Security measures for a particularly important event in Vietnam

Security measures for a particularly important event in Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

What are the regulations on security measures for a particularly important event in Vietnam? – Khanh Vy (Binh Dinh)

Security measures for a particularly important event in Vietnam

Security measures for a particularly important event in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet responded as follows:

1. What are particularly important events that require security guard?

According to Clause 4, Article 10 of the Law on Security Guard 2017, particularly important events that require security guard in Vietnam include:

(i) National Congress of the Party;

(ii) Conference of the Central Committee of the Party;

(iii) Sessions of the National Assembly;

(iv) Meetings of the Politburo, the Secretariat, the National Defense and Security Council, the National Assembly Standing Committee, and the Government;

(v) Conferences and festivals organized by the Central Committee of the Party and the State; the national congress of delegates organized by a socio-political organization at the central level; international conferences held in Vietnam where the subjects of bodyguard specified in Clause 1, Point a and Point b, Clause 2, Article 10 of the Law on Security Guard 2017 attend or chair the conference.

2. Security measures for a particularly important event in Vietnam

Specifically, Article 14 of the Law on Security Guard 2017 stipulates security measures for particularly important events as follows:

(1) Based on the scale, nature, location, and security and order situation at the time of the event, the objects of the guard specified in Section 1 may apply one or more of the following security measures: :

- Patrolling and guarding the area and venue;

- Temporarily suspending traffic activities in the area and venue;

- Checking security, controlling people, objects, and vehicles entering and leaving the area and venue;

- Other professional measures as prescribed by the National Security Law and the People's Public Security Law.

(2) For delegates when attending the event specified in (i), (ii), (iii), (v) in item 1, the following security measures shall be applied:

- Patrolling and guarding the concentrated residence of delegates;

- Checking the security and safety of means of transporting and picking up delegates;

- Checking food, drinking water, objects, and means of entering and leaving the delegate's concentrated residence area;

- Organizing specialized professional forces and means when the delegates work together in large numbers and many delegations travel by car, train, or boat;

- Other professional measures as prescribed by the Law on National Security and the Law on People's Public Security

3. Principles of security guard work in Vietnam

Security guard work in Vietnam must ensure the principles specified in Article 5 of the Law on Security Guard 2017 as follows:

- Complying with the Constitution and laws, ensure the interests of the State, and the lawful rights and interests of organizations and individuals.

- Under the absolute and direct leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam in all aspects, the unified management of the State, the direct direction of the Minister of Public Security, and the Minister of National Defense.

- Proactively preventing, detecting, and promptly stopping all plots, activities, acts, and other factors infringing upon the safety of the guard subjects.

- Relying on the People, promoting the synergy of the political system and the whole society; combining public and covert activities to carry out security work.

- Ensuring centralized and unified command and direction from the central to local levels.

4. Prohibited acts in security guard work in Vietnam

Prohibited acts in security guard work in Vietnam include:

- Using weapons, explosives, inflammable, biological poisons, toxic chemicals, radioactive substances, supporting tools, or other factors to cause danger or threaten to infringe on the safety of the objects of the security guard.

- Opposing or obstructing the activities of the Guard forces and agencies, organizations, and individuals when participating in and coordinating the performance of the guard work.

- Causing loss of security and order; illegal gatherings of people in the area, for the purpose of guarding.

- Disclosure of confidential information related to the object of the guard, the work of the guard.

- Forging, appropriating, trading, illegally using, destroying, or falsifying papers and documents related to security work.

- Taking advantage of, abusing the duties and powers of the Guard force or taking advantage of participation in or coordination in the performance of guard work to infringe upon the interests of the State; legitimate rights, and interests of organizations and individuals.

- Discrimination on gender in security work.

- Acts that adversely affect the reputation, honor, and dignity of the guard object; of officers and soldiers when performing their duties; of agencies, organizations, and individuals when participating in and coordinating in security work.

(Article 9 of the Law on Security Guard 2017)


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