15:05 | 27/08/2024

Political Review Report for Summer in 2024 according to Resolution 35 in Vietnam

Detailed Guidelines for Political Review Report for Summer in 2024 according to Resolution 35 in Vietnam

Political Review Report for Summer in 2024 according to Resolution 35 in Vietnam

Teachers, officials, and public employees can refer to the sample summer political report in 2024 according to the latest Resolution 35 here:

Summer 2024 Political Report According to Resolution 35

PART 1: Introduction

Through the training and study session as well as the refresher course on Resolution No. 35-NQ/TW of the Politburo, on strengthening the protection of the Party's ideological foundation, combating false and hostile views in the new situation. One must articulate personal understanding of the resolution's content and relate it to their own work unit.

PART 2: Core Content

- The content of Resolution No. 35-NQ/TW of the Politburo shows that protecting the Party's ideological foundation is protecting the Party, its political platform, its guidelines; protecting the people, the socialist rule of law state of Vietnam; safeguarding the process of renewal, industrialization, modernization, and international integration of the country; protecting national interests; maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for the country's development as one of the core contents that need attention and strong promotion.

- These are crucial and vital contents for a nation in general, and particularly for the Party building and rectification work.

- It is also the top priority task of the entire Party, the entire army, the entire people, with the propaganda forces at all levels being the core.

- It's the voluntary, regular work of party committees, party organizations, government, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations at all levels; of each locality, agency, unit, of cadres, party members, especially the leaders.

- Innovate content, methods, improve quality and effectiveness of propaganda about Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology, Party guidelines, and state policies and laws; fight against false and hostile views proactively, persuasively, and appealingly.

- Urgently implement the approved press planning seriously. Proactively increase positive information alongside effectively preventing, handling, and removing harmful information on the internet and social media.

- Improve the quality and effectiveness of internet and social media management and usage. Focus on developing and completing the legal document system and having appropriate technical solutions that match the rapid development of the internet and social media.

- Maximize the responsibility of party committees and party organizations at all levels, especially the leaders, in protecting the Party's ideological foundation and combating false and hostile views...

PART 3: Personal Reflection of the Reporter

- The learner, being a teacher bearing the responsibility of nurturing individuals, must always be absolutely loyal to the Party's guidelines and the state's laws.

- Be exemplary in all actions before students, parents, and the local community.

- Do not listen to or follow false propaganda about the Party's policies and the state laws.

- Live simply, frugally, and always learn and follow Ho Chi Minh's moral example.

- Use social media platforms like Facebook, the Internet, etc., in a healthy manner to serve one's professional work.

- Actively recognize, combat, and eliminate plots, schemes, and malicious actions of hostile forces, including posting on social media to distort Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology, the Party's views and guidelines, slander high-ranking leaders to create internal divisions; calling for gatherings, inciting protests, causing confrontations, insulting, and slandering to provoke government reactions, recording videos, taking pictures, live-streaming to falsely accuse the government...

- Besides personal actions and deeds against negative behaviors and false viewpoints mentioned above, always promote and preach to family members, students, parents, and the local community to promptly prevent and combat distorted information, provoking posts, images, and unlawful insults... to provoke government reactions, recording videos, taking pictures, live-streaming to falsely accuse the government...

- Build a healthy lifestyle with family and community. Live happily, in harmony, and build solidarity from within the workplace and in the local area.

- Actively learn to improve professional qualifications, contributing a small part to the educational work of the unit.

- Always be a model of self-study and creativity.

*Note: The Summer 2024 Political Report according to Resolution 35 is for reference only./.

>>> See more Summer Political Report with Personal Reflection 2024

>>> See more Summer Political Report 2024 for Primary School Teachers

>>> See more Latest Summer Political Report on the 13th Congress

>>> See more Sample Summer Political Report 2024 According to Politburo Regulation 144

Summer 2024 Political Report According to Resolution 35

Political Review Report for Summer in 2024 according to Resolution 35 in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

Regulations on Assessing and Classifying Regular Training Results for Teachers in Vietnam

Based on Clauses 1, 2, and Clause 3, Article 11 of the Regular Training Regulation for Teachers, Education Administrators of Preschool Educational Institutions, General Educational Institutions, and Teachers of Regular Education Centers issued with Circular 19/2019/TT-BGDDT (amended by Clause 6, Article 1 of Circular 17/2022/TT-BGDDT), the assessment and classification of regular training results for high school teachers are as follows:

[1] Evaluate the application of regular training knowledge to teaching practice, student education; practice managing general education institutions and regular education centers.

Evaluation should combine frequent and periodic assessments using various methods and forms through tests, research exercises, reports that meet the objectives, requirements, and contents of the Regular Training Program, suitable with practical situations and the provisions of this Regulation.

Tests, research exercises, and reports are scored on a 10-point scale and classified as satisfactory if they achieve a score of 5 or higher.

Classification of regular training results:

[2] Completing the regular training plan: Teachers are classified as completing the regular training plan if they fulfill all the provisions of the training courses during the academic year; complete all tests, research exercises, and reports with satisfactory results as per the regulation, i.e., achieving a score of 5 or higher.

[3] Not completing the regular training plan: Teachers who do not meet the specific requirements stipulated above.

Evaluation and classification results of regular training are recorded in the files and serve as the basis for implementing policies on professional development and employment of teachers and management staff.

Will Pedagogical Schools in Vietnam Conduct Regular Training for Teachers?

Based on Article 10 of the Regulation on Regular Training for Teachers, Education Administrators of Preschool Educational Institutions, General Educational Institutions, and Teachers of Regular Education Centers issued by the Minister of Education and Training with Circular 19/2019/TT-BGDDT, the provisions on institutions conducting regular training activities are as follows:

Educational institutions tasked with regular training

1. Educational institutions tasked with regular training include:

a) Teacher training institutions: Pedagogical schools, educational institutions with teacher training departments, educational institutions authorized to train and educate teachers;

b) Management training institutions: Pedagogical schools, universities with education management departments, educational institutions authorized to train and educate management staff.

2. Institutions conducting regular training must meet the following requirements:

a) Be educational institutions stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article;

b) Ensure capability in developing regular training materials as stipulated in Article 7 of this Regulation;

c) Ensure a team of qualified instructors as stipulated in Article 9 of this Regulation;

d) Have appropriate facilities, technical equipment, and practical conditions for training, with an integrated information system to regularly collect and process data on instructors, teachers, and management staff; have a feedback system from related parties on advancements in training aimed at improving and enhancing the quality of training; maintain technology hardware and software for effective use by instructors and teachers, management staff;

3. Educational institutions conduct regular training through assignments or contracts.

According to the regulations, the following educational institutions will conduct regular training for teachers:

- Teacher training institutions: Pedagogical schools, educational institutions with teacher training departments, educational institutions authorized to train and educate teachers.

- Management training institutions: Pedagogical schools, universities with education management departments, educational institutions authorized to train and educate management staff.

However, these educational institutions must meet the stipulated requirements to conduct regular training activities, as specified in Clause 2, Article 10 of this Regulation.

Thus, pedagogical schools are educational institutions for teacher training.

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