What is purpose of implementing post-drug rehabilitation management in Binh Dinh province, Vietnam?

What is purpose of implementing post-drug rehabilitation management in Binh Dinh province, Vietnam? What are requirements for implementation of post-drug rehabilitation management in Binh Dinh province, Vietnam? What is content of post-drug rehabilitation management in Binh Dinh province, Vietnam? 

Please advise.

What is purpose of implementing management after post-drug rehabilitation in Binh Dinh province, Vietnam?

In Sub-section 1, Section I, implementation plan of Decree No. 116/2021/ND-CP dated December 21, 2021 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Law on Drug Prevention and Control, the Law on Handling of administrative violations on drug addiction treatment and post-drug rehabilitation management in Binh Dinh province, promulgated together with Decision 3510/QD-UBND in 2022, stipulating the purpose of implementing post-drug rehabilitation management in Binh Dinh province as follows:

1. Purpose

- In order to promptly and effectively implement the regulations on rehabilitation and post-drug addiction management under the Law on Drug Prevention and Control, the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations, Decree No. 116/2021/ND- CP; raise the awareness of all levels, sectors and the general public on drug rehabilitation and post-rehabilitation management, in accordance with the provisions of law, the policy of reforming drug addiction treatment in the current situation;

- To organize the synchronous implementation of solutions to improve the effectiveness of drug addiction treatment and post-drug addiction management; strengthen the coordination between relevant departments and branches, in order to ensure effective drug addiction treatment and drug relapse prevention and control; create favorable conditions for addicts to access services, encourage voluntary drug rehabilitation; solving employment and social problems after rehabilitation; relapse prevention and control contributes to ensuring security and order in the locality.

What are requirements for implementation of post-drug rehabilitation management in Binh Dinh province, Vietnam?

In Subsection 2, Section I, implementation plan of Decree No. 116/2021/ND-CP dated December 21, 2021 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Law on Drug Prevention and Control, the Law on Handling of administrative violations on drug addiction treatment and post-drug rehabilitation management in Binh Dinh province, promulgated together with Decision 3510/QD-UBND in 2022 stipulating requirements for implementation of post-drug rehabilitation management as follows:

2. Request

- Departments, departments, branches and People's Committees of districts, towns and cities increase their responsibilities, actively and proactively implement the Plan in a timely, quality and effective manner.

- In the process of implementation, ensure close coordination between relevant departments, agencies and sectors and the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to ensure the successful implementation of targets, objectives and tasks on drug addiction treatment and management after drug addiction treatment, and at the same time must associate the implementation of the plan with socio-economic development programs in the province.

What is content of post-drug rehabilitation management in Binh Dinh province, Vietnam? 

In Section II of the implementation plan of Decree No. 116/2021/ND-CP dated December 21, 2021 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Law on Drug Prevention and Control, the Law on Handling of administrative violations on drug addiction treatment and post-drug rehabilitation management in Binh Dinh province, promulgated together with Decision 3510/QD-UBND in 2022, stipulating the implementation of post-drug rehabilitation management in Binh Dinh province has the following content:

1. To step up the work of information, propaganda, dissemination and education of the law on the mass media in order to raise awareness and responsibility of all levels, branches, mass organizations and the masses of the people. on the content of Decree 116/2021/ND-CP and guiding documents. Synchronously implementing measures to propagate, educate, and treat addiction to create positive changes in leadership and direction of Party committees and authorities at all levels, and mobilize the synergy of all strata of the people for drug addiction treatment in order to reduce the number of new addicts.

2. Organize training on implementation of Decree No. 116/2021/ND-CP and related guiding documents for units and localities in identifying subjects, making application dossiers and implementing the Decision apply measures to send addicts to drug addiction treatment establishments.

3. Reviewing the actual condition of material foundations, equipment, means and human resources of public drug rehabilitation establishments; compare with the conditions and standards specified in Decree No. 116/2021/ND-CP to develop and submit to competent authorities for approval and implementation of projects and plans to supplement facilities, equipment and means; recruiting, training to improve the capacity of staff of public drug detoxication establishments, ensuring that they meet all conditions for drug rehabilitation activities of such establishments in accordance with the provisions of law. Guiding the grant, re-issuance and revocation of operating licenses of non-public drug rehabilitation establishments according to the provisions of Decree No. 116/2021/ND-CP.

4. Implement well the reception and management of drug addiction treatment, improve the quality and efficiency of concentrated rehabilitation at drug detoxication establishments, promote counseling and support vocational training, production labor, occupational therapy, job creation for people participating in treatment, drug addiction treatment, ensuring security and order, facilities, equipment, personnel, treatment and care regimes health care, community reintegration support for drug addicts; strengthen the implementation of measures to manage and help people after drug addiction treatment in the community.

5. To step up drug rehabilitation in families and communities, actively mobilize drug addicts to voluntarily register for appropriate forms of rehabilitation; continue to effectively implement the program of treatment of addiction to opiates with alternative drugs; to encourage enterprises to provide vocational training and create jobs for people after rehabilitation; mobilize the participation and contributions of people, addicts' families and communities for drug addiction treatment.

6. Regularly review and assess the situation of addicts in the locality, propose appropriate solutions and forms of rehabilitation; step up the fight to eliminate complex drug-related crime centers, drug trafficking and transportation networks, contributing to building a healthy social environment free of drug evils.

7. Guiding and directing relevant functional agencies to closely coordinate in preparing dossiers of application for compulsory drug rehabilitation according to the provisions of Decree No. 116/2021/ND-CP and implementation instructions.

Best Regards!

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