Tasks and powers of the People's Council of Da Nang City, Vietnam from January 01, 2025

On June 26, 2024, the National Assembly passed Resolution 136/2024/QH15 on the organization of urban government and pilot implementation of certain special mechanisms and policies for the development of Da Nang City, Vietnam.

Tasks and powers of the People's Council of Da Nang City, Vietnam from January 01, 2025

The People's Council of Da Nang City, Vietnam shall perform the tasks and exercise the powers as stipulated in the Law on Organization of Local Government 2015, other relevant legal regulations, and the following tasks and powers:

- Decide on the state budget revenue estimates in the locality; local budget revenue and expenditure estimates and the allocation of budget estimates within their level, including the budget estimates for lower-level local governments; adjust local budget estimates when necessary; approve local budget settlements;

- Decide on long-term, medium-term, and annual socio-economic development plans of the City, including medium-term and annual socio-economic development plans of districts and annual socio-economic development plans of wards;

- Approve the establishment, dissolution, merger, division, and adjustment of the administrative boundaries of districts and wards;

- Supervise the compliance with the Constitution, laws, and the implementation of resolutions of the People's Council of the City in districts and wards; supervise the activities of the District People's Committee, Ward People's Committee, District People's Court, and District People's Procuracy;

- The City's People's Council deputies have the right to question the Chairman of the District People's Committee, the Chief Judge of the District People's Court, and the Chief Procurator of the District People's Procuracy. The City's People's Council shall review the responses to the questions posed;

- Elect district-level People's Court jurors based on the nomination from the City's Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; dismiss and remove jurors of the district People's Court upon the recommendation of the Chief Judge of the City's People's Court after consulting with the same level Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee;

- Based on the type of lower-level administrative unit, economic activities, and specific characteristics of the locality, decide on the number of officials working in wards and communes as per the regulations of the Government of Vietnam.

More details can be found in Resolution 136/2024/QH15 which comes into force in Vietnam from January 01, 2025.

Resolution 119/2020/QH14 on piloting the organization of the urban government model and some specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Da Nang City, Vietnam shall expire when Resolution 136/2024/QH15 comes into effect.


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