The latest form of report on construction quality and safety management in construction in 2023 in Vietnam

What are regulations on the latest form of report on construction quality and safety management in construction in 2023 in Vietnam? - Question from Van Phu (Dong Nai).

The latest form of report on construction quality and safety management in construction in 2023 in Vietnam

Pursuant to Clasue 3 Article 9 of the Circular 01/2023/TT-BXD stipulating the form of report on construction quality and safety management in construction as follows:

Report on quality situation, construction quality management and safety management in construction


3. Required content: based on Form No. 003 and Form No. 004 of the Appendix issued with this Circular.

Form No. 003. Report on quality, quality management and safety management in construction, managed by the Ministry of Construction Management


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: ..../BC-Abbreviated name of reporting agency

…., day month Year ….



Regarding the quality situation, the quality management and safety management in construction are managed by …(1)…

Year .........(2).........

I. Number of construction works

Statistics on the number of construction works under their management through inspection and acceptance:

Type of construction

Testing in progress


Not approved (3)

Building level

Building level

Building level






















Agriculture and Rural Development






In which:

1. Number of construction works funded by central budget: works.

2. Number of construction works using other capital sources: works.

3. Evaluation of the quality management work under management:

a) Regarding construction quality;

b) Regarding violations of regulations on quality management by organizations and individuals engaged in construction activities that have been administratively handled;

c) Number of works suspended from construction, exploitation and use.

II. Construction work incident

a. Statistics on the number of work incidents during construction and exploitation:

Type of construction

Construction is under construction

Works are exploiting and using

Incident Level

Incident Level













Agriculture and Rural Development






b. Results of quality inspection and construction work troubleshooting:

- Inspection of quality and accident causes for construction works according to their competence specified in Clauses 3, 4, 5, Article 52 of Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP dated January 26 2021 of the Government detailing a number of contents on quality management, construction construction and maintenance of construction works (referred to as Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP);

- The results of the settlement of incidents falling under its authority as prescribed in Article 46 of Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP.

III. The results of the review and notification of opinions on the results of the safety assessment of the works, the announcement of the expiration of the useful life according to the design, the review and notification of opinions on the extension of the using life

1. The results of the review and notification of opinions on the results of the safety assessment of the works are specified in Article 39 of the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP; Article 17 Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BXD of the Minister of Construction guiding a number of articles and measures to implement Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP (referred to as Circular No. 10/2021/TT) -BXD).

2. The results of the announcement of the works' expiry date according to the design specified in Article 41 of the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP; Article 19 of Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BXD.

3. The results of the review and notification of comments on the extension of the works' useful life for the works that have expired and need to be used again are specified in Article 41 of the Decree No. 06/2021 /ND-CP.

IV. Occupational safety management in construction

1. Occupational safety management in construction of entities participating in construction investment activities (investors; construction contractors; employees), including:

- The organization and management of occupational safety according to regulations;

- The formulation, approval and implementation of the general plan on occupational safety in the construction of works;

- The compliance with technical regulations and applicable standards on occupational safety in the construction of works;

- Manage and use machines, equipment and materials with strict requirements on occupational safety used in construction;

- The inspection and supervision of labor safety in construction, including: the number of inspected works, the number of inspected construction contractors, violations of regulations on occupational safety and health. common labor in construction;

- The organization of occupational safety training for managers, employers and employees participating in the construction of works.

2. Situation of occupational accidents in construction:



Number of the same period last year

Amount in the reporting period





I. Total number of occupational accidents in construction work



In there:


1. Caused by construction problems



2. Due to technical problems causing occupational insecurity




3. Caused by workers




4. Caused by other causes




II. Total number of deaths due to occupational accidents in construction work



In there:


1. Caused by construction problems



2. Due to technical problems causing occupational insecurity



3. Caused by workers



4. Caused by other causes



III. Total number of people injured due to occupational accidents in construction work



In there:


1. Caused by construction problems



2. Due to technical problems causing occupational insecurity



3. Caused by workers



4. Caused by other causes



IV. Rate of occupational accidents in construction work


In there:


- Rate of occupational accidents caused by construction incidents



- Rate of occupational accidents caused by technical incidents causing occupational insecurity



- Rate of occupational accidents caused by employees



- Rate of occupational accidents caused by other causes



V. Other report contents and recommendations.


Where to receive:
- Name of the agency receiving the report;
- Save: VT.

(Signature, full name and seal)




(1) Name of the Ministry of specialized construction management in accordance with the law on construction.

(2) Year of the report.

(3) Statistics on the number of works that have completed construction but have not yet met the conditions for acceptance and acceptance.


Form No. 004. Report on quality, quality management and safety management in construction in the province/city of the Provincial People's Committee

Provincial/City People's Committee (1)

Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Number: ..../BC-Abbreviated name of reporting agency

……, day month Year …



Regarding the quality situation, quality management and safety management in construction in the province/city .....(1).....

Year ………… (2) ……..

I. Number of construction works

1. To make statistics on the number of works through the inspection and acceptance of works put into use according to their competence.

Type of construction

Testing in progress


Not approved(3)

Building level

Building level

Building level



















Agriculture and Rural Development






In there:

a) Number of construction works funded by central budget: …… works;

b) Number of construction works funded by local budget: …… works;

c) Number of construction works using other capital sources: …… works.

2. Statistics on the number of construction works granted construction permits under their management (except for the works listed in Clause 1).

3. Assessment of quality management in the area:

a) Regarding construction quality;

b) Regarding violations of regulations on quality management by organizations and individuals engaged in construction activities that have been administratively handled;

c) Number of works suspended from construction, exploitation and use.

II. Construction work incident

a) Statistics on the number of work incidents during construction and exploitation:

Type of construction

Construction is under construction

Works are exploiting and using

Incident Level

Incident Level













Agriculture and Rural Development






h) Results of quality assessment, construction work incident resolution

- Inspection of quality and incident causes of construction works according to the competence specified in Clauses 3, 4, 5, Article 52 of Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP.

- The results of the settlement of incidents falling under its authority as prescribed in Article 46 of Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP.

III. The results of the review and notification of opinions on the results of the safety assessment of the works, the announcement of the expiration of the useful life according to the design, the review and notification of opinions on the extension of the working life. submit

1. Results of review and notification of results of safety assessment of works specified in Article 39 of Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP; Article 17 of Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BXD.

2. The results of the announcement of the works' expiry date according to the design specified in Article 41 of the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP; Article 19 of Circular No. 10/2021/TT-BXD.

3. The results of the review and notification of comments on the extension of the works' useful life for the works that have expired and need to be used again are specified in Article 41 of the Decree No. 06/2021 /ND-CP.

IV. Occupational safety management in construction

1. Occupational safety management in construction of entities participating in construction investment activities (investors; construction contractors; employees), including:

- The organization and management of occupational safety according to regulations;

- The formulation, approval and implementation of the general plan on occupational safety in the construction of works;

- The compliance with technical regulations and applicable standards on occupational safety in the construction of works:

- Manage and use machines, equipment and materials with strict requirements on occupational safety used in construction;

- The inspection and supervision of labor safety in construction, including: the number of inspected works, the number of inspected construction contractors, violations of regulations on occupational safety and health. common labor in construction;

- The organization of occupational safety training for managers, employers and employees participating in the construction of works.

2. Situation of occupational accidents in construction:



Number of the same period last year

Amount in the reporting period





I. Total number of occupational accidents in construction work



In there:


1. Caused by construction problems



2. Due to technical problems causing occupational insecurity



3. Caused by workers



4. Caused by other causes



II. Total number of deaths due to occupational accidents in construction work



In there:


1. Caused by construction problems



2. Due to technical problems causing occupational insecurity



3. Caused by workers



4. Caused by other causes



III. Total number of people injured due to occupational accidents in construction work



In there:


1. Caused by construction problems



2. Due to technical problems causing occupational insecurity



3. Caused by workers



4. Caused by other causes



IV. Rate of occupational accidents in construction work


In there:


- Rate of occupational accidents caused by construction incidents



- Rate of occupational accidents caused by technical incidents causing occupational insecurity



- Rate of occupational accidents caused by employees



- Rate of occupational accidents caused by other causes



V. Regarding the organization and activities of judicial assessment in the field of construction

1. List of construction judicial assessors, ad hoc construction judicial expertisers, ad hoc construction judicial assessment organizations, construction judicial expertise offices up to the time of reporting :

a) List of construction judicial assessors:


First and last name

Year of Birth


Experience (4)

Contact Information (5)

Inspection Content (6)

Building Type (7)

Number of Appointment Decisions (8)










b) List of case-based construction judicial assessment organizations and construction judicial assessment offices:


Organization Name

Number, date of establishment

Experience (4)

Contact Information (5)

Inspection Content (6)

Building Type (7)

Number of decisions to be announced/time of publication (8)









c) List of judicial expertise persons built according to the case:


First and last name

Year of Birth


Experience (4)

Contact Information (5)

Inspection Content (6)

Building Type (7)

Number of decisions to be announced/time of publication (8)










2. The arrears of construction judicial assessment expenses, construction judicial expertise fees and attendance at provincial court hearings up to the reporting time:

a) Total number of outstanding cases of arrears of construction judicial assessment expenses, construction judicial expertise fees and court hearings:

b) Statistics on arrears of construction judicial assessment expenses, construction judicial expertise fees and court hearings:


Judicial assessment of arrears (9)

Time for completion of assessment conclusions and payment request (10)

Reasons for outstanding debt (11)

Name of agency soliciting expertise (12)






3. Number of construction judicial assessment cases in the province in the reporting year:

a) Total number of cases that have been carried out and with assessment conclusions;

b) Total number of cases of refusal of expertise upon receipt of the solicitation decision and the reasons for the refusal;

c) Total number of cases subject to additional assessment or re-examination and reasons for the additional or re-expertise.

V. Other report contents and recommendations.


Where to receive:
- Name of the agency receiving the report;
- Save: VT, ………….

(Signature, full name and seal)




(1) Name of the province or city directly under the central government issuing the decision.

(2) Year of report

(3) Statistics on the number of works that have completed construction but have not yet met the conditions for acceptance and acceptance.

(4) Number of years of professional experience and expertise (from five... to five...).

(5) Contact address, phone number, email, fax number.

(6) Contents of registration for assessment include:

- Judicial assessment of compliance with the provisions of law in construction investment, housing law and real estate business.

- Judicial assessment of construction survey quality, work construction design.

- Judicial assessment of the quality of construction parts, construction works and construction incidents.

- Judicial assessment of the quality of construction materials, products, and construction equipment.

- Judicial assessment of work construction investment costs, work value and other related costs, assessment of house values ​​and real estate values.

(7) Types of works registered for assessment include: Civil, industrial, traffic, agricultural and rural development, technical infrastructure.

(8) Decision number, date of appointment of construction judicial assessor, decision on recognition (day, month, year) of individual or case-based judicial assessment organization, published website address.

(9) The case has been completed by an individual or organization and sent the expertising conclusion to the soliciting agency, but the soliciting agency is owed the construction judicial expertise cost, the supervisor's compensation. judicial decision to build and attend the trial.

(10) Specify the completion time to send the assessment conclusions to the soliciting agency and the time for which payment has been requested.

(11) The reason why the soliciting agency owes gratuities and assessment expenses.

(12) Name of the soliciting agency that owes gratuities and assessment expenses.

What is the deadline for finalize data on construction quality management and safety management in construction in 2023 in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 5 Article 9 of the Circular 29/2022/TT-BLĐTBXH stipulating the deadline for finalize data on construction quality management and safety management in construction as follows:

Report on quality situation, construction quality management and safety management in construction

1. Reporting basis: According to the provisions of Clauses 2 and 7, Article 52 of Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP dated January 26, 2021 of the Government detailing a number of contents on quality management , construction and maintenance of construction works.

2. Subjects of the report, the agency receiving the report, the process and time limit for sending the report:

Ministries managing specialized construction works and provincial People's Committees are responsible for sending reports to the Ministry of Construction before December 15 of each year for summarization and monitoring.

3. Report required content: According to Form No. 003 and Form No. 004 of the Appendix issued with this Circular.

4. Reporting frequency: Annually.

5. Time to close report data: According to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 12 of Decree No. 09/2019/ND-CP.

Pursuant to Clause 4 Article 12 of the Circular 29/2022/TT-BLĐTBXH stipulating as follows:

Deadline for reporting data in periodical reporting mode


4. Annual report: From December 15 of the year before the reporting period to December 14 of the reporting period.

Thus, the time to close the data for reporting on construction quality management and safety management in construction in 2023 is from December 15, 2022 of the reporting period to December 14. 2023 of the reporting period.

Which agencies shall have responsibilities to submit report on construction quality and safety management in construction in 2023 in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 2 and 7, Article 52 of the Decree 06/2021/NĐ-CP stipulating agencies that shall have responsibilities to submit report on construction quality and safety management in construction as follows:

Implementation responsibilities


2. Other Ministries in charge of specialized construction works:

a) Performing the state management of the activities within the scope of regulation of this Decree for specialized works; guiding the implementation of legal documents on construction quality management and construction safety applicable to specialized construction works;

b) Conducting the periodic inspection according to the plan, the irregular inspection of construction quality and safety management of entities involved in construction activities; inspecting the quality of specialized construction works under its management when necessary or at the request of the Ministry of Construction;

c) Creating and issuing maintenance norms for specialized construction works;

d) Sending the Ministry of Construction the general report on the current status of quality, construction quality control and safety management in construction activities under the jurisdiction of ministries and sectoral administrations before December 15 every year and the ad hoc report upon request.


7. Ministries in charge of specialized construction works, provincial-level People's Committees shall be responsible for sending periodic and annual reports on the management of the quality of construction works and safety prepared according to the instructions of the Minister of Construction to the Ministry of Construction to serve its synthesis and monitoring purposes.

Pursuant to Clause 2 Article 9 of the Circular 01/2023/TT-BXD stipulating the deadline for sending reports on construction quality management and construction safety management as follows:

Report on quality situation, construction quality management and safety management in construction


2. Subjects of the report, the agency receiving the report, the process and time limit for sending the report:

Ministries managing specialized construction works and provincial People's Committees are responsible for sending reports to the Ministry of Construction before December 15 of each year for summarization and monitoring.


As such, Ministries managing specialized construction works and provincial People's Committees are responsible for sending reports on construction work quality management and construction safety management to the Ministry of Construction.

Best regards!

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