What are purposes of implementing democracy in temporary detention and custody in Vietnam?

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Question date: 04/12/2023

What are purposes of implementing democracy in temporary detention and custody in Vietnam? What are principles of implementing democracy in temporary detention and custody in Vietnam? What contents that must be made public in the implementation of democracy in temporary detention and custody in Vietnam?

    • What are purposes of implementing democracy in temporary detention and custody in Vietnam?

      According to Article 2 of Circular 81/2019/TT-BCA, the purposes of implementing democracy in temporary detention and custody are as follows:

      1. To promote the people's mastery in the management and education of persons in temporary detention and custody; to create all favorable conditions for persons in temporary detention and custody to fully exercise their other civil rights that are not restricted or deprived by law.

      2. To build the management and execution of temporary detention and custody agencies in the Vietnam People's Public Security in accordance with the law; to proactively prevent, deter, and combat acts of corruption, negativity, bureaucracy, harassment, and infringement on the legitimate rights and interests of persons in temporary detention and custody and agencies, organizations, and individuals.

      What are purposes of implementing democracy in temporary detention and custody in Vietnam? - Source: Internet

      What are principles of implementing democracy in temporary detention and custody in Vietnam?

      According to Article 3 of Circular 81/2019/TT-BCA, the principles of implementing democracy in temporary detention and custody are as follows:

      1. Compliance with the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the Ministry of Public Security on the management and execution of temporary detention and custody.

      2. Respect and protection of the life, health, honor, dignity, property, rights, and legitimate interests of persons in temporary detention and custody.

      3. Prohibition of all acts of exploiting democracy to harm the interests of the State, the legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals; obstructing the activities of judicial agencies, the activities of management and execution agencies of temporary detention and custody; violating regulations on the management and education of persons in temporary detention and custody.

      What contents that must be made public in the implementation of democracy in temporary detention and custody in Vietnam?

      According to Article 4 of Circular 81/2019/TT-BCA, the following contents must be made public in the implementation of democracy in temporary detention and custody:

      1. The rights and obligations of persons in temporary detention and custody; the internal regulations of the detention facility; the list of prohibited items to be brought into the temporary holding cell and the temporary detention cell.

      2. The situation of compliance with the internal regulations of the detention facility, the health of persons in temporary detention and custody in accordance with the law.

      3. The regime, standards of food, clothing, accommodation, living, medical care for persons in temporary detention and custody; the regime of spiritual activities for persons in temporary detention and custody; the regime of care and upbringing of children under 36 months of age living with their mothers in the detention facility.

      4. Regulations on meeting with relatives of persons in temporary detention and custody; cases where persons in temporary detention and custody are not allowed to meet with relatives, defense lawyers, or contact the consulate.

      5. Regulations on resolving the issue of persons in temporary detention and custody receiving gifts; the disposal of items on the prohibited list to be brought into the temporary holding cell and the temporary detention cell; the sending and receiving of letters, books, newspapers, and documents of persons in temporary detention and custody in accordance with the law.

      6. The forms of disciplinary action against persons in temporary detention and custody who violate the law, violate the internal regulations of the detention facility; rewards for persons in temporary detention and custody who have achievements or meritorious service.

      7. The competent authority and the place for resolving complaints, denunciations, and legitimate requests regarding the rights of agencies, organizations, individuals, and persons in temporary detention and custody. The results of inspection, inspection, and resolution of complaints, denunciations, and requests of persons in temporary detention and custody in accordance with the law.

      8. The location and schedule for receiving visitors, relatives of persons in temporary detention and custody; the internal regulations of the place for receiving visitors, relatives of persons in temporary detention and custody; the suggestion box; the hotline number.

      Best regards!

    Above is legal advice provided for customers of LawNet . If you require any further information, please send an email to nhch@lawnet.vn
    "This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a definitive translation of the original Vietnamese texts"

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