Vietnam: Job opportunities for graduates of warehouse management and building management program

Recently, the Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs issued Circular 20/2019/TT-BLDTBXH stipulating the minimum amount of knowledge and competency requirements that learners must achieve after graduating from intermediate and college levels in fields of business, management, and law in Vietnam.

Vị  trí  việc  làm  sau  tốt  nghiệp  ngành  quản  lý  kho  hàng,  quản  lý  tòa  nhà,  Thông  tư  20/2019/TT-BLĐTBXH

Vietnam: Job opportunities for graduates of warehouse management and building management program

Circular 20/2019/TT-BLDTBXH stipulates the job positions after graduation in the fields of Warehouse Management and Building Management for college and intermediate levels as follows:

Field, Occupation College Level Intermediate Level
Warehouse Management

- Inventory Management- Receiving Warehouse

- Issuing Warehouse

- Project Management

- Warehouse Operation Management

- Warehouse Operations Coordination

- Warehouse Documentation Management

- Loading and Unloading Operations in Warehouse

- Packaging Goods

- Processing Incoming Goods Data- Processing Outgoing Goods Data

- Emergency Incident Management

- Quality and Risk Management.

- Goods Receipt and Delivery

- Inventory Management

- Receiving Warehouse

- Issuing Warehouse

- Warehouse Operations Coordination

- Warehouse Documentation Management

- Loading and Unloading Operations in Warehouse

- Packaging Goods

- Quality and Risk Management.

Building Management

- General Administrative Management

- Building Security Management

- Building Landscape and Environmental Sanitation Management

- Electrical System Management and Operation

- Ventilation and Air Conditioning System Management and Operation

- Elevator System Management and Operation

- Low Voltage System Management and Operation

- Water Supply and Drainage System Management and Operation

- Fire Protection Management and Operation

- Building Structure and Architecture Maintenance Management.

- General Administrative Management

- Building Security Management

- Building Landscape and Environmental Sanitation Management

- Electrical System Management and Operation

- Ventilation and Air Conditioning System Management and Operation- Elevator System Management and Operation

- Low Voltage System Management and Operation

- Water Supply and Drainage System Management and Operation

- Fire Protection Management and Operation.

Details can be found in Circular 20/2019/TT-BLDTBXH which comes into force in Vietnam from February 6, 2020.

Ty Na


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