Regulations on the database of investment and construction projects and construction works in Vietnam

Regulations on the database of investment and construction projects and construction works in Vietnam
Tấn Đại

The following article contains content about the database of investment and construction projects and construction works in Vietnam as specified in Decree 111/2024/ND-CP.

Regulations  on  the  Database  of  Investment  Construction  Projects,  Construction  Works

Regulations on the database of investment and construction projects and construction works in Vietnam (Internet image)

On September 06, 2024, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree 111/2024/ND-CP regulating the information system, the National Database on construction in Vietnam.

Regulations on the database of investment and construction projects and construction works in Vietnam

According to Article 7 of Decree 111/2024/ND-CP on the database of investment and construction projects and construction works in Vietnam:

- Information about investment construction projects collected and updated in the National Database on construction activities includes:

+ General information: Project name, project group; construction site; investment decision-maker; project investor; investment objectives and scale;

+ Detailed information: Documents from competent state authorities, results of administrative procedures in accordance with construction law and other relevant laws (if any), documents related to the investment construction project and some or all information in these documents, including:

++  Documents  on  investment  policy  from  competent  state  authorities;

++  Decisions  approving  construction  planning  or  other  specialized  technical  planning  used  as  a  basis  for  the  preparation  of  investment  construction  projects;

++  Results  of  firefighting,  prevention,  and  environmental  protection  procedures;  notification  of  the  appraisal  results  of  the  feasibility  study  report  for  investment  construction;

++  Decision  approving  the  investment  construction  project;  information  about  organizations  and  individuals  participating  in  the  survey,  preparation  of  feasibility  study  reports  for  investment  construction  projects;

++  Other  relevant  documents  (if  any).

- Information about works belonging to investment construction projects collected and updated in the National Database on construction activities includes:

+ General information: Work name, type of work, work level; construction site; project investor; primary construction investment scale; investment construction project information code;

+ Detailed information: Documents from competent state authorities, results of administrative procedures in accordance with construction law and other relevant laws (if any), documents related to construction works and some or all information in these documents, including:

++  Results  of  firefighting,  prevention,  and  environmental  protection  procedures;

++  Notification  of  the  appraisal  results  of  the  feasibility  study  report  for  investment  construction;

++  Notification  of  the  appraisal  results  of  the  construction  design  implemented  after  the  basic  design;

++  Construction  permit;

++  Notification  of  the  inspection  results  of  the  completed  construction  works  acceptance;

++  Decision  approving  the  investment  construction  project;

++  Decision  approving  the  construction  work  design;

++  Notification  of  the  commencement  of  construction  works;

++  Decision  approving  the  final  settlement  of  construction  investment  capital;

++  Information  about  organizations  and  individuals  participating  in  the  survey,  design,  and  construction  of  the  works;

++  Other  relevant  documents  (if  any).

- Information about construction works that do not require the preparation of investment construction projects, only requiring a construction permit according to construction law, collected and updated in the National Database on construction activities includes:

+ General information: Construction work name; type and level of work; construction site; project investor (household owners in the case of individual houses); primary construction investment scale;

+ Detailed information: Construction permit, notification of the commencement of construction works, and some or all information in these documents; information about organizations and individuals participating in the survey, design verification (if any), and other relevant documents (if any).

- General information and some detailed information in the database on investment construction projects and construction works are open data published on the national data portal and the electronic information portal of the Ministry of Construction.

- Master data in the database on investment construction projects and construction works includes information codes stipulated in point b, point c, and point d, clause 2, Article 8 of Decree 111/2024/ND-CP and general information mentioned in point a, clause 1, point a, clause 2, and point a, clause 3, Article 7 of Decree 111/2024/ND-CP.

More details can be found in Decree 111/2024/ND-CP which comes into force in Vietnam from November 01, 2024.


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