What are regulations on sample request letter for a representative agency to serve legal documents and notify results of implementation in Vietnam?

What are regulations on sample request letter for a representative agency to serve legal documents and notify results of implementation in Vietnam? Please advise. Thankyou.

In Form No. 1 issued together with the Joint Circular 01/2019/TTLT-TANDTC-BNG, there are the following provisions:


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Number: …. /TA-CV
V/v to serve procedural documents to overseas litigants

…. , day..month … year … .

To: Vietnamese Embassy/Consulate General/Consulate at (2)

The People's Court (3) is dealing with a civil matter/civil case/administrative case (4) accepting no (5) with the litigant being Mr/Ms.... (6) address at ... (7)

Pursuant to the provisions of Point d, Clause 1, Article 474 of the Civil Procedure Code (8)/ Point d, Clause 1, Article 303 of the Law on Administrative Procedures (9), the Court requests your agency to serve the involved parties(10) the following documents and papers: (11)

After completing, please fill in information about the results of implementation on the back of this Official Letter and send it together with relevant documents to the Court at address (12).

In case you need more detailed information, you can contact the Court at phone number (13) ; Fax number (14); email box (15).

The People's Court (16) would like to thank you for your cooperation in the work.


Receiving place:
- As above; - Save: VT, file.


(Signature, full name and stamp)




…………………… (17)

Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Number: …/…..
For service of legal documents

…… , day … month … year …



The Embassy/Consulate General/Consulate of Vietnam in (18) is pleased to inform the People's Court (19) of the results of service of procedural documents as follows:

1. The documents and papers enclosed with Official Letter No. ..../TA-CV dated .... month.... (20) of the Court have been delivered to:

Mr /Ms (21)

Address: (22)

Mr /Ms (23)

Address: (24)

Relationship with the litigant ( 25)


Delivery Time (26)


Delivery Location 27 )


2. Documents and papers enclosed with Official Letter No.   /TA-CV dated...month...year...(28) of your Court cannot be delivered to the involved party for the following reasons:

(29 )

The litigant refuses to accept

(30 )

(31 )

(32 )

(33 )

The applicant's address is incorrect

The applicant's name is incorrect

The applicant's name and address are incorrect

The address is not real

(34 )

(35 )

The party is not present at the address

The involved parties are not present at the address; someone else living at the same address refuses to accept it

(36 )

The party has moved to a new address but the new address is unknown


Just missing details: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….




Other reasons: ………………………………………………………………………………………………


3. Postage

The postage is … (39) ; Equivalent to...US Dollars, at the rate of exchange between the Dong ... (40) and the US Dollar as at ... month ... year ... (41) of the Bank (42)


In case you need more detailed information, please contact at phone number: (43) …………. ; Fax number: (44) ………….. and email box (45) .

Attached documents: (46)

……………………. (47)

Signature, full name of the person signing and stamping Embassy / Consulate / Consulate




User Manual Model No. 01

This is a Duplex Text Template; in which, the front side is the Court's Official Letter and the back side is the Notice of the results of the service of the procedural documents.

1. At the front of the text

In Sections (1), (3), (16): Enter the name of the Court that is dealing with the civil matter, civil case, or administrative case. Example: People's Court of Hanoi city.

Section (2): Enter the name of the Representative Office. Example: Embassy of Vietnam in the Netherlands. Note: write the Vietnamese Embassy in the country where the applicant has the address if there is only a Vietnamese Embassy in that country. In case the litigant is a Vietnamese citizen in Taiwan, write the Vietnam Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei, Taiwan. In case there is an Embassy or Consulate General of Vietnam in that country, based on the address of the involved party in the consular area of ​​the Embassy or Consulate General, the name of the Embassy or Consulate General shall be entered Embassy or Consulate General corresponding to the consular district.

For example, the consular area of ​​the Consulate General of Vietnam in San Francisco includes 11 western and midwestern US states: California, Washington, Hawaii, Oregon, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming and Alaska. If the address of the involved party belongs to one of the above 11 states, the Court will send the file to the Consulate General of Vietnam in San Francisco.

If you do not know information about the consular area of ​​the Embassy or Consulate General, write the name of the Embassy of Vietnam in that country.

Names and addresses of overseas Vietnamese representative missions are available at:

The electronic portal on consular work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is assigned https://anhsuvietnam.gov.vn/default.aspx. From there, Google search : “Consular Department”.

Section (4) : write one of three types of cases.

Section (5): write information about the number of handling, date of accepting the case.

Section (6): write Mr. or Mrs. and full name; household number, date of issue, issuing agency, date of expiration of passport (if this information is available) of the involved Vietnamese citizen abroad.

Section (7): Enter the address of the involved party. The applicant's address must be filled with complete information: house number, street name, city, postal code, state name (if it's a federal country), country name.

For example , if the applicant's full name and address are: "Mr. Tran Van Tho, address: 22 Balmoral Avenue, Springvale , Melbourne, Victoria (VIC), 3171, Australia", then all must be filled in. including this information, where “22 Balmoral Avenue” is the house and street number; “Springvale” is the area name and “3171” is the postal code for the Springvale region; “Melbourne” means a city; “Victoria” is the state name; "Australia" is the country's name.

In order to check whether the information on the address of the litigant abroad is complete or not, the Court may use the Google search engine to look it up as follows: Enter the address of the involved party in the search bar of the Google and use double quotes (“) before and after the address line, for example, “22 Balmoral Avenue, Springvale, Melbourne, Victoria, 3171, Australia ”. If the search results show "22 Balmoral Ave, Springvale VIC 3171, Australia" below the map, then this address is correct.

Sections (8), (9): Only write one of the two laws.

Section (10): enter the full name of the party to be served with the procedural documents as in Section (6).

Section (11): write the name of the procedural document to be served and the attached documents (if any). Example: Notice of acceptance of the case; judgment, decision to suspend or temporarily suspend the settlement of the case, notice of the appeal.

Section (12): write the address of the Court. Example: People's Court of Tay Ninh province, 80 Tran Phu, Ninh Son, Tay Ninh.

Sections (13), (14), (15): Enter the phone number, fax number of the Court, and the email address so that the Representative can contact the Court.

2. At the back of the text

a) Contents prepared by the Court

The Court has prepared items from Sections (18) to Sections (22) and Sections (28)

Section (18) : write the name of the Representative Agency as in Section (2).

Section (19) lists the name of the Court requesting service of the procedural documents.

Section (20), (28) : write the number, date of issue of the Official Letter on the front of this document form . Example: Official Letter No. 30/TA-CV dated December 21, 2019.

Sections (21), (22): write full name and address of the involved party as in Section (6), (7).

b) The information the representative agency fills in and ticks the corresponding box

Section (17) : Enter the name of the Representative Office.

Sections (23), (24): The representative agency shall write the name and address of the recipient instead.

Section (25): write the relationship of the recipient on behalf of the involved party. For example, the person who lives with or a relative of the party that needs to be served.

Sections (26), (27) : The representative mission clearly states the date, year and place where the local postal organization delivers the dossier to the involved party or another person to receive it on his/her behalf. Example: Section (26) is dated 12/12/2019; Section (27) states the location as notified by the postal organization.

Sections (29) to (36) : The agency ticks the results of service in the appropriate box. Note: do not type all these items at once.

Section (37), (38), Representative agency fill in the information.

Section (37): The representative agency clearly states the content lacks specific details of the address. For example, if one of the following information is missing: name of country, state, territory, house number, street name where the applicant resides or works, specify which information is missing.

Section (38) : “Other reasons” is the case that the address no longer exists or the address is transcribed into Vietnamese or the litigant has died or is missing, is serving a prison sentence or is being detained because violate the laws of the host country (if this information is known).

Section (39) : write the amount of postage in the currency of the receiving country according to the postal invoices to send the documents to the litigants and send the results of the service of legal documents to the parties. 

Section (40) : write the amount equivalent to US dollars converted from the amount of postage of the receiving country; exchange rate from the currency of the receiving country to the US dollar.

Section (41), (42) : record the time of announcement of the exchange rate between the US dollar and the currency of the receiving country and the name of the Bank announcing the exchange rate.

Sections (43), (44), (45) : write information about phone numbers; fax number; the representative agency's contact email box.

Section (46) : write the names of the documents. For example: postal delivery results; Postage invoice. 

Section (47) : Title, signature and full name of the authorized person of the representative agency.

Best Regards!

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