Employment - Salary laws In Vietnam

Pháp luật What are the regulations on determining employees working for enterprises and employees returning to the labor market in Vietnam for being received rent support? 01:28 28/04/2022
I have a question regarding social insurance. During the COVID-19 epidemic, there are employees leaving the labor market. After the pandemic, Vietnam social insurance statistics and support for employees working for enterprises and returning to the labor market. So, how to determine the employees working in the enterprise and the employees returning to the labor market for being received rent support? Hoping to get help soon! Thanks a lot!
Pháp luật Must the company increase annually wages for employees in Vietnam? 08:27 27/04/2022
I have a question on wages. I am working for a company in District 12, Ho Chi Minh City. Currently, I am not increased wages or proposed a raise. When I ask the company, I received an answer that the salary increase or not was depend on the company's regulations and the company found me unsuitable for a raise. So, must the company increase annually wages for employees in Vietnam? Look forward to Lawnet feedback soon!Thank you!
Pháp luật Vietnam: Increase the monthly allowance for police officers eligible for the monthly allowance from May 21, 2022 08:27 27/04/2022
My father is a soldier of the People's Public Security who participated in the resistance war against the US and has 16 years working in the People's Public Security before retiring. As I know, the Ministry of Public Security recently issued the circular to adjust the monthly allowance for people like my father. So, what is the monthly allowance adjusted and when will the new monthly allowance be applied? Thanks a lot!
Pháp luật New policies coming into effect from May 2022 in Vietnam: Changing the allowance for military personnel? What should wood processing and manufacturing enterprises pay attention to? 02:21 21/04/2022
I have a question that I hope will be answered soon. I am very interested in the new policies of the State of Vietnam in administrative management and serving people's lives. So I would to ask if there are any outstanding new policies effective from May 2022. Look forward to your feedback soon. Thank you.
Pháp luật Is the trade union required to elaborate a detailed plan of activities for the year, and obtain approval from the superior union to get financing from the bank account? 20:18 18/04/2022
As far as I know, after opening a trade union account at the bank, all union fees must be paid into that account. And every year, the trade union must have a detailed plan of activities in the year, approved by the superior union to get financing from that bank account, is it right? At the same time, I would like to know who are the subjects of remitting trade-union fee. What are the remittance level and methods of remitting trade-union fee? Thank you!