Shall women raising babies be exempt from training in fire fighting and rescue operations of the People's Public Security in Vietnam?

Shall women raising babies be exempt from training in fire fighting and rescue operations of the People's Public Security in Vietnam? - Question from Mr. Quan (Tra Vinh)

Shall women raising babies be exempt from training in fire fighting and rescue operations of the People's Public Security in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 9 of the Circular 02/2023/TT-BCA stipulating cases of exemption or postponement from training in fire fighting and rescue operations of the People's Public Security in Vietnam as follows:

Cases of exemption or postponement of training
1. In case of exemption from training:
a) Currently undergoing treatment for a serious illness; diseases on the list of diseases requiring long-term treatment according to the provisions of Circular No. 46/2016/TT-BYT dated December 30, 2016 of the Minister of Health promulgating the list of diseases requiring long-term treatment.
b) During the secondment work.
c) There is a notice of leave waiting for retirement benefits.
d) Having been studying at an academies, schools inside or outside the Public Security branch for 12 months or more.
dd) Pregnant or nursing women under 12 months old.
2. In case of postponement of training:
Officers and soldiers are sick, sick, take an unexpected leave, go on a business trip with the confirmation of the unit's head or are given leave by the unit leader at the time of training. The cases of postponement of training must participate in additional training in the next period of the content that has not been implemented.

Thus, pregnant or nursing women under 12 months of age are exempt from training in fire fighting and rescue operations of the People's Public Security in Vietnam.

Therefore, if a woman is raising a child under 12 months old, she will be exempted from training in fire fighting and rescue operations of the People's Public Security in Vietnam.

What are contents of inspection and evaluating the results of professional training in fire fighting and rescue of the People's Police in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 11 of the Circular 02/2023/TT-BCA stipulating contents of inspection and evaluating the results of professional training in fire fighting and rescue of the People's Police in Vietnam as follows:

Content of inspection, criteria for evaluating training results
1. Contents of inspection and evaluation of training results:
a) Inspect and evaluate the results according to the issued training program.
b) Inspect the training plans, programs, lesson plans, books to monitor the training, conditions to ensure the training; test plans, inspection records, evaluation of training results, training reports.
c) Inspect and appraise the training results according to the report of the training unit.
2. Criteria for evaluating training results:
a) If the individual specified in Clause 1, Article 5 of this Circular meets the requirements, he/she must ensure: Participating fully in the training contents; the training time must be 80% or more; participate in the test and achieve results of 50% of the total score or more.
b) The unit that meets the requirements for the Fire Prevention, Firefighting and Rescue Police Department and the district-level Police Department must have at least 90% of the trained officers and soldiers participating in the content, the training period as prescribed and 80% of the inspection officers and soldiers meet the requirements or more.
c) An unsatisfactory unit or individual is a case that has not yet met the criteria specified at Points a and b, Clause 2 of this Article.
d) Individuals with unsatisfactory test results must re-examine unsatisfactory contents.
3. Training results of units and individuals are one of the criteria for commenting, evaluating and ranking the quality of units and individuals and annual emulation review.

Thus, the contents of inspection and evaluation of training results in fire fighting and rescue operations in the People's Police include:

- Inspect and evaluate the results according to the issued training program.

- Inspect the training plans, programs, lesson plans, books to monitor the training, conditions to ensure the training; test plans, inspection records, evaluation of training results, training reports.

- Inspect and evaluate the training results according to the report of the training unit.

Who has the authority to inspect and evaluate the results of professional training in fire fighting and rescue in the People's Police?

Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 12 of the Circular 02/2023/TT-BCA stipulating contents of inspection and evaluating the results of professional training in fire fighting and rescue of the People's Police in Vietnam as follows:

Inspection and evaluating training results
1. Competence to inspecte and evaluate training results:
a) The Director of the Police Department of Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue shall establish a council to examine and evaluate advanced training results and periodically and regularly inspect and evaluate training results. of the Provincial Police (hereinafter referred to as the Council for examination and evaluation of training results).
The members of the council to examine and evaluate the training results include: Leaders of the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Department; representatives and leaders of relevant functional units under the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Department and the Fire and Rescue Police Department shall be decided by the Director of the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Department.
b) The director of the provincial-level Police Department shall establish a council to examine and evaluate the results of periodic training and to examine and evaluate the results of regular training for the units under their management.
The composition of the council to examine and honor the training results includes: Leaders of the Provincial Police; leaders of relevant functional units of the provincial-level Public Security Department shall be decided by the Director of the provincial-level Public Security.

Thus, the authority to inspect and evaluate the results of professional training in fire fighting and rescue in the People's Police belongs to the Director of the Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue Police Department and the Director of the Provincial People's Police Department.

Best regards!

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