Can individuals contribute money or materials to rehabilitation facilities in Vietnam?

Can individuals contribute money or materials to rehabilitation facilities in Vietnam? What benefits do workers in rehabilitation facilities in Vietnam receive?

As an individual business owner in Dong Nai province, I wish to donate a sum of money, as well as a set of tables and chairs, and exercise equipment to a rehabilitation facility in the area. Is it possible for the facility to accept my contributions?

Can individuals contribute money or materials to rehabilitation facilities in Vietnam?

Based on Article 75 of Decree 116/2021/ND-CP, the conditions for ensuring the implementation and enforcement of compulsory rehabilitation measures are as follows:

1. The investment capital for constructing physical facilities, purchasing equipment, vehicles, and organizing the operations of compulsory rehabilitation facilities must comply with the regulations on public investment, state budget, management and use of public assets, and the current provisions on financial autonomy mechanisms for public service units.

2. The funding for preparing records, organizing the admission of individuals into compulsory rehabilitation facilities, tracing and apprehending escapees, ensuring food, clothing, accommodation, education, vocational training, cultural, artistic, physical, and sports activities, healthcare, medical examination, and treatment for individuals under rehabilitation, and organizing the transfer of individuals aged 12 to under 18 years old who have completed their local decision but do not have any relatives to pick them up, as well as other funding required to implement and enforce compulsory rehabilitation measures, is provided by the state budget in accordance with the decentralization stipulated in the Budget Law.

3. Compulsory rehabilitation facilities can receive assistance in terms of material, expertise, and technical support from organizations and individuals within and outside the country. They can also participate in contracts and partnerships with organizations and individuals in economic activities as stipulated by law to generate financial support for purchasing equipment, vehicles, and supplies for education, living, healthcare, and drug rehabilitation activities for individuals under rehabilitation.

Therefore, individuals are allowed to donate money and materials to compulsory rehabilitation facilities as specified. Additionally, individuals can also collaborate with these facilities to engage in economic activities as regulated by law to generate financial resources for the facility.

Can individuals contribute financially or materially to rehabilitation facilities in Vietnam? - image from internet

What benefits do workers in rehabilitation facilities in Vietnam receive?

According to the provisions in Article 76 of Decree 116/2021/ND-CP, the regime for civil servants and workers working in compulsory rehabilitation facilities is as follows:

1. Civil servants and workers working in compulsory rehabilitation facilities are entitled to specific allowances and occupational benefits as provided by the current laws and regulations.

2. Personnel from the public security and healthcare agencies who are assigned or seconded to work and provide support at compulsory rehabilitation facilities for a period of 6 months or more are entitled to the benefits stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article.

3. Civil servants and workers in compulsory rehabilitation facilities are equipped with means, equipment, supporting tools, and standardized uniforms to fulfill their duties in drug rehabilitation and student management, as guided by the Minister of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs.

4. The implementation of the provisions in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article is carried out in accordance with the guidance of the Ministry of Finance.

Therefore, workers in compulsory rehabilitation facilities are entitled to specific allowances, occupational benefits, and other benefits as stipulated by the relevant laws and regulations.

Best regards!

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