Compilation of Common Violations by Vietnam Communist Party Members and Corresponding Disciplinary Actions (Part 1)

To assist our Customers and Members in understanding the legal regulations on disciplinary actions against Vietnam Communist Party members, Lawnet has compiled the violations that Vietnam Communist Party members are prone to commit and the corresponding disciplinary actions in the table below.

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Type of Violation Violating Behavior Form of Disciplinary Action
Violation of political stance and internal politics Being incited, lured, or bribed to engage in acts of speaking, writing, storing, disseminating, publishing, or providing information, documents, and artifacts containing content contrary to the lines and views of the Communist Party and the laws of the State

- If causing minor consequences, discipline with a reprimand.

- If recurring or causing serious consequences after the first violation, discipline with a warning or dismissal (if holding a position).

- If causing very serious consequences, discipline with expulsion.

Conspiring or complying with views contrary to the ideology of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought, the line of the Communist Party, the goal of national independence and socialism; lacking responsibility in combating signs of political, moral, and lifestyle degradation, signs of "self-evolution," and "self-transformation" within, and peaceful evolution.
Showing wavering or diminished faith in the leadership of the Communist Party, not adhering to the principles of party organization and activities.
Dishonesty in declaring personal history and updating the history of party members.
Being incited or seduced into speaking, writing or acting against, or failing to implement the Political Platform, Charter of the Communist Party, resolutions, directives, decisions, regulations, rules, and conclusions of the Communist Party, and the laws of the State; engaging in activities not allowed by law.

- Discipline with a warning or dismissal (if holding a position).

- If causing very serious consequences, discipline with expulsion.

Inciting, coercing others into speaking, writing, storing, disseminating, publishing, or providing information, documents, and artifacts containing content contrary to the Political Platform, Charter of the Communist Party, resolutions, directives, regulations, decisions, rules, conclusions of the Communist Party, and the laws of the State.
Being seduced, lured, or forced to join illegal political parties or organizations.
Deliberately speaking or writing content that distorts history, distorts the truth, denies the leadership role and revolutionary achievements of the Communist Party and the nation. Expulsion
Refusing or denying Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought, the principle of democratic centralism, socialist democracy, the socialist rule of law, the socialist-oriented market economy; demanding a system of "separation of powers," "civil society," "multiparty democracy."
Deliberately disseminating false information or distorting the policies of the Communist Party and State; defaming the leaders of the Party and State; tarnishing the traditions of the nation, the Party, and the State.
Exploiting democracy, human rights, ethnicity, and religion to engage in activities detrimental to political security, public order, and social safety.
Collaborating or colluding with hostile, reactionary forces, and politically dissatisfied elements to propagate opposing ideologies; organizing opposition forces to sabotage the Communist Party and the State.
Engaging in activities of reactionary political parties or organizations.
Inciting dissatisfaction, dissent, and opposition within; exploiting and using information, communication media, and social networks to discredit and defame the leadership of the Communist Party.
Affecting, luring, or directing public opinion contrary to the line of the Communist Party.
Denying the leadership role of the Communist Party over the armed forces; demanding the "depoliticization" of the army and police; distorting the line of people’s national defense and people's security.
Denying the leadership role of the Communist Party over the press and literature-arts; creating and promoting cultural and artistic works that are distorted, misrepresent history, and undermine the prestige of the Communist Party and its leaders.
Violations in propaganda and speech Disseminating, copying, distributing, and providing information, documents, and artifacts with harmful content.

- If causing minor consequences, reprimand.

- If reprimanded but repeated or first-time violation causing serious consequences, it will be warned or dismissed (if holding a position).

- If causing very serious consequences, expulsion.

Unauthorized statements, providing information to the press and other media, violating the Law on Press, Law on Publishing, and other regulations of the Communist Party and State on speech, information provision, promotion, and publishing.
Issuing statements or providing information, documents, and texts of projects in drafting stages that, according to the Communist Party's regulations and State laws, are not yet authorized to be disclosed.
Not posting feedback, corrections as required by law.
Statements contrary to the views, policies, resolutions, directives, regulations, decisions, rules, conclusions of the Communist Party and State laws; spreading false information affecting public trust in the Party and State.

- Warning or dismissal (if holding a position).

- If causing very serious consequences, expulsion.

Providing information and documents to organizations or individuals and the press on Party and State secrets, personal and other secrets as provided by law; providing unapproved, false, dishonest information to the press.
Providing information on cases under investigation not yet permitted to be disclosed or tried; posting details serving the conclusion of inspection cases; cases under inspection, supervision, audit not yet concluded or not authorized for publication.
Providing information harmful to the interests of the State, national defense, national security, foreign relations, and public order, social safety.
Storing, propagating, disseminating, or inciting others to propagate and disseminate information and documents by any means to propagate views contrary to the line of the Communist Party and the laws of the State.
Giving interviews, posting articles in public media and social networks containing false information, incitement, causing public concern, or making judgments on charges and sentences before trials.
Exploiting speech, questioning, answering questions, reflecting, commenting on draft documents of the Party Congress, draft Constitution, laws, open letters, memoirs to put forward viewpoints and information damaging the prestige of the Party, State, or to critique, accuse, defame, unfairly critique organizations or individuals.
Creating, producing, storing, disseminating unhealthy literary and artistic works contrary to Vietnamese customs, containing incitement, with negative social impact; distributing writings, speeches, interviews, memoirs, pictures with false contents.
Not following the discipline of speech and secrecy protection of the Party, State, disclosing information and materials not per the principles, policies; spreading misinformation about inner-party issues, affecting political stability, discipline, the unity of the Party and people, allowing bad elements, hostile forces to use distortion against the Party, the State. Expulsion
Exploiting democracy, human rights to propagate against the Communist Party, State; deliberately speaking, writing, storing unauthorized materials or widely disseminating information, documents, artifacts with content contrary to the Political Platform, Charter of the Party, resolutions, directives of the Party or publishing online content against the Party's policies and the laws of the State.
Inciting, luring others to participate in unauthorized seminars and discussions with content contrary to the Party's policies, State laws.
Exploiting the right to reserve opinions, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly to propagate against the Communist Party and State, denying Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought.
Party members with erroneous actions, reminded and explained by the authorities but not accepting, continuing to speak, write, disseminate memoirs, petitions, letters attacking the leadership of the Party, defaming, accusing, causing loss of public faith in the Party, the State, and our policies.
Violations in organization and personnel work Interfering or influencing authorized organizations or individuals for self or others to be elected, appointed, planned, promoted, transferred, recommended, nominated, going for studies, exam for promotion, salary increase, going abroad contrary to regulations.

- If causing minor consequences, reprimand.

- If reprimanded but repeated or first-time violation causing serious consequences, it will be warned or dismissed (if holding a position).

- If causing very serious consequences, expulsion.

Directing or requiring the appointment of individuals with violations, whose disciplinary terms have not expired, or who do not meet the conditions and standards as required.
Failing to adhere to principles, procedures, processes in personnel work; not complying with regulations on personnel work; tampering with or arbitrarily modifying party member files, officials and public employees, laborers’ files; providing unfounded, dishonest, subjective evaluations of personnel.
Intentionally disobeying decisions on appointments, transfers, relocations, task assignments, leave policies, and Party activities transfer regulations.
Conducting appraisal, advising proposals, deciding on the reception, recruitment, exam for promotion, going for studies, planning, appointments, reappointments, transfer, nomination, introduction for elections, commendation of relatives (parents, spouses, children, siblings) not in line with planning, lacking standard, condition.
Directing or appraising, advising, proposing, implementing the recruitment, appointment, promotion, military rank awarding, transfer, dispatch, promotion, reward, discipline incorrectly following principles and processes; planning, training, sending people abroad not meeting the standard.
Losing the party membership card without a valid reason or using the card for improper purposes; nonconforming transfer of party activities of party members or nonconforming submission of dossiers for party activity transfer; not writing the transfer report card for party members.
For personal motives, transferring, dismissing from work, relieving from duty, exempting from responsibilities, disciplining, handling policies inaccurately.

- Warning or dismissal (if holding a position).

- If causing very serious consequences, expulsion.

Directing or implementing the reception, recruitment, placement, assignment of individuals into their agency, unit, organization illegally.
Exploiting the regulations on transfer and periodic position changes to oppress officials and public employees, laborers.
Covering up for officials and public employees under investigation, inspection, being reviewed for discipline.
Negligence or personal motives directing or implementing appraisal, proposing, deciding on recruitment, planning, appointment, transfer, nominating, introducing, awarding inappropriately ineligible individuals, or unjustly disciplining officials, party members, officials and public employees, laborers.
Faking injuries, exaggerating achievements, and work process for rank promotion, appointment, salary increase, awarding, recognizing titles, or benefitting from policies improperly.
Intentionally advising superiors on organizational and personnel work contrary to principles, procedures, authority, standards.
Exploiting position and authority as a leader to decide organizational and personnel work against principles, regulations, authority.
Being dishonest, not exemplary, knowing oneself lacks standards and conditions but still finding ways to be received, recruited, planned, transferred, promoted, nominated, introduced for award against regulations.
Negligence or personal motives causing loss or misplacement of personnel files, party members dossiers, documents; providing personnel files, party members' files to unauthorized individuals.
Brokering or accepting bribes during the admission, recruitment, assignment, or promotion of positions, salary increases, promotion exams, awarding academic ranks, considering honor titles against regulations for officials and public employees, laborers. Expulsion
Engaging in job purchasing, certificate purchasing, position transfers, bribing for personal or others' planning, appointment, promotion, awarding, position change.
Exploiting positions, authorities, work positions to interfere illegally in reception, recruitment, planning, transfer, appointment, assignment, placement, and dispatching of personnel.
Forging documents to be considered for studies, reception, recruitment into agencies and organizations.
Using party membership cards to borrow money or assets.
Violations of the regulations on the protection of Party and State secrets Negligently disclosing Party and State confidential information and documents or unauthorized public disclosures.

- If causing minor consequences, reprimand.

- If reprimanded but repeated or first-time violation causing serious consequences, it will be warned or dismissed (if holding a position).

- If causing very serious consequences, expulsion.

Not adhering to the principles of confidentiality and sealing in sending, transporting, and receiving confidential items and documents of the Party and State.
Violations of the regulations on protecting Party and State secrets in publishing and journalism activities.
Transporting confidential items and documents of the Party and State abroad illegally.
Providing or disclosing confidential information and documents of the Party and State to unauthorized organizations and individuals both domestically and internationally.

- Warning or dismissal (if holding a position).

- If causing very serious consequences, expulsion.

Publicizing, disseminating, writing, and posting confidential information and documents on non-conforming subjects, scopes, and inappropriate times.
Independently researching, producing, and using codes for activities infringing national security. Expulsion
Exchanging, disseminating confidential information and documents of the Communist Party and the State on telecommunication networks, the Internet, and other mass media.
Violations in complaints, denunciations, and resolving complaints, denunciations Writing anonymous or pseudonymous denunciation letters. Joining others in writing and signing the same denunciation letter.

- If causing minor consequences, reprimand.

- If reprimanded but repeated or first-time violation causing serious consequences, it will be warned or dismissed (if holding a position).

- If causing very serious consequences, expulsion.

Participating in or being incited, provoked, forced, bribed into mass complaints, denunciations disrupting social order and safety.
Having the responsibility to handle and solve denunciations but disclosing the names, addresses, handwriting of the whistleblowers, and other information and documents revealing their identities and denunciation contents; divulging case information and evidence to unauthorized organizations or individuals.
Negligence, causing trouble, harassment in resolving complaints and denunciations, or hindering, obstructing party members, and citizens in executing the right to complain, and denounce.
Not implementing or improperly implementing the responsibility to protect whistleblowers.
Not following or not fully following the requirements, recommendations, conclusions, and decisions of authorities on complaints and denunciations.
Deliberately delaying or evading responsibility in resolving complaints and denunciations.

- Warning or dismissal (if holding a position).

- If causing very serious consequences, expulsion.

Tampering with case files during verification, conclusions, and recommendations in resolving complaints and denunciations; reporting incorrect verification results.
Deliberately not complying with the final decision on denunciations and the conclusions, and decisions of competent authorities in resolving denunciations.
Fabricating information, slandering or obstructing persons on duty handling complaints, accusations or illegally interfering with the activities of the Communist Party, State law in inspection, examination, audit, investigation, resolution of complaints, accusations; spreading false information about accusations and resolutions of accusations.
Threatening, retaliating, persecuting, insulting persons who detect, report, denounce, provide information, materials, evidence about acts of corruption, negativity or individuals responsible for resolving complaints, accusations.
Organizing, participating, inciting, instigating, bribing, or coercing others to lodge complaints, accusations.
Making accusations with fabricated, slanderous, defamatory, or damaging content, harming the reputation, honor, and dignity of others.
Organizing, coercing, inciting, instigating, assisting, seducing, bribing, pulling others to lodge false complaints, accusations or applying pressure, making demands, or gathering people to lodge complaints, accusations causing public disorder. Communist Party member
Exploiting complaints and accusations to disturb public order, causing damage to agencies, organizations, individuals to oppose the Communist Party, State; distorting, threatening, seriously insulting the reputation, honor of agencies, organizations, individuals responsible for resolution or infringing upon the lives of those responsible for resolving complaints, accusations.
Violating regulations on anti-corruption, waste Exploiting positions, powers to use money, assets of organizations, individuals under one's direct management contrary to regulations.

- Minor consequences: Reprimand.

- Repeat offense after reprimand or first offense causing serious consequences: Warning or dismissal (if holding a position).

- Causing very serious consequences: Expulsion

Failing to direct, organize examination, urging to declare assets, incomes under assigned responsibilities or failing to declare, declaring assets inaccurately.
Lax management, allowing corruption, waste within the agency, unit, organization under one's direct management without proactively detecting and handling.
Organizing tourism, gift-giving to exploit those with responsibilities leading to erroneous decisions for personal or agency, unit, organization, enterprise benefits.
Organizing gatherings, feasts, reunions for opportunistic gift-giving, receiving.
Facilitating for parents, spouses, children, siblings to conduct projects, businesses in fields under one's or one's unit's direct management contrary to regulations to seek profit.

- Warning or dismissal (if holding a position)

- Causing very serious consequences: Expulsion

Using state, collective funds, or money, assets contributed, sponsored by organizations, enterprises, individuals for unauthorized transactions, bribery.
Knowing but not reporting, reflecting, handling corrupt behaviors; not implementing regulations on protecting anti-corruption, anti-waste whistleblowers.
Engaging in dishonest declarations, paperwork legitimation to gain improper land allocations, entailing, overestimating compensation prices unrelated to reality to misappropriate state, organization, individual funds in land clearance compensations.
Deciding, approving or organizing implementation of investment projects causing waste, financial, asset, state budget losses; ineffective widespread public investment; misusing public funds.
Declaring and explaining asset changes, asset origins dishonestly.
Opening foreign accounts contrary to regulations; participating in money laundering activities. Expulsion
Leading, advising, proposing, participating in issuing policies, policies, procedures contrary to regulations creating group interests or sectional interests for profit.
Diverting assets to avoid asset, income declarations; opposing, obstructing asset, income inspections, supervisions, verifications.
Intentionally not directing or organizing asset recovery or impeding corrupt asset recovery activities.
Utilizing draft inspection, audit conclusions to threaten inspected, audited entities for profit.
Intentionally directing administrative, economic handling of corrupt acts with criminal signs or unlawfully exempting criminal liabilities for corrupt offenders.
Abusing, exploiting positions, powers to cover up or collude with enterprises, other entities to violate regulations for profit; condoning, covering up, assisting corruption.
Giving, receiving, intermediating bribes; intermediating administrative procedures or exploiting positions to mediate for remuneration under any forms contrary to regulations. Giving, receiving commissions or intermediating for giving, receiving commissions contrary to regulations. Harassment, extortion in executing public duties.
Embezzling assets, exploiting social security policies and relief, rescue funds for corruption; exploiting establishment of funds for profit.
Exploiting positions, powers to advise, appraise, approve, bid, appoint bid or decide on investment, licensing, determining the proportion of state capital in enterprises for profit under any form.
Exploiting positions, powers to influence others or falsify work to profiteer or misuse state, collective assets for personal gain in duty execution.
Exploiting positions, powers, responsibilities for covering, assisting individuals with law violations; obstructing, illegally interfering in inspection, audit, investigation, prosecution, trial, judgment execution, special amnesty for profit.


Nguyen Trinh



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  • Address: 19 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
Parent company: THU VIEN PHAP LUAT Ltd.
Editorial Director: Mr. Bui Tuong Vu - Tel. 028 3935 2079
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