Vietnam: Probationers may leave the locality for no more than 5 days

On August 23, 2001, the Government of Vietnam issued the Decree No. 53/2001/NĐ-CP guiding the enforcement of the residence ban and probation penalties.

Người bị quản chế được rời khỏi địa phương, Nghị định 53/2001/NĐ-CP

According to Article 11 of the Decree No. 53/2001/NĐ-CP of the Government of Vietnam, probationers shall have the obligation as follows:

- To return to the localities which are mandated in the judgments to be their probation places immediately after they have completely served their imprisonment penalty, present themselves to the commune-level People’s Committees and produce the certificates of their complete serving of the imprisonment penalty;

- To submit to the management, supervision and education by the local administrations and people; not to leave their probation places without permission;

- Once in the first week of every month, to present themselves and report to the commune-level People’s Committees of their probation places on their observance of the probation regulations;

- When the People’s Committees of different levels request, to be present at the designated places and answer all related questions; in case of absence, there must be plausible reasons;

- To strictly observe the policies and laws of the State and regulations of the local administrations; to actively labor, study and reform themselves to become useful to the society.

However, probationers may travel out of the communes, wards or townships where they are put on probation for a given period to settle personal matters in case of plausible reasons and having the consent of the commune-level People’s Committees of the places where they serve their probation penalty and the written permission of the competent authorities. The period during which the probationers are permitted to travel outside the localities where they are put on probation shall be decided by competent authorities but must not exceed five days each time (Article 13 of the Decree No. 53/2001/NĐ-CP).

More details at the Decree No. 53/2001/NĐ-CP, effective from September 07, 2001.

Le Thanh


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