What is the significance of January 10? What is the monthly allowance rate for individuals affected by Agent Orange in Vietnam?

What is the significance of January 10? What is the monthly allowance rate for individuals affected by Agent Orange in Vietnam? What is the list of illnesses eligible for Agent Orange benefits in 2025 in Vietnam?

What is the significance of January 10?

Pursuant to Article 2 of the amended, supplemented Charter of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin issued together with Decision 365/QD-BNV 2014 stipulating the principles and purposes:

Article 2. Principles and Purposes

1. The Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (hereinafter referred to as the Association) is a social organization with the special nature of victims of Agent Orange and individuals voluntarily contributing efforts, intelligence, money, and materials to help victims of Agent Orange, overcoming the consequences of chemical poisons used by the US army during the war in Vietnam.

2. The Association is established to mobilize all social potentials, benefactors domestically and abroad, and create favorable conditions to assist victims of Agent Orange and their families in integrating into the social community, contributing to the construction and defense of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

3. The Association is established to gather and unite members, protect the legitimate rights and interests of members, educate and motivate victims of Agent Orange to overcome difficulties, unite and help each other in life, and fulfill the obligations and rights of citizens.

4. January 10, 2004, is the Traditional Day of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin.

According to the above regulation, January 10 of each year is the Traditional Day of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin. According to the Perpetual Calendar, January 10, 2025, falls on December 11, 2024, in the lunar calendar.

What is January 10? How are monthly allowances for those affected by Agent Orange regulated?

What is the significance of January 10? What is the monthly allowance rate for individuals affected by Agent Orange in Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

What is the monthly allowance rate for individuals affected by Agent Orange in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 30 of the Ordinance on Preferential Treatment for People with Meritorious Services to the Revolution 2020 stipulating preferential policies for those who participated in the resistance and were affected by chemical poisons:

Article 30. Preferential Regime for Those in Resistance Affected by Chemical Poisons

  1. Monthly allowances for those who participated in the resistance and were affected by chemical poisons are as follows:

a) Persons specified at point a, clause 1, Article 29 of this Ordinance are entitled to monthly allowances based on their body impairment rate ranging from 21% to 40%, from 41% to 60%, from 61% to 80%, or from 81% upwards;

b) Persons specified at point b or c, clause 1, Article 29 of this Ordinance who do not suffer from diseases or suffer from diseases specified at point a, clause 1, Article 29 of this Ordinance with a body impairment rate below 61% are entitled to monthly allowances equivalent to those with a body impairment rate of 41% to 60%; in case of disease with a body impairment rate from 61% or more, they are entitled to monthly allowances corresponding to the body impairment rate from 61% to 80% or from 81% upwards as specified in point a of this clause;

c) Veterans suffering additional diseases specified at point a, clause 1, Article 29 of this Ordinance due to chemical poison exposure are subject to comprehensive medical assessment to receive monthly allowances corresponding to the body impairment rate;


Monthly allowances for those affected by Agent Orange are regulated as follows:

- For those with diseases related to chemical exposure with a body impairment rate from 21% upwards.

- For those suffering infertility or bearing children with birth defects:

+ With a body impairment rate below 61%, they receive allowances corresponding to a body impairment rate from 41% to 60%.

+ With a body impairment rate from 61% upwards, they receive allowances corresponding to a body impairment rate from 61% to 80% or from 81% upwards.

- For veterans:

+ With additional diseases related to chemical exposure with a body impairment rate from 21% upwards, they are subject to a comprehensive medical assessment to receive allowances corresponding to the body impairment rate.

+ Veterans suffering infertility or bearing children with birth defects are entitled to monthly allowances as veterans and allowances corresponding to a body impairment rate from 41% to 60%.

+ Veterans with additional diseases related to chemical exposure and suffering infertility or bearing children with birth defects are allowed to choose monthly allowances in two cases as above.

What is the list of illnesses eligible for Agent Orange benefits in 2025 in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 3, Article 53 of Decree 131/2021/ND-CP stipulating conditions, standards for recognizing those in resistance who were affected by chemical poisons:

Article 53. Conditions and Standards for Recognizing Those in Resistance Affected by Chemical Poisons


3. List of diseases, deformities, and defects related to exposure to chemical poisons as stipulated in clause 2, Article 29 of the Ordinance are detailed in Appendix V of this Decree and applied as follows:

a) Diseases specified from clause 1 to clause 15 of Appendix V of this Decree apply only to those in resistance exposed to chemical poisons.

b) Congenital deformities, defects specified in clause 16 of Appendix V of this Decree and spina bifida specified in clause 17 of Appendix V of this Decree apply only to children born to those in resistance exposed to chemical poisons.

Based on Appendix V of the list of diseases, deformities, and defects related to exposure to chemical poisons issued with Decree 131/2021/ND-CP stipulating the diseases eligible for Agent Orange policies in 2025:

[1] Applicable to those in resistance exposed to chemical poisons:

- Soft tissue cancer; bronchial-pulmonary, trachea, larynx; prostate; primary liver;

- Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Hodgkin's Lymphoma

- Malignant myelopathy

- Acute or subacute peripheral neuropathy

- Chloracne

- Type 2 diabetes

- Delayed onset porphyria

- Reproductive abnormalities: Infertility.

- Spina bifida

- Amnestic syndrome not due to alcohol and psychoactive substances

- Organic dystonic disorder; paranoid organic psychoses (similar to schizophrenia)

- Organic mood (affective) disorders; organic anxiety disorders and other persistent (enduring) mood states organic disorders; organic emotional labile (asthenic) disorder; organic personality disorder

- Other specific organic mental disorders due to brain disease, damage, and dysfunction

[2] Applicable to children born to those in resistance exposed to chemical poisons:

- Anencephaly, encephalocele, meningomyelocele, non-specific congenital brain defects

- Congenital microcephaly and hydrocephalus; absence or agenesis of part of the brain

- Arnold-Chiari syndrome

- Absence, defects of eyelids, eyeballs; microphthalmia; coloboma; aniridia

- Congenital absence of the auricle - Anotia; congenital absence, atrophy, or narrowing of the ear canals; accessory auricle, accessory tragus, preauricular skin tags, accessory preauricular appendages; absence of pinna lobule; microtia

- Congenital anomalies of the jaw and mouth: cleft lip with or without cleft palate (cleft lip and palate)

- Polydactyly, syndactyly

- Defects or deficiencies of the upper limbs; congenital radial club hand

- Defects or deficiencies of the lower limbs; club foot

- Phocomelia

- Chondrodysplasia punctata

- Multiple congenital exostoses

- Down syndrome (Trisomy 21)

- Edwards and Patau syndromes (Trisomy 18)

- Conjoined twins.

- Spina bifida

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