How are innovations in communication to raise awareness of the importance of ethics and lifestyle education in the family regulated?
Task of Innovating Communication Work to Raise Awareness about the Importance of Moral and Lifestyle Education in the Family
Based on Subsection 1 of Section II in Article 1 of Decision 96/QD-TTg in 2022, the regulation on the Task of Innovating Communication Work to Raise Awareness of Families, Communities, and Society about the Importance of Moral and Lifestyle Education in the Family is as follows:
- Strengthen the dissemination, propaganda, and education of policies and laws related to family work; ethical standards, cultural behavior in the family, education of patriotism, a sense of responsibility towards oneself, family, and dedication to the community and society's interests.
- Strongly innovate and diversify communication forms. Focus on propagandizing and disseminating the guidelines and policies of the Communist Party and the State's policies and laws on building ethics and lifestyles for family development. Highlight good people, good deeds, exemplary family models, disciplined families, exemplary grandparents and parents, dutiful children, harmonious spouses, and united and loving siblings; criticize deviant behaviors, violations of ethical standards, traditional cultural values, and customs such as early marriage and consanguineous marriage.
- Unify the awareness and actions of all levels and sectors in moral and lifestyle education. Promote the role of reputable individuals in the community, heads of residential groups in propagating and inspiring family and social members about ethics and lifestyles. Focus on preventing harmful information and cultural products from impacting the family.
- Develop a network of collaborators participating in propaganda to raise awareness of ideals, ethics, and lifestyles for family members.
Strengthen State Management Work on Family
Based on Subsection 2 of Section II in Article 1 of Decision 96/QD-TTg in 2022, the provisions on strengthening state management work on family are as follows:
- Review, develop, and issue guiding documents and implement the Program, materials, and communication products on moral and lifestyle education in the family, and the set of behavioral criteria in the family.
- Train and cultivate staff at all levels involved in family work to organize, deploy, and implement the Program.
- Develop and sign inter-agency cooperation programs between relevant agencies on implementing family work.