What are regulations on members of the Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology?

What are regulations on members of the Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology? What are standards for membership of the Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology? What are obligations of members of the Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology?

Thank you!

What are regulations on members of the Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology?

Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 8 of the Regulation on operation and maintenance of the national network of satellite positioning stations promulgated together with Decision 841/QĐ-BNV in 2022 stipulating members of the Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology as follows:

1. Members of Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology include official members, associate members and honorary members:

a) Full member: Vietnamese organizations and citizens who have been working in the fields directly related to science, technology, and socio-economic development of the country, and have met the criteria specified in Clause 2 of this Article, endorsing the Charter of Vietnam Thermal Science and Technology Association, voluntarily applying to join the Association and being considered and decided on admission by the Association;

b) Associate members: Vietnamese organizations and citizens engaged in activities related to the Association's fields of activity, making positive contributions to the Association's development, and agreeing to the Charter of the Vietnam Thermal Science and Technology Association, voluntarily submit an application to join the Association, which is considered and recognized by the Association;

c) Honorary members: Vietnamese organizations and citizens who do not have conditions or do not meet the criteria to become official members, but have actively contributed to the development of the Association, agreeing to the Charter of Vietnam Thermal Science and Technology Association, considered and recognized by the Association.

What are standards for membership of the Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology?

Pursuant to Clause 2 Article 8 of the Regulation on operation and maintenance of the national network of satellite positioning stations promulgated together with Decision 841/QĐ-BNV in 2022 stipulating standards for membership of the Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology as follows:

2. Criteria for official membership:

a) Organization members: Organizations with Vietnamese legal person status are enterprises, scientific and technological research organizations established in accordance with law and are operating in fields related to the thermal engineering industry, has a voluntary application to join the Association's activities. Representative of members of organizations joining the Association must be Vietnamese citizens with university or higher degrees, political ideology and good moral qualities;

b) Vietnamese citizens who are full 18 (eighteen) years of age or older, have full civil act capacity, have a college or university degree or higher, have been doing management, scientific research, etc. Those who have studied in a field directly related to thermal engineering, have good political ideology, and have good moral qualities can become full members of the Association.

What are obligations of members of the Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology?

Pursuant to Article 9 of the Regulation on operation and maintenance of the national network of satellite positioning stations promulgated together with Decision 841/QĐ-BNV in 2022 stipulating obligations of members of the Vietnam Association of Thermal Science and Technology as follows:

1. Abide by the Association's Charter, the Resolutions of the General Meeting, the Decisions of the Executive Board and the Association's Standing Board.

2. Strictly implement the guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State, preserve prestige and ethics in professional activities.

3. Unite and build the Association to develop strongly for the common interests of the Association, its members and the country; build cooperative and supportive relationships among members.

4. Official members pay membership fees according to the Association's regulations, honorary members and associate members are not required to pay membership fees but can mobilize organizations and individuals to support the Association's activities.

5. Protect the reputation of the Association, not to arbitrarily act on behalf of the Association or represent the Association in relations and transactions without being assigned or introduced in writing by the Association.

6. Comply with the information and reporting regime in accordance with the Association's regulations, the Association's Charter and the provisions of law.

7. The Association's Executive Board shall specify the level of membership fee payment in accordance with the Association's Charter and the law.

Best regards!

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