What are regulations on preparation of dossier on management of individual in social support facilities in Vietnam?

What are regulations on preparation of dossier on management of individual in social support facilities in Vietnam? What are regulations on entitlement, conditions and procedures for suspension of social support in social support facilities in Vietnam? What are regulations on expenditure on implementation of regular social support policies in Vietnam?

Thank you!

What are regulations on preparation of dossier on management of individual in social support facilities in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 29 of the Decree 20/2021/NĐ-CP stipulating preparation of dossier on management of individual in social support facilities in Vietnam as follows:

Social support facilities must produce and manage personal dossier of each individual. Dossiers of individuals include:

1. Application for admission to social support facilities under Article 27 hereof.

2. Social support plans and relevant documents.

3. Decisions on suspension of social support or settlement of contracts for social support service.

4. Documents related to the individuals.

What are regulations on entitlement, conditions and procedures for suspension of social support in social support facilities in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 30 of the Decree 20/2021/NĐ-CP stipulating entitlement, conditions and procedures for suspension of social support in social support facilities in Vietnam as follows:

1. Entitlement for suspension of social support: Heads of social support facilities shall decide on suspension of social support facilities. For social support facilities under management of district governments, Chairpersons of People’s Committees of districts shall decide on suspension of social support.

2. Conditions for suspending social support:

a) Terminate management according to decisions of heads of social support facilities;

b) Guardians, families or families, individuals providing care and nurture submit application using Form No. 9 attached hereof;

c) Individuals are adopted according to regulations and law on adopted children;

d) Individuals at 16 years of age. In case individuals are at 16 years of age or older pursuing formal education, vocational education, professional secondary education, college or higher education shall receive care and nurture in facilities until they finish formal higher education or reach 22 years of age (whichever comes first);

dd) Social support facilities are incapable of providing appropriate social support service for the individuals;

e) The individuals do not contact for 1 month;

g) The individuals request suspension of social support;

h) The individuals decease or go missing as per the law;

i) Terminate contracts for provision of social support service;

k) Other cases according to regulations and law.

3. Procedures for suspending social support:

a) Individuals using service or guardians, relatives or households, individuals providing care and nurture or foster parents specified under Points b, c, d, and g Clause 2 of this Article shall submit application on suspension of social support using Form No. 9 attached hereto to heads of social support facilities (if any);

b) Within 7 working days from the date on which applications are received, Chairpersons of People’s Committees of districts shall decide on suspension of social support for individuals within their competence; heads of social support facilities shall decide on suspension of social support;

c) Produce records of transferring individuals to families and community bearing confirmation of People’s Committees of communes or settle contract for social support service.

What are regulations on expenditure on implementation of regular social support policies in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 31 of the Decree 20/2021/NĐ-CP stipulating expenditure on implementation of regular social support policies in Vietnam as follows:

1. Expenditure on implementing regular social support policies, providing care in the community and expenditure on paying for policies, publicizing, approving beneficiaries, applying information technology, training, improving officials’ capacity and supervising shall conform to regulations and law on state budget.

2. Expenditure on guaranteeing care and nurture for beneficiaries specified under Clauses 1, 2, and 3 Article 24 hereof shall conform to following regulations:

Social support facilities of an administrative division shall be guaranteed by budget of respective government in social affair expenditure estimate.

3. Expenditure on regular activities, fundamental construction investment and other costs of social support facilities shall conform to regulations and law. Social support facilities may receive, utilize and manage funding sources and exhibits contributed by organizations and individuals for charity purposes must be used for the right purposes, for the right beneficiaries and settled as per the law.

4. Ministry of Finance shall provide guidelines on Clause 1 and Clause 2 hereof.

Best regards!

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