Responsibilities of enterprises in the risk management and emergency response plan in Vietnam

Below are the most typical and important contents specified in Circular 43/2010/TT-BCT on regulations on safety management in industry and trade, recently issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam.

Responsibilities of enterprises in the risk management and emergency response plan in Vietnam

Responsibilities of enterprises in the risk management and emergency response plan in Vietnam (Internet image)

Article 5 and Article 6 of Circular 43/2010/TT-BCT stipulates the following:

1. Responsibilities of enterprises in the risk management in Vietnam

- Set up the content of risk assessment, including:

= Hazard identification;

= Risk Assessment;

= Measures to control and minimize risk.

- Risk assessment is carried out by the quantitative method or qualitative method. In case where there is no provision on risk assessment by quantitative method, enterprise may choose risk assessment by qualitative method.

- To periodically update analysis report, risk assessment (to be determined, analyzed and evaluated for all projects, production lines, machines, equipments, dangerous substances ...) as prescribed for each particular field or 3 years period for fields still not yet specified.

- In case where an enterprise with a change in technology, machinery, equipment, scale, production site or after accidents and incidents, need to be conducted again risk assessment in order to be fit for those changes.

2. Responsibilities of enterprises in the emergency response plan in Vietnam

- To set up an emergency response plan as prescribed by law for each specific line, and must be fit for the system of national emergency response. Emergency response plan include at least the following:

= Organization chart, decentralization of responsibilities and report system when an accident occurs or the appearance of dangerous situations;

= Contact chart and report to competent authorities;

= Existing resources within and outside or to be mobilized to effectively rescue emergencies;

= Minutes of result assessment on practice and rehearsal handling hypothetical situations in enterprises.

- Member of Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and Search and Rescue of enterprises must be trained, coached skills and plan for emergency response.

- To establish a Committee of emergency rescue (for enterprise required to have under provisions of law).

More details can be found in Circular 43/2010/TT-BCT, which comes into force from February 14, 2011.

Nguyen Phu


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