If a person under drug rehabilitation management is absent from his/her place of residence, do he/she have to notify the authorities in Vietnam?

I have successfully gone for drug rehabilitation and am currently in the post-rehabilitation management period. Now I want to leave my residence for a while, do I need to inform the authorities? Please guide me.

If a person under drug rehabilitation management is absent from his/her place of residence, do he/she have to notify the authorities in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 1, Article 79 of Decree 116/2021/ND-CP, there are regulations on residential management for individuals under drug rehabilitation as follows:

a) The communal police assist the People's Committee at the same level in preparing a list of individuals under drug rehabilitation management at their place of residence according to Form No. 52 in the Appendix II of this Decree;

b) Individuals under drug rehabilitation management must report to the communal police when absent from their place of residence, stating the reason for their absence and the duration of the absence. If no report is made, the time of absence will not be counted towards the drug rehabilitation management period;

c) When an individual under drug rehabilitation management changes their place of residence, the communal police at the new location are responsible for notifying the communal police at the previous location within 05 working days from the date the individual moves out of the area to include them in the list and coordinate management according to Form No. 53 in the Appendix II of this Decree.

Therefore, if you are absent from your place of residence, you must notify the communal police at your place of residence about your absence.

If a person under drug rehabilitation management is absent from his/her place of residence, do he/she have to notify the authorities in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What is the policy to support drug addicts after rehabilitation in Vietnam?

Based on Article 80 of Decree 116/2021/ND-CP, the policy to support drug addicts is as follows:

1. Those aged 12 to under 18 who continue their education at public educational institutions are exempted or receive reduced tuition fees and study cost support. The exemption and reduction procedures are carried out according to Decree No. 81/2021/NĐ-CP dated August 27, 2021, regulating tuition fee collection and management for public educational institutions and policies on tuition fee exemption, reduction, and study cost support; service prices in the field of education and training.

2. Those after drug addiction rehabilitation participating in vocational training are entitled to training support policies as stipulated by the law on short-term vocational training.

3. They can access loans for job creation from the National Employment Fund, with priority registration for public employment policies as regulated by the law on job creation support and the National Employment Fund.

Based on the local socio-economic situation, the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs collaborates with relevant agencies to advise the provincial People's Committee on using other credit sources to provide preferential loans to support the development of production and job creation for people after drug addiction rehabilitation.

In accordance with Clauses 1, 2, 3 of this Article, the Chairperson of the commune People's Committee, based on the support needs of people after drug addiction rehabilitation, guides and supports them in completing application documents and procedures according to legal regulations.

Best Regards!

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