Issuance of the amend Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army in 2024

Has the amend Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army in 2024 been issued yet? What is the maximum age limit for officers serving in active duty according to military rank in Vietnam?

Issuance of the amend Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army in 2024

The amend Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army in 2024 was approved by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Session XV, during its 8th session on November 28, 2024.

The amend Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army in 2024 revises and supplements several articles of the Law on Officials of the Vietnam People's Army, effective from December 1, 2024.

Moreover, the amend Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army in 2024 also amends and supplements certain articles of the Law on the People's Public Security Force 2018, which was modified and supplemented by the Amended Law on the People's Public Security Force 2023, the Law on Forces Involved in Security and Order Protection at the Grassroots Level 2023, and the Law on National Defense and Security Industry and Industrial Mobilization 2024.

Issuance    of    the    Amended    Law    on    Officials    of    the    Vietnam    People's    Army    2024?

Issuance of the amend Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army in 2024​​ (Image from the Internet)

What are the basic positions of officials in the Vietnam People's Army?

Based on Article 11 of the Law on Officials of the Vietnam People's Army 1999 (amended by Clause 1, Article 1 of the amend Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army in 2024), the positions and titles of officials are stipulated as follows:

Article 11. Positions and titles of officials

  1. The basic positions of officials include:

a) Minister of National Defense;

b) Chief of the General Staff; Chairman of the General Political Department;

c) Deputy Minister of National Defense;

d) Deputy Chief of the General Staff; Deputy Chairman of the General Political Department;

dd) Chairman of the General Department, Director General of the General Department, Political Commissar of the General Department;

Commander, Political Commissar: Military Region, Military Service, Border Guard, Army Corps;

e) Deputy Chairman of the General Department, Deputy Director General, Deputy Political Commissar of the General Department;

Deputy Commander, Deputy Political Commissar: Military Region, Military Service, Border Guard, Army Corps;


Thus, the basic positions of officials in the Vietnam People's Army include:

- Minister of National Defense

- Chief of the General Staff; Chairman of the General Political Department

- Deputy Minister of National Defense

- Deputy Chief of the General Staff; Deputy Chairman of the General Political Department

- Chairman of the General Department, Director General of the General Department, Political Commissar of the General Department

- Commander, Political Commissar: Military Region, Military Service, Border Guard, Army Corps

- Deputy Chairman of the General Department, Deputy Director General, Deputy Political Commissar of the General Department

- Deputy Commander, Deputy Political Commissar: Military Region, Military Service, Border Guard, Army Corps

- Commander, Political Commissar: Military Branch, Naval Region

- Deputy Commander, Deputy Political Commissar: Military Branch, Naval Region

- Division Commander, Political Commissar of the Division

- Chief Commander, Political Commissar of the Provincial Military Command

- Chief Commander, Political Commissar of the Provincial Border Guard Command

- Deputy Division Commander, Deputy Political Commissar of the Division

- Deputy Chief Commander, Deputy Political Commissar of the Provincial Military Command

- Deputy Chief Commander, Deputy Political Commissar of the Provincial Border Guard Command

- Brigade Commander, Political Commissar of the Brigade

- Deputy Brigade Commander, Deputy Political Commissar of the Brigade

- Regimental Commander, Political Commissar of the Regiment

- Chief Commander, Political Officer of the District Military Command

- Deputy Regimental Commander, Deputy Political Commissar of the Regiment

- Deputy Chief Commander, Deputy Political Officer of the District Military Command

- Battalion Commander, Political Officer of the Battalion

- Deputy Battalion Commander, Deputy Political Officer of the Battalion

- Company Commander, Political Officer of the Company

- Deputy Company Commander, Deputy Political Officer of the Company

- Platoon Leader

What is the maximum age limit for officials serving on active duty according to military rank in Vietnam?

Based on Article 13 of the Law on Officials of the Vietnam People's Army 1999 (amended by Clause 2, Article 1 of the amend Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army in 2024), the age limit for active duty service of officials is regulated as follows:

Article 13. Age limit for active duty service of officials

  1. The maximum age limit for officials serving on active duty by military rank is:

Lieutenant Rank: 50;

Major: 52;

Lieutenant Colonel: 54;

Colonel: 56;

Senior Colonel: 58;

General Rank: 60.

  1. When the military has needs, officials who meet the political, moral, capability, health standards and are willing may have their active duty service extended as defined in clause 1 of this Article by no more than 5 years; in special cases, it may be extended further as regulated by the Minister of National Defense.
  1. The maximum age limit for officials holding command positions of Army Corps as prescribed at point đ, point e, and command, management units prescribed at points g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, and r of clause 1, Article 11 of this Law shall be stipulated by the Minister of National Defense but shall not exceed the maximum age limit for officials serving on active duty as defined in clause 1 of this Article.

Thus, the maximum age limit for officials serving on active duty by military rank is as follows:

- Lieutenant Rank: 50

- Major: 52

- Lieutenant Colonel: 54

- Colonel: 56

- Senior Colonel: 58

- General Rank: 60

Note: When the military has needs, officials who meet the political, moral, capability, health standards and are willing may have their active duty service extended by no more than 5 years; in special cases, it may be extended further as regulated by the Minister of National Defense.

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Issuance of the amend Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army in 2024
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