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Can a person who violates road traffic regulations receive a suspended sentence in Vietnam?

Can a person who violates road traffic regulations receive a suspended sentence in Vietnam? What cases are not eligible for suspended sentences in Vietnam?

My child and I are residing in province X. My child caused an accident by driving the vehicle in the wrong lane and passing the vehicle illegally, causing Mr. A's death. Mr. A was also at fault for driving the vehicle in the opposite direction. The court found my child guilty of "Violating regulations on road traffic" and sentenced him to 3 years in prison. My child has no criminal record, no aggravating circumstances. My child has extenuating circumstances: sincere declaration, repentance, voluntary compensation, and the victim has filed a withdrawal. So if my child appeals, will he receive a suspended sentence?

Can a person who violates road traffic regulations receive a suspended sentence in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 65 of the 2015 Penal Code stipulates the conditions for suspended sentence:

1. Where a person is sentenced to imprisonment of up to 03 years, in consideration of the offender's records and mitigating factors, the Court might give a suspended sentence with a probation period of 1 - 5 years and request the convict to fulfill certain obligations during this period in accordance with the Law on criminal sentence execution if imprisonment is deem unnecessary.

Pursuant to Article 2 of Resolution 02/2018/NQ-HDTP, it is stipulated that a person sentenced to imprisonment may be considered for a suspended sentence when the following conditions are met:

Article 2. Conditions for people sentenced to prison to enjoy suspended sentences

1. Sentenced to imprisonment for no more than 03 years.

2. Have a good character.

It is considered to have a good character if, apart from this crime, the offender always complies with policies and laws and fully performs the obligations of a citizen at the place of residence and work.

For people who have been convicted but are considered to have no criminal record, people who have been convicted but have had their criminal records erased, people who have been sanctioned for administrative violations or disciplined for which the time is considered has not been sanctioned for an administrative violation, has not been disciplined by the date of this crime for more than 6 months, if it is considered that the nature and level of the newly committed crime is less serious or If the offender is an accomplice with an insignificant role in the case and meets other conditions, he or she may also be given a suspended sentence.

3. There are 02 or more circumstances mitigating criminal liability, including at least 01 circumstance mitigating criminal liability specified in Clause 1, Article 51 of the Penal Code and no circumstances aggravating criminal liability prescribed in Clause 1, Article 52 of the Penal Code.

In case there are circumstances aggravating criminal liability, the number of circumstances mitigating criminal liability must be greater than the number of circumstances aggravating criminal liability by 02 or more, including at least 01 mitigating criminal liability specified in Clause 1, Article 51 of the Penal Code.

4. Have a clear place of residence or stable place of work for competent agencies and organizations to supervise and educate.

A clear place of residence is a place of temporary or permanent residence with a specifically determined address according to the provisions of the Law on Residence where the person receiving a suspended sentence resides and lives regularly after receiving the suspended sentence.

A stable workplace is a place where an offender works for a period of 1 year or more under a labor contract or according to a decision of a competent agency or organization.

5. Considering that there is no need to serve a prison sentence if the offender has the ability to reform himself and giving them a suspended sentence does not pose a danger to society; does not adversely affect security, order and social safety.

Based on the above law in Vietnam, your child will be sentenced to 3 years in prison; no criminal record, so must have good character; Your child has no aggravating circumstances according to Article 52 of the 2015 Penal Code; There are 02 mitigating circumstances specified in Clause 1, Article 51 of the 2015 Penal Code: voluntarily repair and compensate for damage or remediate consequences, sincerely declare and repent, in addition, the Court can also consider consider the victim's complaint; and has a clear place of residence in province X.

Therefore, your child may receive a suspended sentence in Vietnam.

What cases are not eligible for suspended sentences in Vietnam?

In Article 3 of Resolution 02/2018/NQ-HDTP, the following cases are not allowed to be suspended:

1. The offender is a mastermind, leader, commander, stubbornly opposed, a thug, uses cunning tricks, has a professional nature, takes advantage of position and power to profit, and intentionally causes extremely serious results.

2. The person who committed the crime has fled and has been wanted by the prosecuting agencies.

3. The person receiving a suspended sentence commits a new crime during the probation period; The person currently serving a suspended sentence is being tried for another crime committed before receiving the suspended sentence.

4. The offender is tried at the same time for many crimes, except in cases where the offender is under 18 years old.

5. Repeat offenders, unless the offender is under 18 years old.

6. The offender is a repeat offender, a dangerous repeat offender.

Best regards!

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