What are regulations on the authority to determine and the procedure to identify drug addicts in Vietnam?

What are regulations on the authority to determine and the procedure to identify drug addicts in Vietnam? What are conditions for a community-based drug addiction treatment facility in Vietnam? What are regulations on the operation of a community-based drug addiction treatment facility in Vietnam?

Thank you.

What are regulations on the authority to determine and the procedure to identify drug addicts in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 5 of Joint Circular 03/2012/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BYT-BCA stipulating the authority to identify drug addicts as follows:

Persons are competent to identify drug addicts when fully meeting the following conditions:

1. Being a doctor or medical practitioner with a certificate of medical examination and treatment practice in accordance with the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment and a certificate of training in drug addiction treatment issued by the Department of Health of the provinces and central-affiliated cities.

2. Belongs to the following subjects

a) Head of commune health stations;

b) Head of the infirmary of the Military Medical Hospital;

c) Director, Head of Medical Examination Department of regional clinics, district-level hospitals or higher;

d) Director, Head of the Medical Department of the Center for drug addiction treatment.

Pursuant to Article 6 of Joint Circular 03/2012/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BYT-BCA stipulating procedures for identifying drug addicts as follows:

1. An application for identification of a drug addict includes:

a) A written request for identification of drug addicts from the commune-level police station;

b) A brief curriculum vitae of the person proposed for identification of drug addiction, made according to the form specified in Appendix 5 to this Circular;

c) Copies of documents proving illegal drug use.

2. Procedures for identifying drug addicts

a) Within 03 working days after receiving the application for identification of drug addicts from the commune-level police, the person competent to identify drug addicts specified in Clause 1 of this Article, based on criteria standards for determining drug addiction according to regulations of the Minister of Health to determine drug addiction;

b) Within 02 working days, the person competent to identify drug addicts must reply in writing the results of determination of drug addiction according to the form specified in Appendix 6 to this Circular.

What are conditions for a community-based drug addiction treatment facility in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 7 of Joint Circular 03/2012/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BYT-BCA stipulating conditions for a community-based drug addiction treatment facility in Vietnam as follows:

1. The case of establishing a separate reliever treatment facility

a) In terms of facilities and equipment: A treatment facility must be built into a continuous zone, isolated from the outside environment to avoid drug smuggling, and must have at least 03 functional rooms and equipment. accompanied by the following:

- Clinic and emergency: Minimum area of ​​10m2, including a medicine cabinet with a full list of drugs and emergency tools as prescribed by the Ministry of Health;

- Patient room: Minimum area of ​​8m2 and equal to or greater than 4m2/treatment person; the room must be cool in the summer, airtight in the winter, and have enough for each patient to have 1 set of living tools including a bed, mat, sheet, pillow, blanket, and mosquito net;

- Standing room of medical staff and security guards.

b) Regarding staff, there must be at least 04 people, including: The person in charge of the treatment unit is a medical doctor, a psychiatrist or a general practitioner who has a practicing certificate in accordance with the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment and has a medical certificate of training in drug addiction treatment; 01 medical doctor, treating doctor; 01 nurse; 01 guard.

In case of not setting up a separate reliever treatment facility as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 23 of Decree No. 94/2010/ND-CP, but doing it in conjunction with the Center for Treatment - Education - Social Labor, other establishments are allowed to provide reliever treatment in the area to organize drug addiction treatment, the cessation treatment area must satisfy the following conditions:

a) In terms of facilities and equipment: The area to organize reliever treatment must be isolated from the outside environment to avoid drug smuggling; have enough living tools for drug addicts according to the norm of 01 person/ 1 set of living tools including: bed, mat, sheet, pillow, blanket, mosquito net; have a medicine cabinet with a full list of drugs and emergency equipment as prescribed by the Ministry of Health;

b) Regarding personnel: staff treating drug addiction and detoxification must undergo training and training in drug addiction treatment and support and be certified by the Department of Health.

What are regulations on the operation of a community-based drug addiction treatment facility in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 8 of Joint Circular 03/2012/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BYT-BCA stipulating the operation of a community-based drug addiction treatment facility in Vietnam as follows:

1. Professional activities on reliever

a) Make a medical record according to the prescribed form. The recording and preservation of medical records must comply with regulations of the Minister of Health;

b) Implement the regimen of reliever treatment according to the protocol promulgated by the Minister of Health.

2. Activities to prevent and combat HIV/AIDS and dangerous infectious diseases at the establishment.

a) Propaganda and education for detoxifiers to raise awareness and perform safe behaviors to prevent transmission of HIV and other infectious diseases at the facility;

b) Implement infection control regimes according to regulations of the Ministry of Health;

c) Ensure continuity in anti-HIV drug treatment for cases where drug addicts are being treated with anti-HIV drugs.

3. Ensure order and safety for the subjects receiving treatment at the facility, and to implement synchronously measures to prevent drug smuggling and other unsafe acts of the subjects.

4. Guide families in managing, caring for and supporting drug addicts in the process of cessation treatment, counseling, encouraging and encouraging them to feel secure in treatment.

Best regards!

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