What are regulations on consular visitors and contacts at inmate detention facilities in Vietnam?

What are regulations on consular visitors and contacts at inmate detention facilities in Vietnam? What are persons who come to work, coordinate in organizing educational activities at inmate detention facilities in Vietnam? What are prohibited acts at inmate detention facilities in Vietnam?

Please advise. Thankyou.

What are regulations on consular visitors and contacts at inmate detention facilities in Vietnam?

In Article 11 of the Regulations on inmate detention facilities promulgated together with Circular 89/2022/TT-BQP (effective from January 25, 2023), people visiting and making consular contact at the inmate detention facility is specified as follows:

1. When arriving at the inmates' detention facilities, wear neat, clean and polite clothes; fully present papers to request consular visits and contacts with prisoners; strictly abide by the rules of the visiting house and the instructions of the responsible officer on the time and place of the consular visit and contact; Maintain environmental hygiene, ensure safety and prevent disease. At the end of the visiting and meeting hours, consular contacts are not allowed to voluntarily stay at the workplace or the meeting place of the inmate detention facility.

2. Do not arbitrarily contact inmates; have uncultured attitudes, gestures, words and behaviors, quarrel, insult the reputation and honor of officials performing duties or others; inciting, aiding, inciting or using other tricks to force inmates or other people to oppose or violate the Regulations of inmate detention facilities.

3. Persons of foreign diplomatic missions and consular offices shall not allow prisoners to use telephones, communication equipment, audio or video recordings when visiting and making consular contact; do not record audio or video during consular visits and contacts; not to record audio or video at inmates' detention facilities and where there are signs prohibiting filming or taking photos; taking advantage of consular visits and contacts to entice, gather, speak or act, or use banners, slogans and documents with propaganda or incitement content to cause insecurity and disorder.

4. Persons who visit and have consular contact with inmates have the right to comment, propose, reflect or complain and denounce illegal acts related to the operation of the inmate detention facility. 

What are persons who come to work, coordinate in organizing educational activities at inmate detention facilities in Vietnam?

In Article 12 of the Regulations on inmate detention facilities promulgated together with Circular 89/2022/TT-BQP (effective from January 25, 2023), people come to work and coordinate in organizing educational activities at inmate detention facilities are as follows:

1. Persons who come to work or coordinate in organizing educational, labor, vocational guidance, vocational training, health care or other activities at detention facilities must strictly perform their work according to regulations; using the uniform of the industry or the agency, unit or enterprise. In other cases, they must wear neat, clean and polite clothes; present sufficient papers to identify the competent and responsible person to work or coordinate in organizing work at the inmate detention facility.

2. Comply with the provisions of the law on the regime of management, detention, education and re-education of inmates, this Regulation and follow the instructions of detention facility officials. Absolutely do not lend or lend money, property or objects to inmates on the list of prohibited items from being brought into detention facilities; When wanting to provide material support and support to inmates, they must go through responsible officers of the inmate detention facility.

3. Not arbitrarily contacting prisoners, entering the management, detention, study, labor, vocational training or other areas of the detention facility; receive or transfer money, documents, applications, letters and other objects to prisoners.

4. The use of equipment for communication, filming, photography, audio recording, video recording and interviewing at inmate detention facilities must comply with the provisions of law, the Ministry of National Defense and regulations and guidelines of inmate detention facilities.

What are prohibited acts at inmate detention facilities in Vietnam?

In Article 10 of the Regulations on inmate detention facilities promulgated together with Circular 89/2022/TT-BQP (effective from January 25, 2023), the prohibited acts at the inmate detention facility are as follows: :

1. Hiding, organizing to escape from the place of detention; oppose, incite, incite, entice, seduce or force other inmates to oppose or disturb security and order; failing to strictly comply with decisions, orders, requests and instructions of officials; violate the regulations on the regime of management, detention, education and re-education of inmates; arbitrarily traveling beyond the prescribed range; obstructing the execution of prison sentences by other inmates; making false reports, concealing their violations and other inmates; take revenge on someone who reflects his or her wrongdoings or that of others.

2. Bringing in, storing and using prohibited objects; creating objects yourself that may cause insecurity, safety or danger to yourself and others; Arbitrarily keeping animals in prison inmate detention facilities.

3. Committing suicide, self-injuring, destroying the body or helping other people commit suicide, self-injury or destroy the body; beat, threaten, bully, control, torture, humiliate others; appropriate or destroy or damage the property or objects of the detention facility, their own or that of others; arbitrarily contact with visitors or other people.

4. Arbitrarily changing the sleeping position; lending, repairing other types of clothes granted, erasing stamps on clothes; illegal use of fire or electricity; gatherings, eating and drinking illegally; use alcohol, other stimulants; gambling, organizing gambling, buying, selling, exchanging or borrowing in any form between inmates or with other people; male prisoners cut their hair bald (except in cases of illness with the consent of the medical staff), beard, mustache, and long nails.

5. Forming associations, groups and factions in any form; have uncultured attitudes, words and behaviors, quarrel, offend the honor and dignity of others; arbitrarily write, draw, hang or paste pictures and photos; spitting, throwing garbage indiscriminately or committing acts of causing public unhygienic in inmates' detention facilities.

6. Opposing, being lazy, pretending to be sick, evading labor, vocational training, studying and other educational activities; hiring or forcing other inmates to serve or do their jobs or those of other inmates.

7. Store and use books, newspapers, documents, films, tapes, discs, electronic storage devices, cultural products; propagate culture and ideas with reactionary and depraved contents; using scriptures, expressing beliefs or religions in the wrong place and at the right time prescribed by the inmate detention facility; religious propaganda; divination, worshiping, practicing superstition and superstition in any form; linking, posting or spreading unauthorized information and images to the outside or on the information and communication network; phone contact with relatives not in accordance with the registered content.

8. Acts of having sex and lewd relations between prisoners with each other or with other people (except for husband and wife relationships when permitted); tattoo on yourself or others; to put on oneself or another person objects of metal or other material.

9. Smoking cigarettes, pipe tobacco, and e-cigarettes in inmates' detention facilities, places of study, collective activities, labor workshops, apprenticeships, places that can cause fires or explosions or areas with hanging signs "no fire", "no smoking"; violating regulations on disease prevention and control; violation of regulations on fire prevention and fighting.

10. Violating other provisions of law.

Best Regards!

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