing vessel;

c) Submit reports on the result of the inspection and control to the leader.

What is handling of administrative violations and imposition of fines of patrol of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force in Vietnam? 

Article 16 of Circular 18/2022/TT-BNNPTNT (effective from January 9, 2023) stipulates handling of administrative violations and imposition of fines of patrol of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force as follows:

When detecting violations against fishing and aquatic resource protection laws, the patrol shall handle and impose fines according to the law.

What is organization of the escort of violating fishing vessels of patrol of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force in Vietnam? 

Article 17 of Circular 18/2022/TT-BNNPTNT (effective from January 9, 2023) stipulates organization of the escort of violating fishing vessels of patrol of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force as follows:

In case violating vessels must be escorted for verification and handling of violations or for serving the investigation, the procedures for escorting fishing vessels are performed as follows:

1. The leader of the patrol shall decide on the escort of violating fishing vessels:

a) Decide on the compositions and vessels of the Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force for the escort;

b) Decide on the method, formation, and escorting distance;

c) Assign observing, guarding, and supervising members during the escorting process;

d) Notify the captain or owner of the violating fishing vessel of the reason for the escort and the position and coordinates the fishing vessel is escorted to;

dd) Request the captain and other members of the violating fishing vessel to comply with the escort of the fishing vessel to the notified location;

e) Implement measures to ensure the safety of the violating people, evidence, and fishing vessel during the escorting process;

g) Keep in touch and promptly submit reports on arising situations to the superior.

2. Measures to escort violating fishing vessels

a) The captain of the violating fishing vessel brings the vessel to the location prescribed in the notification of the patrol;

b) Use patrolling vehicles to escort violating vessels to the location prescribed in notifications of the patrol.

Best Regards!

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