The latest list of positions subject to periodical reassignment in Vietnam

The latest list of positions subject to periodical reassignment in Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

Currently, what are the positions subject to periodical reassignment in Vietnam? – Phuong Linh (Tra Vinh, Vietnam)

Danh mục vị trí công tác phải định kỳ chuyển đổi mới nhất

The latest list of positions subject to periodical reassignment in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. The latest list of positions subject to periodical reassignment in Vietnam

The latest list of positions subject to periodical reassignment is specified in the Appendix issued with Decree 59/2019/ND-CP, as amended by Decree 134/2021/ND-CP as follows:

A. Managing budget, property of agencies, units in Vietnam

- Persons whose task is allocating the budget.

- Accountants.

- Persons whose task is public procuring.

B. Responding and handling affairs directly in Vietnam


- Persons whose tasks are assessing personnel to request the competent authorities to appoint, allocate, reassign, train and improve public officials and employees.

- Persons whose tasks are employing public officials and employees; setting examinations to increase titles of public officials and employees; setting examinations to increase rank of public employees.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing files relating the organizational structures and payroll to request approval from the competent authorities.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing projects on the establishment, rearrangement of various agencies, organizations, units and state enterprises, NGOs, industry associations.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing the application to establish, merge, divide or modify administrative subdivisions.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing files relating various methods of competing, awarding and disciplining to request approval from the competent authorities.

- Persons whose tasks are allocating education quota and budget.

- Persons whose tasks are managing, implementing salary policies for public officials, employees and workers.


- Persons whose task is managing entities subject to paying tax.

- Persons whose tasks are collecting, controlling, refunding, making statements on tax, managing and dispensing prints.

- Persons whose tasks are inspecting export and import goods.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing, examining and making statements on expenses in accordance with the Law on state budget.

- Persons whose task is licensing the operation of bank credit institutions.

- Persons whose tasks are implementing the extension of credit at state credit institutions; assessing and extending credit; implementing the accounting and checking safety management of vaults operations.

- Persons whose tasks are collecting public debt, bad debt; buying and selling debt; assessing and evaluating price in auctions.

- Persons whose tasks are dispensing money, goods belong to the State Treasury and state reserves.

- Persons whose tasks are paying social insurance and health insurance.

- Persons whose tasks are licensing the operation of foreign exchange, trading gold, silver, jewels.

1- Persons whose tasks are inspecting, supervising banking operations.


- Persons whose tasks are licensing various operations relating exporting importing, commerce services.

- Persons whose tasks are licensing operations relating guaranteeing safety standards in business operations.

- Persons whose tasks are controlling the markets.


- Persons whose task is licensing the operations relating construction.

- Persons whose task is assessing the construction projects.

- Persons whose task is managing the planning for construction.

- Persons whose tasks are managing, supervising the quality of constructions.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing, making plans, controlling, supervising, allocating, compensating, clearing land.


- Persons whose tasks are assessing the technical features, managing traffic works.

- Persons whose task is registering the means of transportation.

- Persons whose tasks are testing, licensing the persons controlling vehicles.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing, making plans, controlling, supervising, allocating, compensating, clearing land.


- Persons whose task is providing the food safety and hygiene permit.

- Persons whose tasks are licensing the medical, medicine operations.

- Persons whose tasks are licensing, certifying the facilities qualified for manufacturing cattle, poultry feeds

- Persons whose task is licensing the import of modern medicines.

- Persons whose tasks are licensing the import of insecticides, sterilizing chemicals.

- Persons whose task is licensing the import of cosmetics.

- Persons whose tasks are inspecting the standards and quality of products.

- Persons whose tasks are managing, supervising, providing various medication; herbal ingredients, medical equipments, supplies; colored products relating healthcare and social benefits.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing and evaluating various kinds of modern medicines.


- Persons whose tasks are assessing the application and licensing the provision of international travel services.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing the application and providing the national heritage certificate.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing the application and licensing the permit for the exploration, excavation relating archaeology.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing the application and providing the permit for bringing the antiques that do not belong to the state, political organizations, socio-political organizations overseas.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing the application and licensing art shows, fashion shows, beauty and model contests.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing the application and licensing the import of cultural products for non-commercial purposes.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing the application, requesting the competent authorities to recognize the rating of tourist accommodation establishments.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing and licensing the shows, performances, acts of Vietnamese organizations and individuals perform overseas and of foreign organizations and individuals perform in Vietnam.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing, requesting to approve projects relating preserving and restoring national historical heritage and special national site as per law.

- Persons whose tasks are requesting approval or entering an agreement on constructions in protected areas II of national heritage and special national site.


- Persons whose tasks are licensing the operation of post. telecommunication, information technology, press and publishing.

- Persons whose tasks are providing and allocating information resources (digital databases, frequency, Internet resources, satellite orbit).

- Persons whose task is managing advertisements on radio devices, televisions and Internet.

- Persons whose tasks are allocating, assessing and managing various projects relating information technology and communication.


- Persons whose tasks are licensing the land use rights, the land lease rights, the land allocation rights, land-attached asset ownership and use rights.

- Persons whose tasks are licensing the scouting, exploration, extraction and processing minerals.

- Persons whose tasks are licensing the processing and transportation of toxic waste.

- Persons whose tasks are providing the certificate of conformity with environment standards.

- Persons whose tasks are licensing the exploration, extraction and use of water resources and releasing wastewater into the water sources.

- Persons whose tasks are processing the application for land allocation, lease, expropriation, repurposing, use rights registration, land-attached asset ownership and use rights.

- Persons whose tasks are selling, leasing the land-attached assets; allocating quota; managing the application of compensation, determining land users belong to compensated, aided subjects; level of compensation, aid during land clearance.

- Persons whose task is sanctioning violations relating environment.


- Persons whose tasks are managing species on the precious and rare lists

- Persons whose task is quarantining animals.

- Persons whose task is managing forest.

- Persons whose tasks are managing the veterinary drugs, agrochemical, animal, cattle, poultry diseases.

- Persons whose tasks are monitoring, managing the protection of aquatic resources, controlling quality of safety and hygiene, veterinary, fishery.


- Persons whose tasks are assessing, certifying the investment into Vietnam and out of Vietnam.

- Persons whose task is assessing the projects.

- Persons whose tasks are bidding and managing the bidding.

- Persons whose tasks are establishing, allocating and managing capital plans.

- Persons whose task is managing the planning.

- Persons whose tasks are managing the industrial parks - export-processing zones.

- Persons whose tasks are managing enterprises and registrations of business.

- Persons whose task is managing the ODA.

- Persons whose tasks are receiving and processing the consular files.


- Enforcement officers of civil judgement enforcement authorities of all levels.

- Civil judgement assessment officer.

- Persons whose tasks are registering for marriage involving foreigners, registering security interest.

- Persons whose tasks are correcting and certifying the judicial documents.


- Persons whose task is assessing the application for bringing Vietnamese laborers overseas for contract works.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing the application for establishing vocational college, professional intermediate school; licensing the operation of vocational training for vocation facilities; allocating the quota and expenses of providing vocational education.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing the dossier of persons having rendered meritorious services; Approving, dispensing benefits to the persons having rendered meritorious services.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing and providing the certificate of eligibility to inspect technical safety.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing and issuing work permits for foreign workers in Vietnam.


- Persons whose tasks are collaborating, exchanging foreign science and technology.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing the application for issuance, amendment, suspension, extension of various permits, certifications, registration relating the state management in science and technology.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing, evaluating the use of technology for investment projects.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing, consulting the provision of Intellectual property certificates.

- Persons whose tasks are allocating, assessing various scientific research relating Science and Technology.


- Persons whose tasks are enrolling, training in public schools.

- Persons whose tasks are allocating the enrollment and training quota to various schools in the national education system; allocating training quota for post-graduate and overseas education.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing, approving education and improvement programmes of schools in the national education system.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing textbooks, teaching equipments, other technical supplies support the teaching and research.

- Persons whose tasks are assessing the application for establishing schools in national education system.

- Persons whose tasks are managing various projects relating Education and Training.

- Persons whose tasks are allocating, assessing various scientific research relating Education and Training.


- Policy assistants of Military commands of districts.

- Military Commanders of the Military Commands of districts and similar levels.

- Directors of employment services Centers of provinces.

- heads, vices of Border guard posts.

- Personnel assistants, Officer assistants of Regiment or higher.

- Assistant managers of cadets, enrolment, policies and insurance of various schools.


- Persons whose tasks are providing visa, managing the entry and exit, migrating, residing of foreigners in Vietnam.

- Persons whose task is supervising border checkpoints.

- Persons whose tasks are registering and providing license plate for various vehicles; patrolling, inspecting and taking administrative sanctions for road, waterway or railway traffic violations.

- Persons whose tasks are registering and managing registration books.

- Persons whose tasks are registering, managing conditional business lines.

- Investigators, scouts (for various fields such as: economic, anti-corruption, smuggling, crime, drugs, environment).

- Persons whose tasks are assessing and approving the fire prevention design, examining the fire prevention safety.

- Persons whose task is conscripting the citizens to join the People’s Public Security for specific term, employing officials.

- Persons whose task is taking actions against the violations relating public safety and order.

- Supervisors and wardens in the prisons, detention centers.

- Warehouse-keepers, treasures, capital managers, property, asset, vehicle managers, managing and assessing projects, managing constructions and investment plans, purchasing, dispensing and managing weapons, resources, managing supplies.


- Persons whose tasks are inspecting, meeting citizens, handling complaints, denunciation and anti-corruption works of agencies, organizations and units.

- Officials who are assigned to carry out specialized inspections.

2. Reassignment periods in Vietnam

According to Clause 2, Article 25 of the Anti-corruption Law 2018, rhe aforementioned office holders shall be reassigned every 2 – 5 years depending on their fields.


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