Decree 84: Scholarships for Encouraging Study for Pupils and Students

On July 17, 2020, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree 84/2020/ND-CP detailing certain provisions of the Education Law 2019. This Decree takes effect from September 1, 2020.

Study Encouragement Scholarships, Decree 84/2020/ND-CP

Decree 84: Study Encouragement Scholarships for Students (illustrative image)

Decree 84/2020/ND-CP details the study encouragement scholarships for students as follows:

1. Subjects eligible for study encouragement scholarships

According to Decree 84/2020/ND-CP, there are 03 subjects eligible for study encouragement scholarships:

- Students in specialized high schools within universities, specialized school students with good conduct and excellent academic performance during the semester, and with specialized subject marks of 8.5 or higher, or who have achieved at least a commendation prize in national or international excellent student contests during that year;

- Students in art, physical education, and sports talent schools with conduct from satisfactory upwards, average academic performance during the scholarship review semester, and who have won a prize or medal in national, regional, or international competitions during that year;

- Students currently studying in vocational education and higher education institutions with good or better academic and conduct records, and without disciplinary action above a warning during the scholarship reception semester.

2. Scholarship levels

Regarding the levels of study encouragement scholarships, Decree 84/2020/ND-CP stipulates the following levels:

- The scholarship for students per month is at least three times the current tuition fee for specialized and talent schools;

- The scholarship for students should not be lower than the current tuition fee cap that these students have to pay at specialized high schools within universities;

- The minimum scholarship is three times the tuition fee cap of local high schools for schools that do not charge tuition fees;

- For students currently studying in vocational and higher education institutions, depending on the general average score and conduct grade of good or better, this Decree provides for the following three levels of scholarship:

- Good scholarship: The scholarship is equal to or higher than the current tuition fee cap that the student has to pay at the school. The average score and conduct grade are good or better;- Excellent scholarship: The scholarship is higher than the good level for students with a general average score of excellent and a conduct grade of very good or better;- Outstanding scholarship: The scholarship is higher than the excellent level for students with both general average score and conduct grade at the outstanding level.

3. Procedures for reviewing and granting study encouragement scholarships

Section 5, Article 8 of Decree 84/2020/ND-CP stipulates the procedures for reviewing and granting scholarships to eligible subjects as follows:

- For specialized schools, talent schools, and specialized high schools within universities: The principal determines the number of scholarships for each class and bases on the scholarship fund of the year to grant scholarships to students following the order of priority from international prizes, regional international prizes, national prizes to specialized subject marks (for specialized schools) or academic results (for talent schools). Scholarships are granted per semester and for 09 months in the academic year.

- For students currently studying in vocational education and higher education institutions: The principal, based on the study encouragement scholarship fund, determines the number of scholarships for each course, major, and based on the academic and conduct results of the students, reviews, and grants scholarships from the outstanding level downwards until the determined number of scholarships is exhausted. Scholarships are granted per semester and for 10 months in the academic year.

Details at Decree 84/2020/ND-CP effective from September 1, 2020.

Ty Na


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