Guidance on activities involved in humanitarian healthcare or not-for-profit healthcare in Vietnam

Guidance on activities involved in humanitarian healthcare or not-for-profit healthcare in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

Below are the regulations on activities involved in humanitarian healthcare or not-for-profit healthcare in Vietnam

Guidelines  on  Humanitarian  and  Non-Profit  Medical  Examination  and  Treatment  Activities

Guidance on activities involved in humanitarian healthcare or not-for-profit healthcare in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. Guidance on activities involved in humanitarian healthcare or not-for-profit healthcare in Vietnam

According to Article 88 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023, the activities involved in humanitarian healthcare or not-for-profit healthcare in Vietnam, are as follows:

- Domestic and foreign organizations or individuals have the right to propose humanitarian medical examination and treatment, and non-profit medical examination and treatment in Vietnam.

- Conditions for carrying out periodic humanitarian medical examination and treatment are stipulated as follows:

+ Conducted by the practitioners or individuals specified in Clause 3, Article 19 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023;

+ Conducted by health examination and treatment facilities or organizations licensed to operate in Vietnam;

+ Have financial resources for organizing humanitarian medical examination and treatment, and offer all services free of charge for those undergoing humanitarian medical examination and treatment;

+ Approved by competent authorities in accordance with Vietnamese Government regulations.

- Conditions for licensing the operation of humanitarian medical examination and treatment facilities, and non-profit medical examination and treatment facilities are as follows:

+ Meet the requirements for receiving operational licenses in accordance with the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023;

+ Humanitarian health examination and treatment facilities must have financial resources for organizing humanitarian medical examination and treatment, and offer all services free of charge for those undergoing humanitarian medical examination and treatment;

+ Non-profit health examination and treatment facilities must commit to operating non-profitably, without withdrawing capital; annual income belonging to the undivided common property is used to reinvest in the development of the health examination and treatment facilities. The commitment must be recorded in the decision on the establishment or conversion of the health examination and treatment facility.

2. Incentives for humanitarian healthcare or not-for-profit healthcare facilities in Vietnam

The incentives for humanitarian healthcare or not-for-profit healthcare facilities in Vietnam are defined in Article 89 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023 as follows:

- When established, humanitarian and non-profit health examination and treatment facilities shall enjoy preferential policies as regulated by law.

- Such facilities must carry out financial, accounting, auditing, tax, asset valuation, and financial disclosure policies as regulated by law, in which the indivisible income of non-profit health examination and treatment facilities is not subject to tax.

3. Principles of provision of medical services in Vietnam

The principles of provision of medical services in Vietnam are stipulated in Article 3 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023 as follows:

- Respect, protect, and treat patients equally without stigma or discrimination.

- Prioritize medical examination and treatment for emergency cases, children under 06 years old, pregnant women, individuals with severe disabilities, individuals aged 75 and over, and people credited with revolution-related achievements in accordance with the specific circumstances of health examination and treatment facilities.

- Respect, cooperate with, and protect practitioners and other individuals performing tasks at health examination and treatment facilities.

- Perform promptly and comply with technical professional regulations.

- Adhere to the professional ethical standards in medical examination and treatment issued by the Minister of Health.

- Ensure equality and fairness among health examination and treatment facilities.


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