Guidelines for the implementation of tasks of political education and student affairs in Vietnam for the 2024 - 2025 school year

Guidelines for the implementation of tasks of political education and student affairs in Vietnam for the 2024 - 2025 school year
Quế Anh

The article below will provide information on the implementation of tasks of political education and student affairs in Vietnam for the 2024 - 2025 school year

Guidelines for the implementation of tasks of political education and student affairs in Vietnam for the 2024 - 2025 school year (Image from the internet)

On August 23, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch 4654/BGDDT-GDCTHSSV regarding Guidelines for the implementation of tasks of political education and student affairs in Vietnam for the 2024 - 2025 school year.

Guidelines for the implementation of tasks of political education and student affairs in Vietnam for the 2024 - 2025 school year

To implement the tasks for the 2024-2025 school year, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam provides guidelines for carrying out six general tasks in political education and student affairs for the 2024-2025 school year as follows:

- Enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of state management in political education tasks and student affairs; thoroughly grasp and implement the Directives, Resolutions, Conclusions of the Communist Party; legal normative documents, Schemes, Programs of the Government of Vietnam, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam, and the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam related to political education and student affairs, ensuring quality, effectiveness, and suitability with local and unit practicalities.

- Innovate and improve the quality of political education, ideologies, ethics, lifestyles, and life skills in association with building and promoting the cultural value system of the Vietnamese people; strengthen school counseling, career orientation counseling; enhance cooperation between family, school, and society in educating students.

- Continue to consolidate the organizational structure, staff, and complete the regulations on functions, tasks to improve the ability to advise and direct the specialized departments in performing political education tasks and student affairs at the Department of Education and Training and higher education institutions.

- Strengthen coordination in implementing political education tasks and student affairs; promote the role and responsibility of different levels, sectors, families, schools, and society in building a safe, healthy, friendly, democratic educational environment; continue promoting emulation movements and campaigns, especially strengthening the study and follow the ideologies, ethics, and style of Ho Chi Minh, fulfilling the revolutionary tasks in the new stage.

- Organize review and assessment of Schemes, Projects, Programs related to political education and student affairs for the 2021-2025 period; continue to propose and advise on implementation directions in the next phase.

- Reinforce and innovate communication work to raise the awareness of the entire society, especially the leadership and direction of Party committees and authorities, determining that political education and student affairs are central tasks associated with the goals and tasks of cultural and social development of each locality and unit; enhance inspection and examination of the implementation of regulations related to political education tasks and student affairs.

Additionally, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam also sets out specific tasks in political education and ideologies as follows:

- Improve the quality of teaching and learning political theory, ethics, civic education, economic and legal education courses, focusing on educating students about patriotism, national pride, and self-esteem, fostering the aspiration to contribute to a prosperous and happy country.

- Organize activities to study and follow the ideologies, ethics, and style of Ho Chi Minh; thoroughly disseminate and advocate educators and education managers, and students actively participate in the contest “Youth Study and Follow the Ideologies, Ethics, Style of Ho Chi Minh”; organize dignified and meaningful commendation ceremonies for notable examples in studying and following Uncle Ho's words; encourage holding commendation ceremonies at historical and cultural sites suitable with practical conditions; promote communication work, commend and honor outstanding individuals in training, and studying, with admirable actions and good examples among students.

- Organize the flag-raising ceremony and singing of the national anthem at the beginning of the week in general education, continuing education institutions, universities, academies, colleges of education; implement the study of the five teachings of President Ho Chi Minh for teenagers and children.

- Monitor and grasp the political and ideological situation of students; effectively organize dialogue activities between school leaders, educators, and education managers with students to understand their feelings and promptly address their difficulties and concerns; proactively detect and cooperate with the police, local authorities, and relevant agencies and organizations to handle complex political and ideological issues related to students; prevent students from being lured into illegal religious organizations and activities against the Communist Party and the State, disrupting public order and social safety.

- Strengthen the education of revolutionary ideals through subjects and educational activities to nurture students' understanding of the Communist Party; effectively implement the source and party development work in schools according to Directive No. 34-CT/TW dated May 30, 1998, of the Politburo on “Strengthening political and ideological education; consolidating party organizations, mass organizations and party development work in educational institutions”; strive to achieve the target of having 20,000 outstanding members admitted to the Communist Party by the end of 2025.

- Continue building a network and providing professional training for speakers, collaborators on political education and student affairs; select and assign key speakers to participate in briefings, professional training according to the plan and summons of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam; organize or facilitate professional competency and operational skill training for staff responsible for political and ideological education, moral and lifestyle education, and student affairs, class teachers, teachers in charge of youth, and team activities, teachers responsible for psychological counseling and social work, and inspectors to enhance their professional competency.

- Strengthen the direction and management of political and ideological education for students in special regions, educational institutions with foreign elements, private schools, and overseas training programs...

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 4654/BGDDT-GDCTHSSV issued on August 23, 2024.


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