What is the Registration Fee for Automobiles in 2024?

What is the registration fee rate for cars in 2024? Who is subject to the registration fee? What are the responsibilities of fee and charge collection organizations?

What is the registration fee rate for cars in 2024?

Based on Article 8 of Decree 10/2022/ND-CP, the registration fee rates are regulated as follows:

Registration fee rates (%)

  1. Houses and land: The fee rate is 0.5%.
  1. Hunting guns; guns used for practice or sports competitions: The fee rate is 2%.
  1. Watercraft, including barges, canoes, tugboats, push boats, submarines, submersibles; boats, including yachts; aircraft: The fee rate is 1%.
  1. Motorbikes: The fee rate is 2%.


a) Motorbikes of organizations and individuals in centrally run cities; cities under provinces; district-level towns where the provincial People's Committee is located, are subject to a first-time registration fee rate of 5%.

b) For motorbikes paying the registration fee from the second time onward, the rate is 1%. In case the property owner has declared and paid the registration fee for the motorbike at 2%, and then transfers it to an organization or individual in the localities specified in point a of this clause, the registration fee rate is 5%.

5. Cars, trailers or semi-trailers pulled by cars, vehicles similar to cars: The fee rate is 2%.


a) Cars carrying nine or fewer people (including pick-up trucks): subject to a first-time registration fee rate of 10%. In case a higher rate is necessary to suit the actual local conditions, the provincial People's Council, centrally run cities decide on the adjustment but not exceeding 50% of the general rate specified in this point.

b) Pick-up trucks with a permitted loading capacity of less than 950 kg and with five seats or less, van trucks with a permitted loading capacity of less than 950 kg, are subject to a first-time registration fee rate of 60% of the first-time registration fee rate for cars carrying nine or fewer people.


Thus, the registration fee rate (%) for cars is generally 2%, except in the following cases:

- Cars carrying nine or fewer people (including pick-up trucks) are subject to a first-time registration fee rate of 10%. If necessary, to suit actual local conditions, the provincial People's Council, centrally run cities may decide to increase the rate but not exceeding 50% of the general rate.

- Pick-up trucks with a permitted loading capacity of less than 950 kg and with five seats or less, van trucks with a permitted loading capacity of less than 950 kg are subject to a first-time registration fee rate of 60% of the first-time registration fee rate for cars carrying nine or fewer people.

- Electric cars powered by batteries:

+ For 3 years from the effective date of this Decree: subject to a first-time registration fee rate of 0%.

+ For the subsequent 2 years: subject to a first-time registration fee rate of 50% of the rate for gasoline or diesel cars with the same number of seats.

- For the types of cars mentioned above, from the second registration onward, the fee rate is uniformly set at 2% nationwide.

Registration Fee Rates for Cars in 2024

Registration Fee Rates for Cars in 2024 (Image from Internet)

Who is subject to the registration fee?

Based on Article 3 of Decree 10/2022/ND-CP, the subjects subject to the registration fee include:

[1] Houses and land.

[2] Hunting guns; guns used for practice or sports competitions.

[3] Vessels as defined by the laws on inland waterway traffic and maritime laws (referred to as watercraft), including barges, canoes, tugboats, push boats, submarines, submersibles; excluding floating docks, floating storage, and mobile rigs.

[4] Boats, including yachts.

[5] Aircraft.

[6] Two-wheeled motorcycles, three-wheeled motorcycles, mopeds, and similar vehicles that must be registered and have license plates issued by competent state authorities (referred to as motorcycles).

[7] Cars, trailers or semi-trailers pulled by cars, vehicles similar to cars that must be registered and have license plates issued by competent state authorities.

[8] Vehicle frames, engine blocks, engine assemblies, and machine parts of the assets listed in [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7], when replaced and required to be registered with competent state authorities.

What are the responsibilities of fee and charge collecting organizations?

Based on Article 14 of Law on Fees and Charges 2015, the responsibilities of fee and charge collecting organizations are as follows:

- Publicly post information at the collection points and on the website of the fee and charge collecting organization, including the fee and charge names, rates, methods of collection, fee-paying subjects, exemptions, reductions, and regulatory documents pertaining to the collection of fees and charges.

- Prepare and issue receipts for fee and charge payers as prescribed by law.

- Implement accounting policies; periodically report on the collection, payment, use of fees, charges; and conduct financial disclosures as required by law.

- Separately account for each type of fee and charge.

- Report on the collection, payment, management, and usage of fees and charges.

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