Can unemployment insurance be accumulated when working for multiple companies in Vietnam? If I pay unemployment insurance for 5 years and 7 months, how many months of unemployment benefits will I receive in Vietnam?

Can unemployment insurance be accumulated when working for multiple companies in Vietnam? If I pay unemployment insurance for 5 years and 7 months, how many months of unemployment benefits will I receive in Vietnam? Time to process unemployment insurance dossiers in Vietnam

Can unemployment insurance be accumulated when working for multiple companies in Vietnam?

Let me ask: I have been working at my company for 7 years, and now I want to work at another company, will I be able to receive the unemployment insurance amount previously paid at the old company? Thank.


According to Clause 1, Article 45 of the Employment Law 2013, regulations on period of payment of unemployment insurance premiums are as follows:

1. The period of payment of unemployment insurance premiums for receipt of unemployment insurance benefits is the total of consecutive or interrupted periods of payment of unemployment insurance premiums from the starting time of such payment to the time the worker terminates his/her labor contract or working contract under law but during which he/she has not yet received any unemployment allowance.

In addition, Clause 1, Article 12 of Decree 28/2015/ND-CP also stipulates that the payment time of unemployment insurance premium of employers and employees shall be the payment time of compulsory social insurance.

Thus, if you have not received unemployment benefits during the time of paying unemployment insurance at your old company, it will be added to the time of paying unemployment insurance at the new company in Vietnam.

Can unemployment insurance be accumulated when working for multiple companies in Vietnam? If I pay unemployment insurance for 5 years and 7 months, how many months of unemployment benefits will I receive in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

If I pay unemployment insurance for 5 years and 7 months, how many months of unemployment benefits will I receive in Vietnam?

Let me ask, if I have paid unemployment insurance for 5 years and 7 months, how many months of unemployment will I receive, and will I be able to complete it for 6 years?
Clause 2, Article 50 of the Employment Law 2013 stipulates levels, duration and time of receipt of unemployment allowance as follows:
2. The duration of unemployment allowance receipt is based on the number of months of payment of unemployment insurance premiums. This duration is 3 months if the period of payment of unemployment insurance premiums is between full 12 months and full 36 months, which is added with 1 month for each additional period of payment of full 12 months, but must not exceed 12 months.
And Clause 7, Article 18 of Decree 28/2015/ND-CP also stipulates payment of unemployment benefits as follows:
Period of receipt of unemployment benefits shall be calculated based on months of payment of unemployment insurance premiums as defined in paragraph 2 of Article 50 of the Law on Employment. Employees who have paid unemployment insurance over 36 months, the months that have not settled the unemployment benefits shall be reserved as a basis of calculating the period of the next unemployment benefits when the employees are qualified for unemployment benefits as prescribed.
Thus, if you have 5 years and 7 months of unemployment insurance payment, you will receive 5 months of unemployment benefits in Vietnam. The remaining 7 months of unemployment insurance payment will not be rounded up but will be reserved as a basis for calculating the benefit period for next time receiving unemployment benefits when eligible.

Time to process unemployment insurance dossiers in Vietnam

I sent job search information to the District 9 job introduction center to receive unemployment insurance, but I have not received the money and I lost the receipt at the post office.

Pursuant to the Employment Law 2013 and Decree 28/2015/ND-CP stipulates:

Time limit for processing documents:

+ Within 15 working days from the date of submitting the application, if the employee has not found a job, the job recommendation center will confirm the processing of the application for unemployment benefits.

+ Within 20 working days from the date of submitting the application, the Center shall issue a decision approving the payment of unemployment benefits accompanied by a social insurance book with confirmation of payment to the employee.

+ In case the employee is not entitled to unemployment benefits, the job recommendation center must notify in writing and clearly state the reason.

+ Time to calculate unemployment benefits: Day 16 from the date of application submission.

Thus, you can compare with the above deadline to determine the time to calculate unemployment benefits. In addition, according to the Law, social insurance organizations pay unemployment benefits to employees from the second month of receiving unemployment benefits onwards within 5 working days, starting from the 7th day of the month of unemployment benefits. You can contact the unemployment insurance payment agency to ask for more information in Vietnam.

Best regards!

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