What kind of vehicles are considered oversized vehicles?

Circular 46/2015/TT-BGTVT prescribes the load, road boundary dimensions; circulation of overloaded vehicles, oversized vehicles, tracked vehicles on roads; transportation of super-heavy, super-sized goods; limits for loading goods on vehicles when participating in road traffic, issued by the Minister of Transport on September 07, 2015.

oversized vehicle limits, Circular 46/2015/TT-BGTVT

Illustrative image (Source: Internet)

Circular 46/2015/TT-BGTVT stipulates that an overloaded vehicle is a road motor vehicle whose total weight or axle load exceeds the load capacity of the road. An oversized vehicle is a road motor vehicle with one of the dimensions, including the goods loaded on the vehicle (if any), exceeding the maximum permissible dimensions of vehicles when participating in road traffic, specifically as follows:

- Length greater than 20 meters or more than 1.1 times the total length of the vehicle;- Width greater than 2.5 meters;- Height measured from the road surface upwards greater than 4.2 meters (excluding container trucks).

In addition, specialized motorcycles with a total weight or axle load exceeding the load capacity of the road or whose dimensions exceed the maximum permissible size specified in Clause 2 of this Article when participating in road traffic are considered overloaded or oversized vehicles.

Furthermore, the Circular also stipulates that the circulation of overloaded, oversized vehicles, and tracked vehicles on roads must ensure traffic safety and road infrastructure safety. Organizations and individuals who own vehicles, transporters, transport hirers, or vehicle drivers circulating overloaded, oversized vehicles, and tracked vehicles on roads must comply with the following regulations:

- Possess an Overloaded, Oversized Vehicle Circulation Permit, or Tracked Vehicle Permit issued by the competent authority;- Comply with the stipulations recorded in the Circulation Permit.

Note: Vehicles carrying goods exceeding the permissible load capacity of the vehicle as designed by the manufacturer or exceeding the permissible load capacity stated in the Certificate of Technical Safety Inspection and Environmental Protection are not allowed to circulate on roads.

For details, refer to Circular 46/2015/TT-BGTVT, effective from December 01, 2015.

Le Hai


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