Position, functions and organization of aviation security control forces in Vietnam

Position, functions and organization of aviation security control forces in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

Position, functions and organization of aviation security control forces in Vietnam are stipulated in Decree 92/2015/ND-CP.

Position,  Functions,  and  Organization  of  the  Aviation  Security  Control  Force

Position, functions and organization of aviation security control forces in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

1. Position, functions and organization of aviation security control forces in Vietnam

The position, functions and organization of aviation security control forces in Vietnam as stipulated in Article 28 of Decree 92/2015/ND-CP are as follows:

- The aviation security control force is organized under the direction of the Ministry of Transport to implement measures ensuring aviation security and to provide aviation security services at airports, airfields, and cargo and mail processing facilities for boarding aircraft.

- Enterprises providing air navigation services must organize the aviation security control force to ensure aviation security at air navigation service facilities located outside restricted areas of airports and airfields.

- Enterprises engaged in manufacturing, maintaining, and repairing aircraft and aircraft equipment must organize the aviation security control force to ensure aviation security at manufacturing, maintenance, and repair facilities of aircraft and aircraft equipment.

- Vietnamese airlines and enterprises engaged in general aviation business must organize the aviation security control force to implement aviation security measures on aircraft and during aircraft operations outside airport and airfield areas.

2. Duties and powers of the aviation security control forces in Vietnam

The duties and powers of the aviation security control forces in Vietnam as stipulated in Article 30 of Decree 92/2015/ND-CP are as follows:

- Organize the implementation of the related Aviation Security Program and Regulations; perform aviation security control tasks within their authority.

- Initially respond to acts of unlawful interference with civil aviation operations at related facilities. Secure the scene in cases of aviation security threats and unlawful interference with civil aviation operations.

- Propose to the Director of the Aviation Authority of Vietnam and the Inspectorate of Aviation to suspend flights to prevent potential threats to the security and safety of flights.

- Coordinate with relevant agencies and units to search for, remove, and handle bombs, mines, biological weapons, chemical weapons, and radioactive substances; prevent epidemics at airports, airfields, and on aircraft; handle luggage, cargo, mail, and other items containing dangerous goods.

- In the course of duty, within their authority, they are permitted to temporarily detain individuals, inspect, and temporarily hold identification documents of those posing aviation security and safety threats; seize weapons, explosives, inflammable materials, and other dangerous items illegally brought into restricted areas; enforce measures against those obstructing or resisting.

- Record incidents involving individuals posing aviation security threats or disruptive passengers; notify the relevant Aviation Authority of Vietnam for handling or transfer to competent state authorities for handling according to legal regulations; request airlines to deny boarding to passengers for security reasons as per regulations.

- Be equipped and permitted to use weapons and supportive tools to perform their duties as per legal regulations. Have uniforms, insignia, badges, equipment, and means to perform their duties.

- The aviation security control force at airports and airfields provides aviation security services.

3. Requirements for aviation security control forces in Vietnam

The equirements for aviation security control forces in Vietnam as stipulated in Article 29 of Decree 92/2015/ND-CP are as follows:

- Must have an independent organizational system.

- Heads of departments within the system must not hold concurrent positions and must be approved as per regulations.

- Aviation security control personnel must be recruited, trained, and licensed according to regulations.


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