14:44 | 21/08/2024

What is the format of the Summer 2024 political report under Regulation 144 of the Politburo of Vietnam?

What is the format of the Summer 2024 political report under Regulation 144 of the Politburo of Vietnam?

What is the format of the Summer 2024 political report under Regulation 144 of the Politburo of Vietnam?

Regulation 144-QD/TW of 2024 issued by the Politburo on revolutionary ethical standards for officials and Party members in the new period.

Teachers, officials... will receive different training programs and can refer to the following Summer 2024 Political Study Report Template according to Regulation 144 of the Politburo:

Summer 2024 Political Study Report Template according to Regulation 144 of the Politburo

Section 1: Issues that can be addressed in the report include:

- Implementation of the Communist Party Congress Resolutions: Assess the level of implementation of the resolutions and directives of the Communist Party, particularly the XIIIth Congress Resolution of the Communist Party.

- Building the Communist Party: Assess the situation of Communist Party building, personnel work, and anti-corruption and negative activities.

- Socio-economic development: Assess the socio-economic situation, the achieved results, and existing limitations and shortcomings.

- National security and defense: Assess the situation of national security and defense, and the mission of national defense.

- Social issues: Assess prominent social issues such as education, healthcare, environment, and urbanization.

Section 2: Regulation No. 144-QD/TW dated May 9, 2024, of the Politburo on revolutionary ethical standards for officials and Party members in the new period consists of 5 articles:

Article 1: Patriotism, Absolute Loyalty to the Communist Party, the Nation, and the People

Strive for the goals and ideals of the Communist Party's revolution for a lifetime.

Uphold the spirit of patriotism, national pride, and absolute loyalty to the nation and the revolutionary cause of the Communist Party.

Wholeheartedly serve the nation and the people.

Respect, trust, be close to, and work closely with the people.

Care for the material and spiritual life of the people; protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people; create conditions for the people to exercise their rights and participate in building a clean and strong Communist Party and political system.

Prioritize the national and communal interests of the Communist Party, the State, and the people above all.

Resolutely and persistently fight against any actions that harm the national and communal interests of the Communist Party, the State, and the people.

Article 2: Courage, Innovation, Creativity, and Integration

Firmly and creatively apply and develop Marxism-Leninism and the thoughts of Ho Chi Minh; firmly adhere to the goal of national independence and socialism; firmly stand by the renovation path of the Communist Party and principles of Party building.

Resolutely and persistently defend the ideological foundation of the Communist Party, and fight against wrongful and hostile views.

Strictly implement the Political Program, the Party Charter, the line, policies, and laws of the State.

Article 3: Diligence, Thriftiness, Integrity, Righteousness, and Selflessness

Be dedicated, responsible, and committed to completing assigned tasks to the best of one's ability, maintaining determination to successfully carry out the renovation led by the Communist Party, contributing to building a rich, prosperous, civilized, and happy nation.

Manage and use public property properly, economically, and efficiently.

Avoid extravagance and waste of time, money, effort, and other collective and individual resources.

Be clean, free from embezzlement, corruption, and negativities, and avoid causing inconvenience or harassment.

Article 4: Solidarity, Discipline, Compassion, and Responsibility

Always maintain solidarity within the Communist Party, agencies, organizations, and the people, starting from the Party cell, workplace, residence; resolutely fight against any divisive, factional, or group-interest behavior.

Build and reorganize the Communist Party and the political system to be really clean and strong in all aspects.

Article 5: Exemplary Behavior, Humility, Continuous Self-Training, and Lifelong Learning

Be exemplary in work and daily life, actively studying and following the thoughts, ethics, and style of Ho Chi Minh.

The higher the position a cadre or Party member holds, the more exemplary they need to be; superiors should set examples for subordinates, and Party committees for members, Party members for the public.

Actively promote and persuade family and relatives to comply well with the Party's line and policies.

Section 3: Self-Reflection

Based on the above 5 articles, teachers can refer to and relate them to their personal situations, specifically:

- As a teacher in an educational environment, it is necessary to be a bright example for students both in teaching and in daily life, so that they can learn diligence, ethics, and the virtues of diligence, thriftiness, integrity, and righteousness in the character of a teacher.

- Strictly follow the line and policies of the Communist Party and the State in all activities.

- Always actively participate in social activities to build the life of the people, and help disadvantaged children and students.

- Always set an example by upholding the spirit of patriotism and conveying the core elements of the nation's tradition of protecting the country, helping students understand their responsibility to uphold that tradition. Promote the nation's tradition of studiousness.

---Information in this Summer 2024 Political Study Report Template according to Regulation 144 of the Politburo is for reference only./.

Summer 2024 Political Study Report Template

What is the format of the Summer 2024 political report under Regulation 144 of the Politburo of Vietnam? (Internet image)

How to develop a continuous teacher professional development plan according to the academic year in Vietnam?

According to Article 8 of the Continuous Teacher Professional Development Regulation for preschool, general education, and continuous education center teachers and administrators, issued with Circular 19/2019/TT-BGDDT, the regulation stipulates as follows:

- The CPD plan is built according to the academic year and includes: the CPD plan of teachers, managers, preschools, general education institutions, continuous education centers, district and provincial departments of education and training.

- The CPD plan must clearly state the goals, content, forms of CPD organization, and outputs that meet the continuous professional development requirements for teachers and managers.

- Building the academic year's CPD plan:

+ CPD plan of teachers and managers: Based on the training module needs, training forms, and guidance of the educational institution where they work; teachers and managers build their individual CPD plan and submit it for approval before May 31 each year.

+ CPD plan of preschools, general education institutions, and continuous education centers: Based on the guidance of the provincial department, district department, according to management authority, and the CPD plan of teachers and managers; preschools, general education institutions, and continuous education centers build their CPD plan and report to the higher authority in June each year.

+ CPD plan of the district department of education: Based on the guidance of the provincial department and the CPD plan of preschools, primary schools, and lower secondary schools under its management authority; the district department of education builds its CPD plan and reports to the provincial department of education in June each year.

+ CPD plan of the provincial department of education: Based on the guidance of the Ministry of Education and Training, the CPD plan of the district department of education, high schools, general education institutions under its management authority, and continuous education centers; the provincial department of education builds its CPD plan to implement from July each year.

The CPD plan for teachers is built according to the academic year, including: the CPD plan of teachers, managers, preschools, general education institutions, continuous education centers, district, and provincial departments of education and training.

Which authority will certify teachers who complete the continuous professional development plan in Vietnam?

According to Article 12 of the Continuous Teacher Professional Development Regulation for preschool, general education, and continuous education center teachers and administrators, issued with Circular 19/2019/TT-BGDDT, (amended by Clause 7, Article 1 of Circular 17/2022/TT-BGDDT), the regulation stipulates as follows:

Teachers and managers who complete the training courses in the academic year as prescribed in Point a, Clause 3, Article 11 will be certified by the Department of Education and Training as having completed the continuous professional development plan.

As such, when teachers complete the training courses, the Department of Education and Training will certify the completion of the CPD plan for those teachers.

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