Will there be an increase in job-based preferential allowances for preventive healthcare and grassroots health workers to 100% in 2023 in Vietnam?

According to the new decree, how much will preventive healthcare and grassroots health workers increase their job-based preferential allowances in Vietnam? - Question from Thu Phuong (Hanoi).

What is calculation of job-based preferential allowances for preventive healthcare and grassroots health workers to 100% in 2023 in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 5 of Joint Circular 02/2012/TTLT-BYT-BNV-BTC stipulating the calculation of job-based preferential allowances for preventive healthcare and grassroots health workers as follows:

1. Calculation

a) The level of Job-based preferential allowances is calculated on the salary by grade, the current enjoying rank plus the allowance for leading positions, the allowance for seniority beyond the bracket (if any), is determined by the following formula:

Job-based preferential allowances are enjoyed = General minimum wage x Salary coefficient, current rank + coefficient of allowance for leadership position (if any) + % (according to coefficient) over-frame seniority allowance (if any) x job-based preferential allowances are enjoyed

For example : Ms. Tran Thi A is the head nurse of the Department of Psychiatry at the Central Hospital 2, currently enjoying the salary of intermediate nursing rank, rank code 16b.121, level 12, salary coefficient 4.06 and enjoying 7% allowances. seniority exceeds the frame, the coefficient of allowance for leadership positions is 0.4. Ms. A's September 2011 preferential allowance by occupation is as follows:

Job-based preferential allowances for 1 month = 830,000 VND x 4.06+0.4+(4.06 x 7%) x 70% = 2,756,802 VND

b) Job-based preferential allowances are calculated and paid in the same monthly salary period.

c) Job-based preferential allowances are not used to calculate the payment and enjoyment of social insurance and health insurance regimes.

Will there be an increase in job-based preferential allowances for preventive healthcare and grassroots health workers to 100% in 2023 in Vietnam?

In Article 3 of Decree 56/2011/ND-CP, supplemented by Article 1 of Decree 05/2023/ND-CP, there are regulations on job-based preferential allowances for preventive healthcare and grassroots health workers as follows:

7. Job-based preferential allowances for preventive healthcare and grassroots health workers apply from January 1, 2022 to the end of December 31, 2023:

a) The allowance rate of 100% applies to public employees who regularly and directly work in preventive medicine (including border medical quarantine); do medical professionals at health stations of communes, wards and townships, regional polyclinics, maternity wards, medical centers of districts, urban districts, towns, provincial cities, and cities affiliated to central-affiliated cities and hospitals of districts, urban districts, towns, provincial cities, and cities affiliated to central-affiliated cities.

b) During the period of application of job-based preferential allowance for preventive medicine and grassroots health workers specified in Clause 7 of this Article, Point c, Clause 2 and regulations for public employees who regularly and directly work in preventive medicine specified in Clause 4, Article 3.

Thus, increase the job-based preferential allowances to 100% in Vietnam in the following cases:

+ Regular officers, directly engaged in preventive medicine (including border medical quarantine);

+ Medical professionals

The above medical professionals at health stations of communes, wards and townships, regional polyclinics, maternity wards, medical centers of districts, urban districts, towns, provincial cities, and cities affiliated to central-affiliated cities and hospitals of districts, urban districts, towns, provincial cities, and cities affiliated to central-affiliated cities.

This regulation applies from January 1, 2022 to the end of December 31, 2023.

From January 1, 2024, what is implementation of job-based preferential allowances for preventive healthcare and grassroots health workers in Vietnam?

Article 3 of Decree 05/2023/ND-CP has the following provisions:

1. This Decree comes into force as of the date of signing.

2. From January 1, 2024, the job-based preferential allowance for preventive medicine and grassroots health workers comply with Clauses 1 to 6, Article 3 of Decree No. 56/ 2011/ND-CP, Decrees on amendments or replacement thereof (if any).

3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and governmental agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees and concerned organizations and individuals shall implement this Decree.

According to this Article, from January 1, 2024, job-based preferential allowances for preventive healthcare and grassroots health workers shall be as follows:

- The allowance level of 70% applies to civil servants who regularly and directly perform the following jobs:

+) Testing, examining, treating and taking care of patients with HIV/AIDS, leprosy, tuberculosis and mental illness;

+) Forensic examination, forensic psychiatric, pathological surgery.

- The allowance level of 60% applies to civil servants who regularly and directly perform the following jobs:

+) Examining, treating and caring for patients with emergency, emergency resuscitation, emergency treatment, and infectious diseases;

+) Testing and prevention of infectious diseases;

+) Border medical quarantine.

- The 50% allowance applies to civil servants and public employees who regularly examine, treat, care for and serve patients with anesthesia, resuscitation, intensive care, pediatrics, anti-poison, burns and skin care. willow.

- The allowance level of 40% applies to regular civil servants and employees who directly work in preventive medicine; test; medical examination and treatment; infection control, patient care, functional rehabilitation; medical assessment; traditional medicine; cosmeceuticals; food safety and hygiene, medical equipment; reproductive health at public non-business medical establishments and at nursing facilities for war invalids, sick soldiers and people with special disabilities, except for the cases specified in Clauses 1, 2 and 3 of this Article.

- The 30% allowance applies to the following civil servants and public employees:

+) Civil servants and public employees who regularly and directly work as medical professionals to perform the following tasks: health communication and education; population - family planning;

+) Public servants and public employees who manage and serve not directly working as medical professionals at establishments, institutes, specialized hospitals, centers: HIV/AIDS, leprosy, tuberculosis, psychiatric, pathological surgery forensic science.

- For civil servants and public employees who do not directly work as medical professionals; public servants and health workers in charge of management and service at medical non-business units in general (except for the subjects specified at Point b, Clause 5 of this Article), medical professionals at agencies, units, schools, the head of the unit, based on the characteristics of the job and revenue sources to consider and decide, but not exceed 20% of the current salary level or rank plus position allowance, seniority allowance beyond the frame (if any) of the beneficiaries.

Best regards!

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