Vietnam: 04 Requirements of Competency for graduates of college training program in Legal Services

On December 23, 2019, the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs issued Circular 20/2019/TT-BLDTBXH regulating the minimum volume of knowledge, and competency requirements that learners must achieve after graduating from intermediate-level, college-level programs in business, management, and law fields in Vietnam.

04 Yêu cầu năng lực của  ngành nghề dịch vụ pháp lý trình độ cao đẳng, thông tư 20/2019/TT-BLĐTBXH

Vietnam: 04 Requirements of Competency for graduates of college training program in Legal Services 

Circular 20/2019/TT-BLDTBXH stipulates that College-Level Legal Services is a profession that provides legal services and solutions in various fields: legal service office operations; grassroots justice; notarization, authentication; legal consulting; corporate legal affairs. To practice legal services, students of the college-level legal service profession must meet the following competency requirements:

1. Knowledge

- Explain the branches of law in the Vietnamese legal system;

- Analyze basic legal relations in different fields;

- Distinguish legal relations within the same group of sectors or legal fields;

- Express legal requirements for issues that need handling and resolution during job execution;

- Explain the rights and obligations of subjects in specific legal relations;

- Synthesize legal knowledge to advise leaders or clients;

- Present and apply the steps to provide legal services to clients;

- Present basic knowledge about politics, culture, society, law, national defense and security, and physical education as required.

2. Skills

- Develop a plan to perform tasks as required by the job;

- Research legal normative documents related to job requirements;

- Develop relationships and communicate with clients;

- Advise clients on solutions for certain legal situations as prescribed;

- Use and analyze basic knowledge about politics, culture, society, national defense, and security in the job;

- Use in-depth knowledge in the legal fields of civil, family marriage, labor, business, and commerce to resolve specific legal issues;

- Use basic information technology as required; apply information technology in certain professional tasks of the profession;

- Use basic foreign languages, achieve level 2/6 in the Vietnam Foreign Language Competency Framework; apply foreign languages to some professional tasks of the profession.

3. Degree of Autonomy and Responsibility

- Evaluate the quality of work after completion and the results of group members;

- Work independently or in groups to solve complex tasks and issues in changing work conditions;

- Guide and supervise others in performing specified tasks;

- Take personal responsibility and responsibility for the group;

- Evaluate the quality of work after completion and the results of group members

- Be aware of studying, training, and enhancing professional qualifications;

- Be responsible for the preservation of documents and records in the office;

- Comply with legal regulations and the regulations of the Legal Service profession when contacting, collecting information, and managing information of agencies, units, organizations, and clients.

4. Job Positions After Graduation

- Legal assistant in judicial support professions;

- Grassroots justice;

- Notarization and authentication;

- Legal consulting;

- Corporate legal affairs;

- Bailiff;

- Asset management and liquidation.

More details can be found in Circular 20/2019/TT-BLDTBXH, which comes into force in Vietnam from February 6, 2020.

Ty Na


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