Which agency has right to approve ship-breaking plan in Vietnam?

Which agency has right to approve ship-breaking plan in Vietnam? My company buy used ships for breaking, I want to find out which agency has the authority to approve the ship-breaking plan? and what do contents of ship-breaking plan in Vietnam comprise?

Which agency has right to approve ship-breaking plan in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 14 of Decree 82/2019/ND-CP, there are regulations on authority and procedures for approving ship-breaking plan as follows:

1. The maritime administration of the region where the ship-breaking facility is located shall have the authority to give approval for the ship-breaking plan upon the request of the ship-breaking facility.

2. The owner of the ship-breaking facility shall submit an application for approval for the ship-breaking plan to the relevant regional maritime administration.

An application for approval for the ship-breaking plan for each ship shall include:

a) The application form for approval for the ship-breaking plan, which is made according to Form No. 04 in Appendix enclosed herewith (01 original);

b) The ship-breaking plan (01 original).

3. Application processing:

a) Within 02 business days from the receipt of the valid application, the regional maritime administration shall get opinions from relevant authorities about the ship-breaking plan.

Within 05 business days from the receipt of the written request for opinions from the regional maritime administration, requested authorities shall provide their opinions in writing.  

b) Within 03 business days from the receipt of opinions from relevant authorities, the regional maritime administration shall make decision on approval for the ship-breaking plan according to the Form No. 05 in Appendix enclosed herewith and send it to the applicant. If an application is refused, the regional maritime administration shall provide written reasons of such refusal to the applicant.

Thus, the maritime administration of the region where the ship-breaking facility of your company is the authority that has right to approve the used ship-breaking plan in Vietnam.

What do contents of ship-breaking plan in Vietnam comprise?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 13 of Decree 82/2019/ND-CP, the ship-breaking plan shall, inter alia, include the following contents:

a) General information: Name and address of the importer; name and address of the ship-breaking facility; details of the ship to be demolished (name, flag state and specifications of the ship);

b) Information relating to the ship-breaking:  Ship-breaking technological process (the order of the ship’s items to be dismantled, enclosed with its general arrangement drawing, the drawing of the ship-breaking site which is included in the general layout of the ship-breaking facility); equipment and personnel performing ship-breaking activities; date of commencement and date of completion of the ship-breaking;

c) Information relating to occupational safety measures, environmental sanitation measures, measures against fire, explosion and environmental pollution.  

Best Regards!

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