What are regulations on effectively performing national defense - security, improving social welfare, reducing sustainable poverty in border areas in Vietnam?

What are regulations on effectively performing national defense - security, improving social welfare, reducing sustainable poverty in border areas in Vietnam? 

Pursuant to Section III.5 of the Resolution 23/NQ-CP in 2022 stipulating effectively performing national defense - security, improving social welfare, reducing sustainable poverty in border areas in Vietnam as follows: 

a) The Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, and the Ministry of Home Affairs shall coordinate with relevant agencies and localities to focus on developing education and training, and improving the quality of human resources, focusing on vocational education and vocational training for young workers to transform labor structure, rural economic structure associated with job creation, income growth and building a contingent of cadres and civil servants, ethnic minority officials and people working in ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, border areas and islands have sufficient quality, capacity and reputation to meet the requirements of their duties.

b) Ministry of Health

- Take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of National Defense and border localities in, building and improving a model of combining military and civil medicine in border areas suitable to natural, socio-economic conditions, awareness level and customs of ethnic minorities in the region.

- Guide localities to well perform health care work for people in border areas, including: Propagation, raising awareness about hygienic lifestyle, science, population and development, safety and hygiene food production, disease prevention, medical examination and treatment; ready to meet medical requirements to promptly respond to natural disasters, disasters and emergency situations.

c) The Ministry of National Defense shall take charge and cooperate with ministries, central authorities and localities in, performing military and defense tasks, maintaining sovereignty and territorial integrity in association with national development. socio-economic development, improving people's living standards; increase investment resources for border areas located in the planning of defense economic zones, avoiding overlap and dispersion.

d) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall coordinate with concerned ministries, central authorities and localities in studying measures, programs and initiatives for cooperation in border areas, creating stable jobs and improving people's lives, encouraging people to stick to the border areas, contributing to strengthening national defense and security in the region.

dd) The Ministry of Industry and Trade regularly gets a grasp on the situation, closely monitors border economic and trade activities and policies to assess impacts, and has appropriate response measures to limit negative impacts on economic interests and national security.

e) The Ministry of Information and Communications develops and implements the Program to provide public telecommunications services for the period of 2021-2025 and the following years, in which priority is given to support for broadband telecommunications services, provide mobile and fixed phone coverage for border areas, link the development of telecommunications services with the task of firmly protecting national sovereignty, socio-economic development, supporting the propagation and dissemination of knowledge to change new methods of production, agricultural cultivation and improvement of people's living standards.

g) Ministry of Public Security

- Direct the police force to perform the task of protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, fighting and preventing crime in border areas in accordance with law, and mobilizing people to participate in the movement of all people to protect national security, build a people's security posture associated with a solid all-people border guard posture in border areas, create a safe and secure environment to effectively attract social resources for economic and social development in this area. Continue to support the construction and repair of houses for poor households, build semi-boarding houses for students in border areas, contributing to strengthening the great unity of the whole nation, creating positive changes in society.

- Direct police units and localities to strengthen international cooperation with neighboring countries in crime prevention, illegal entry and exit, and epidemic prevention; perform the task of protecting national security.

h) Localities with borders

- Continue to effectively implement current mechanisms and policies in order to bring into play the available advantages of the locality for the task of socio-economic development to improve people's living standards; combined with building a solid defense area according to the Resolution No. 28-NQ/TW dated September 22, 2008 of the 10th Politburo on continuing to build provinces and central-affiliated cities into solid defense areas in the new situation.

- Strengthen the propagation and implementation of legal documents on the border with other countries as well as regularly update and propagate information related to the State's undertakings and policies, exchanges between people in border areas, increase the frequency of bilateral patrols, improve the effectiveness of meetings at all levels to prevent and promptly handle all acts of infringing upon the border, boundary markers and violating border regulations; well perform sharing information, coordinating in the fight against cross-border crimes, fighting to defeat all plots and tricks of hostile forces in the border area.

- Actively get a grasp on the situation, forecast, handle, promptly report and propose proposals on matters beyond its competence about complicated developments in border areas; direct functional forces to fight effectively with hostile forces, immigration activities, luring people to cross the border, trafficking in people, drugs, commercial fraud, and opium re-planting activities and illegal acts in border areas.

- Allocate resources to invest in the construction of defense works in border areas, invest in the construction of a system of border guard posts and stations to meet the requirements and tasks of border protection in association with strengthening national defense and security and economic, cultural and social development.

- Actively integrate capital sources from national target programs, current programs and policies, and allocate local budgets for national defense and security, social security, and welfare improvement of sustainable poverty reduction in border areas.

Best regards!

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