What are rights of members of Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology?

What are rights of members of Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology? What are forms, procedures and competence to admit, expel and remove members of Vietnam Thermal Science and Technology Association? What is organizational structure of Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology?

Thank you!

What are rights of members of Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology?

Pursuant to Article 10 of the Regulation on operation and maintenance of the national network of satellite positioning stations promulgated together with Decision 841/QĐ-BNV in 2022 stipulating rights of members of Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology as follows:

1. Official members have the right to participate in discussions, vote on the Association's program and plan of activities, propose and express opinions on the guidelines and policies of the Party and the State related to the field, the scope of activities of the Association in accordance with the Charter and provisions of law.

2. Have their legitimate rights and interests protected in professional activities in accordance with the law and the Association's Charter. Attend the Congress, to stand for election, to be elected to the positions of leadership and the Inspection Committee in accordance with the Association's regulations.

3. Be questioned about all activities of the Association. Be sent to participate in conferences, seminars, professional training, scientific research, to support publication and publication of research works in journals of the Association in accordance with the Charter and the provisions of law.

4. Be allowed to leave the Association after reporting to the Association and considering that it is impossible to continue to participate as a member.

5. Be introduced to eligible citizens and organizations to become members and to be considered and rewarded by the Association if they have made many positive contributions to the Association's development in accordance with the Association's regulations, its Charter and regulations. under the law.

6. Be granted the card "Member of Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology". The Association's Executive Board shall specify the issuance, issuance and management of Membership Cards.

7. Associate members and honorary members enjoy the same rights and obligations as full members, except for the right to vote on matters of the Association and to stand for election and election to the Association's Executive Board and Inspection Committee.

What are forms, procedures and competence to admit, expel and remove members of Vietnam Thermal Science and Technology Association?

Pursuant to Article 11 of the Regulation on operation and maintenance of the national network of satellite positioning stations promulgated together with Decision 841/QĐ-BNV in 2022 stipulating forms, procedures and competence to admit, expel and remove members of Vietnam Thermal Science and Technology Association as follows:

1. Procedures for admission of members: Vietnamese organizations and citizens who meet the criteria specified in Article 8 of this Charter want to join the Association or members who want to leave the Association must submit an application to the Association's Office. The admission and deletion of members' names shall be summarized by the Association's Office, reported to the Association's Executive Board for consideration and submitted to the Association's President for decision.

2. Membership will be terminated or removed from the list of members of the Association when one of the following cases occurs:

a) Voluntarily applying to leave the Association when deeming that it is impossible or unwilling to continue participating in the Association's activities. In this case, the member shall officially notify in writing to the Association's office (01) one month in advance and must return the membership card;

b) Members operate in contravention of the Charter, affecting the interests and reputation of the Association;

c) A member who violates the law is convicted of a crime and must bear a penalty when there is a legally effective judgment of the court;

d) The member is dead, missing, deprived of citizenship or has limited civil act capacity;

dd) The organization ceases to operate on its own, is suspended from operation by a competent authority, or loses its legal status or declares bankruptcy;

e) A member fails to participate in association activities for 03 (three) consecutive periods, fails to pay membership fees for a period of 01 (one) year or more without a valid reason.

3. A member is expelled when more than 1/2 (one-half) of the members of the Executive Board of the Association vote in favor. The decision on expulsion of members takes effect from the date of signing by the Association's President.

4. The Association's Office is responsible for posting the list of new admitted members and announcing the list of deleted members publicly on the Association's Website within 30 (thirty) working days from the date of the decision on expulsion.

What is organizational structure of Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology?

Pursuant to Article 12 of the Regulation on operation and maintenance of the national network of satellite positioning stations promulgated together with Decision 841/QĐ-BNV in 2022 stipulating organizational structure of Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology as follows:

1. General Assembly.

2. Executive Committee.

3. Standing Committee.

4. Inspection Committee.

5. Offices and specialized committees.

Best regards!

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