Provisions on income of the Vietnam Development Bank
According to Article 22 of Decree 46/2021/ND-CP, the income of the Vietnam Development Bank is specified as follows:
1. Income from professional operations:
a) Interest from investment credit and export credit of the State; interest from compulsorily guaranteed loans;
b) Interest from other loans;
c) Guarantee fee income;
d) Management fee for re-lending of foreign loan sources of the Government of Vietnam;
dd) Interest from deposits;
e) Income from debt trading;
g) Subsidy Interest as stipulated in point a clause 1 Article 19 of this Decree;
h) Management fee income from the state budget;
i) Fee income from receiving entrustment for capital allocation, entrustment for lending;
k) Income from foreign exchange operations;
l) Income from payment services and treasury operations;
m) Income from the trading, discounting, and rediscounting of valuable papers;
n) Interest from debts that have been written off and transferred to off-balance sheet monitoring;
o) Other income from professional operations.
2. Income from other operations:
a) Income from service operations and income from leasing assets of the Vietnam Development Bank;
b) Income from foreign exchange differences;
c) Income from the transfer, and liquidation of assets;
d) Penalty income from customers violating contracts;
dd) Income from capital contributions, transfer of capital contributions;
e) Other income as stipulated by law.