11 Cases of Exemption from Radio Frequency Usage Fees

This is a noteworthy provision stipulated in Circular 265/2016/TT-BTC regulating the rates, collection policies, remittance, management, and use of fees for the issuance of radio frequency usage permits and radio frequency usage fees.

According to the provisions of Circular 265/2016/TT-BTC, the use of radio frequency is exempted in the following cases:

- Radio stations of foreign diplomatic missions, consular offices, international organizations' representative offices in Vietnam, and foreign high-level delegations visiting Vietnam that are eligible for diplomatic privileges and immunities.- Radio stations used directly for security and defense purposes utilizing frequencies for security and defense as specified in Article 45 of the Law on Radio Frequencies.- Radio stations serving disaster prevention and control, utilizing frequencies for disaster prevention and control communication networks.- Radio stations using emergency, safety, search, and rescue frequencies.- Radio stations directly serving search and rescue activities that are part of the search and rescue system of central and local ministries and sectors.- Radio stations of charitable organizations serving humanitarian activities.- Radio stations within private telecommunication networks serving the Communist Party and State agencies.- Radio stations on fishing vessels.- Wireless broadcasting stations managed by wards, communes, or equivalent administrative units.- Radio and television transmitters that broadcast programs serving political, essential information and propaganda tasks, broadcasting with a power of 100w or less in poor districts or districts with a high rate of poverty as prescribed by the State.- Space satellite stations are temporarily exempt from radio frequency usage fees until September 30, 2018.

See the declaration, fee, and charge payment at Circular 265/2016/TT-BTC, effective from January 1, 2017.

- Thanh Lam -


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