Procedure for Issuing Certificates of Eligibility for Business Operations in the Sport of Lion Dance

Procedure for Issuing Certificates of Eligibility for Business Operations in the Sport of Lion Dance
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

Procedure for Issuing Certificate of Eligibility for Sports Business Operations for Lion and Dragon Dance – Thai Vy (Dong Nai)

How is the procedure for issuing a certificate of eligibility for sports business operations for Lion and Dragon Dance regulated?

Procedure for Issuance of Certificate of Eligibility for Business in Sports Activities for the Lion and Dragon Dance Class

Procedure for Issuance of Certificate of Eligibility for Business in Sports Activities for the Lion and Dragon Dance Class (Image from the internet)

On this matter, LawNet provides the following explanation:

The procedure for the issuance of the Certificate of Eligibility for Business in Sports Activities for the Lion and Dragon Dance class is regulated in Decision 775/QD-BVHTTDL of 2024 as follows:

1. Dossier for Issuance of Certificate of Eligibility for Business in Sports Activities for the Lion and Dragon Dance Class

- Components of the dossier:

(1) Application form for the Issuance of Certificate of Eligibility for Business in Sports Activities (according to Form No. 02, Appendix III of Decree 31/2024/ND-CP dated March 15, 2024)

(2) Copy of the Enterprise Registration Certificate;

(3) Summary of the preparation for business conditions (according to Form No. 3, Appendix of Decree 36/2019/ND-CP dated April 29, 2019), including:

- Number of dossiers: (01) set.

- Method of dossier submission: Submission via postal service or in the electronic environment or direct submission.

2. Procedures for Issuance of Certificate of Eligibility for Business in Sports Activities for the Lion and Dragon Dance Class

- The enterprise submits the dossier via postal service or in the electronic environment or direct submission to the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism under the Provincial People's Committee of the place where the business location is registered or where the enterprise’s headquarters are located in case the enterprise has multiple business locations for sports activities.

- The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism under the Provincial People's Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Certifying Authority) issues a dossier receipt to the enterprise.

- In case the dossier needs amendments or supplements, the Certifying Authority shall notify directly or in writing the contents to be amended or supplemented to the enterprise within 03 working days from the date of receiving the dossier.

3. Conditions for Issuance of Certificate of Eligibility for Business in Sports Activities for the Lion and Dragon Dance Class

(1) Facilities

* Indoor, courtyard, and performance activities of the Lion and Dragon Dance class must meet the following requirements:

- Training floor area must be at least 200m2;

- The floor surface must be flat and non-slippery;

- The distance from the floor to the ceiling must be at least 05m. In case of using Mai Hoa Thung (plum blossom poles), the distance from the floor to the ceiling must be at least 07m;

- Lighting system must ensure illuminance from 150 Lux or higher;

- Must have areas for sanitation, changing clothes, and for storing personal belongings for trainees;

- Must have a rules board specifying the primary contents as follows: Training hours, participants in training, those who are not allowed to participate in training, attire when participating in training, safety measures during training.

* Outdoor training, competition, and performance activities of the Lion and Dragon Dance class must meet the following requirements:

- Training floor area must be at least 200m2;

- The floor surface must be flat and non-slippery;

- Lighting system must ensure illuminance from 150 Lux or higher;

- Must have areas for sanitation, changing clothes, and for storing personal belongings for trainees;

- Must have a rules board specifying the primary contents as follows: Training hours, participants in training, those who are not allowed to participate in training, attire when participating in training, safety measures during training.

(2) Equipment

- Dragon heads, Dragon bodies, Lion heads, Lion tails, types of costumes, and props such as drums, gongs, cymbals must ensure safety and comply with the current Lion and Dragon Dance competition rules or according to the traditions of each locality.

- Equipment and props used for training, competition, and performance which are primitive weapons must be managed and used in accordance with legal regulations.

- Mai Hoa Thung (plum blossom poles): The height of the highest pole must not exceed 03m. The surroundings of the Mai Hoa Thung must have protective cushions.

- The climbing Lion pole must be sturdy. The maximum height should not exceed 10m. Poles from 06m or more must be metal. The base system of the pole must be sturdy, with support ropes, surrounding cushions, and safety ropes ensuring safety for trainees.

(3) Training instructor density: Each training instructor guides no more than 30 people per training session.

(4) Specialized staff: Must have a team of personnel and specialized staff suitable for the content of the activities.


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