Pursuant to the Promulgation of Legal Normative Documents

This is a notable content stipulated in Circular 21/2016/TT-BGTVT issued by the Ministry of Transport on August 25, 2016.

Circular 21 stipulates that the basis for issuing legal normative documents is a higher-level legal normative document currently in effect, published, or signed for issuance but not yet effective, provided it takes effect before or at the same time as the issued document.

In detail:

- The basis for issuing documents includes legal normative documents that stipulate the authority and functions of the issuing agency and higher legal normative documents that provide the content and foundation for issuing the document.- If the higher-level legal normative document has provisions detailing specific points, the detailed document must specify those points in the basis for issuing the document.- In cases where the document details multiple points or both details the delegated provisions and other contents, it is not necessary to specifically state all the detailed provisions in the basis for issuing the document.- The basis for issuing the document should be presented in regular lowercase letters, italic font, size 14, placed below the title of the document; after each basis, a new line should be started, ending with a semicolon (;); and the last line should end with a period (.).

See details at Circular 21/2016/TT-BGTVT effective from October 15, 2016.

-Thao Uyen-


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