What is organization implementation of new production of publications that provide essential content in sustainable poverty reduction in period from 2021 to 2025 in Vietnam?

What is organization implementation of new production of publications that provide essential content in sustainable poverty reduction in period from 2021 to 2025 in Vietnam? What is selection of journalistic works with essential content to be published in cyberspace for sustainable poverty reduction in the period 2021-2025 in Vietnam? 

Please advise. Thankyou.

What is organization implementation of new production of publications that provide essential content in sustainable poverty reduction in period from 2021 to 2025 in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clauses 4 and 5, Article 11 of Circular 06/2022/TT-BTTTT (effective from August 14, 2022) stipulating organization implementation of new production of publications that provide essential content in sustainable poverty reduction in period from 2021 to 2025 such as: 

4. Implementation organization

a) Ministries and central agencies wishing to implement new publications from the subproject's funding are responsible for:

- Organize the implementation of the implementation plan and send it to the Ministry of Information and Communications to summarize and monitor the implementation of the subproject's tasks;

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall organize the selection and notify the governing body and publisher about the topic of new publication by the central agency with the funding of the subproject.

b) Provincial-level People's Committees are responsible for:

- Organize the planning, selection and announcement of new publication topics implemented by the locality with the funding of the Sub-project;

- Approve the topic, manage and direct the implementation of the plan, send it to the Ministry of Information and Communications to summarize and monitor the performance of specific tasks of the subproject.

b) Publisher is responsible for:

- To ensure that the new publication meets the criteria specified in Clause 2 of this Article and does not overlap with the topic of the existing publication;

- To publish publications, organize the publication of publications at the request of competent agencies;

- Ensure publications are made in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Publication and the Law on Intellectual Property;

- Manage and use funds for implementation of assigned sub-projects in accordance with law;

- Publishing electronic publications under the Subproject on the technology platform for providing electronic publications managed by the Ministry of Information and Communications and technology platforms managed by publishers and agencies on management, public electronic library platform (if any).

5. In addition to the contents specified in this Article, other activities shall be carried out in accordance with the Circular No. 32/2021/TT-BTTTT dated December 31, 2021 of the Ministry of Information and Communications guiding the implementation of publications using use the state budget and relevant legal regulations.

What is selection of journalistic works with essential content to be published in cyberspace for sustainable poverty reduction in the period 2021-2025 in Vietnam? 

According to Article 12 of Circular 06/2022/TT-BTTTT (effective from August 14, 2022) stipulating selection of journalistic works with essential content to be published in cyberspace for sustainable poverty reduction as follows:

1. General requirements

Print press works (print newspapers, printed magazines), radio and television programs (including ethnic minority languages ​​(if any)) selected to be converted to digital format are newspaper works. printed press releases, radio and television programs previously broadcast (by similar technology) with essential information content, valuable for long-term use, and need to be widely disseminated to the society, contributing to saving state resources and improving communication efficiency.

2. Execution object

a) For printed newspapers and magazines: Newspapers and magazines belonging to the Party's agencies, state agencies, socio-political organizations;

b) For audio and video newspapers: Radio and television stations managed by the central and local governments and press agencies conducting radio and television activities in accordance with the press law.

3. Criteria for selecting journalistic works to convert to digital format:

a) Content: In line with the principles and purposes of the press agency; closely follow the requirements and propaganda orientations of the directing agency, the state management agency in charge of the press and the governing body;

b) Regarding the form of conversion:

- For printed newspapers and magazines: Converting to electronic newspapers and magazines;

- For radio and television programs: Convert to digital technology programs.

c) In terms of efficiency: Ensuring the provision of essential information for economic, cultural - social life, national defense, security and foreign affairs.

4. Implementation process:

a) Press agencies select a list of journalistic works to convert to digital format, including the following contents: Name of work; author; Publishing year; synopsis; implementation language (in case of implementation in ethnic minority languages, specify which ethnic language); the form of the number format implemented for the work; the content of the work to convert the work into digital format; e-newspaper posting address, content distribution channel of the press agency; execution time; implementation costs, including support funds of the subproject, contributions from press agencies (if any);

b) To convert printed newspaper and magazine works into electronic newspaper and magazine works; converting radio and television programs to digital technology;

c) Publish works of electronic newspapers and electronic magazines on specialized pages and sections of electronic newspapers and electronic magazines; broadcasting and posting radio and television programs on content distribution channels of press agencies.

5. Implementation organization:

a) For the agency in charge of the press, it is responsible for: Organizing and directing the formulation and implementation of the plan; approve the list of converted works for affiliated press agencies according to regulations and send them to the Ministry of Information and Communications for synthesis into the subproject implementation plan;

b) Provincial People's Committees are responsible for: Directing local press agencies to implement the objectives and tasks of the Subproject; assigned the Department of Information and Communications to act as the focal point to advise and summarize the implementation plan of the locality, report it to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration, and send it to the Ministry of Information and Communications to summarize and monitor the specific tasks of the provincial People's Committee;

c) The press agency is responsible for:

- Implement the content of the subproject according to the approval results of the governing body, ensuring that it is consistent with the objectives, tasks and assigned funding sources as prescribed;

- To take responsibility before the law for the copyright of journalistic works proposed to participate in the implementation of the Subproject;

- Manage the budget for performing tasks in accordance with the actual contents and workload of converting works into digital format as prescribed by law;

- Posting converted journalistic works under the Subproject on the technology platform of providing electronic publications, essential electronic newspapers managed by the Ministry of Information and Communications and the platform managed by the press agencies, managing agency (if any).

Best Regards!

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