What are guidelines on making an outline for expressive essay for grade 7 students in Vietnam? Is grade 7 Literature subject the same as Vietnamese Language subject?

What are guidelines on making an outline for expressive essay for grade 7 students in Vietnam? Is grade 7 Literature subject the same as Vietnamese Language subject?

What are guidelines on making an outline for expressive essay for grade 7 students in Vietnam?

Creating an outline for an expressive essay is one of the writing exercises that grade 7 students will learn and practice in their grade 7 Literature program.

Outline for expressive essay for grade 7 students


* Introduction:

Opening sentence:

Directly introduce the subject, event, or phenomenon you want to express (e.g., "Em yêu mùa thu lắm!", "Em rất thích chú chó nhà mình",...)

Lead in with a rhetorical question or a evocative image (e.g., "Ai đã từng một lần ngắm nhìn hoàng hôn buông xuống biển cả sẽ không thể nào quên được vẻ đẹp ấy", "Có ai từng cảm thấy lòng mình ấm áp khi được nghe tiếng chim hót vào buổi sáng?")

Topic sentence: Clearly state your feelings or emotions toward the subject (e.g., "Em yêu mùa thu bởi những cơn gió heo may se lạnh và những chiếc lá vàng rơi", "Chú chó nhà em là người bạn thân thiết nhất của em.")

* Body:

Describe the appearance, standout features of the subject:

Provide specific, vivid details so the reader can clearly visualize the subject (e.g., when describing a flower, you can describe its color, shape, and fragrance).

Recount memorable experiences related to the subject:

Share stories and memorable experiences with the subject (e.g., a fun memory of walking your dog, or a sad memory of being away from family).

Express your feelings and thoughts:

Use emotive words to convey your feelings (e.g., yêu thương, quý mến, ngưỡng mộ,...)

Explain why you have those feelings (e.g., Em yêu mùa thu vì mùa thu gợi nhớ đến những kỷ niệm tuổi thơ đẹp đẽ.)

* Conclusion:

Reaffirm your feelings: Emphasize your deep feelings towards the subject.

Expand: Relate to other things in life (e.g., Tình yêu đối với một loài hoa có thể giúp em yêu quý thiên nhiên hơn.)

A message: Convey meaningful messages to the reader (e.g., Encourage people to protect the environment, love animals, ...).


Topic: Write an expressive paragraph about your favorite flower.

* Outline:


I love roses.

Roses are magnificently beautiful, coming in vibrant colors.


Describe the beauty of roses: soft petals, bright pink color, thorns protecting the flower.

Recount the gift of roses you received on your birthday.

Express love for roses: Roses symbolize love, romance, and beauty.


Reaffirm love for roses.

Expand: Roses are not just beautiful but also carry many meanings.


Word choice: Choose evocative, image-rich words to make your essay more lively.

Organize ideas: Arrange your ideas in a logical sequence.

Sentence variety: Combine different types of sentences to avoid monotony.

Proofread: After writing, reread to check for spelling and grammar errors.

* Common Types of Expressive Essays:

- Expressing feelings about a person: friends, teachers, relatives,...

- Expressing feelings about an animal: dogs, cats, birds,...

- Expressing feelings about a thing: plants, objects,...

- Expressing feelings about a natural phenomenon: rain, sunshine, wind,...

- Expressing feelings about a holiday, an event,...

*Note: Information on creating an outline for an expressive essay is for reference only./.

Outline for a Grade 7 Expressive Essay? Is Grade 7 Literature the same as Vietnamese Language?

What are guidelines on making an outline for expressive essay for grade 7 students in Vietnam? Is grade 7 Literature subject the same as Vietnamese Language subject?​ (Image from the Internet)

Is grade 7 Literature subject the same as Vietnamese Language subject?

Based on Section I of the Appendix of the General Education Program for Literature issued in conjunction with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the characteristics of this subject at all educational levels, including grade 7, are specified as follows:

- Literature is a subject within the field of Language and Literature Education, taught from Grade 1 to Grade 12. At the primary level, it is called Vietnamese Language; at the secondary (lower secondary and upper secondary school) level, it is called Literature.

- Literature serves as a tool and an aesthetic-humanistic subject; it helps students acquire communication skills and forms a foundation for learning all other subjects and educational activities in school. It also plays a crucial role in educating students about the high cultural, literary, and linguistic values of the nation; develops in students healthy emotions, humanitarian sentiments, and benevolent lifestyles,...

- Through verbal texts and vivid artistic images in literary works, via reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities, Literature significantly aids students in shaping and developing good qualities and core competencies for effective living and lifelong learning.

- The content of Literature is integrative, encompassing cultural, ethical, philosophical knowledge,... that relate to other subjects and educational activities such as History, Geography, Arts, Civic Education, Foreign Languages, Natural and Social Sciences, Experiential Activities, Career Experience Activities,… It is closely tied to real life; helping students become more engaged in and capable of solving practical problems arising in daily life.

- The core content of the subject includes essential, foundational knowledge and skills in Vietnamese language and literature, meeting the quality and competency requirements of students at each education level; divided into two phases: Basic Education and Career Orientation Education.

- Basic Education Phase: The program is designed around main strands corresponding to skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Vietnamese language and literature knowledge is integrated in teaching reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The chosen materials are appropriate to the students' reception abilities at each education level.

The goal of this phase is to help students use Vietnamese fluently for effective communication in life and study all other subjects and activities well; shape and develop literary competence as an expression of aesthetic competence; foster students' thoughts and feelings for emotional and personal development.

- Career Orientation Education Phase: The program reinforces and enhances the results from the Basic Education phase, helping students improve linguistic and literary competence, especially in literary text reception; Strengthens skills in composing argumentative texts and informative texts with more complexity in content and writing techniques; provides some historical literary knowledge, literary theory beneficial for reading and writing about literature; continues to foster thoughts, emotions, and personalities to become responsible citizens. Additionally, each year, students oriented towards social sciences and humanities can choose to study some specialized topics.

These specialized topics aim to increase knowledge of literature and language, the ability to apply knowledge to practice, meeting the interests, needs, and career orientations of students.

Therefore, grade 7 Literature is indeed Vietnamese Language. However, at the primary level (Grade 1-5), it is called Vietnamese Language, and from Grade 6-12, it is called Literature.

What are regulations on periodic evaluations for grade 7 students in Vietnam?

Based on the provisions of Article 7 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT on the format of periodic evaluations for lower secondary school students:

- Periodic evaluations (not performed for clusters of specialized study topics), including midterm and end-of-term evaluations, are conducted through: tests (on paper or computer), practical exercises, and learning projects.

+ Test duration (on paper or computer) for subjects (excluding clusters of specialized study topics) with up to 70 periods per academic year is 45 minutes, for subjects (excluding clusters of specialized study topics) with over 70 periods per academic year, it is from 60 to 90 minutes; for specialized subjects, a maximum of 120 minutes.

+ For tests (on paper or computer) evaluated by scores, the test paper is constructed based on the test matrix, specification, meeting the requirements of the learning outcomes outlined in the General Education Curriculum.

+ For tests (on paper or computer) evaluated by comments, practical exercises, learning projects; there must be guidelines and evaluation criteria according to the learning outcomes specified in the General Education Curriculum before execution.

- In each semester, each subject evaluated by comments has 01 (one) midterm evaluation and 01 (one) end-of-term evaluation.

- In each semester, each subject evaluated by combined comments and scores has 01 (one) midterm score (abbreviated as SMUR) and 01 (one) end-of-term score (abbreviated as SEOT).

- Students who do not participate in the required number of evaluations must have justifiable reasons, and they are allowed make-up evaluations with requirements equivalent to the missed evaluations. Make-up evaluations are conducted each semester.

- If the student does not participate in make-up evaluations, they are evaluated as Not Met or receive a 0 (zero) score for the missed evaluation.

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