Which agency can I send list of interns for professional practice in pharmacy in Vietnam?

Which agency can I send list of interns for professional practice in pharmacy in Vietnam? What are internship durations of Master’s degree holders in Vietnam?

My name is Hung, I am the person in charge at a pharmacy, I have just received 02 Master’s degree holders into professional practice, which agency should I submit the list of interns for professional practice in pharmacy? How long will the internship durations of these two people be? 

Which agency can I send list of interns for professional practice in pharmacy in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 19 of Decree 54/2017 stipulating internship-offering establishments as follows:

1. Internship-offering establishments are establishments specified in Clause 2 Article 13 of the Law on Pharmacy, including: pharmacy business establishments, pharmacies of health facilities, pharmacy training institutions, pharmacy research institutions, laboratories testing drugs and medicinal ingredients, pharmacy authorities, representative offices of foreign drug traders (hereinafter referred to as “pharmacy establishment”); health facilities suitable for the interns’ qualifications.

2. A internship-offering establishment is considered suitable is an establishment mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article and whose operation is suitable for the intern’s qualifications according to Article 20 hereof.

3. The internship-offering establishment shall confirm internship durations of inters therein according to Form No. 03 in Appendix I enclosed herewith and take responsibility for such confirmation.

4. Regarding drug retailers:

a) Apart from regulations of Clause 3 of this Article, before accepting interns, the head of the establishment shall send a list of interns according to Form No. 14 in Appendix I enclosed herewith to the Department of Health of the province in which the establishment is located. The list shall specify: Name and address of the establishment, full names of interns, internship contents; commencement date of internship; instructors;

b) Within 05 working days from the day on which the list is received, the Department of Health shall publish the information mentioned in Point a of this Clause on its website.

Thus, according to current regulations in Vietnam, when practicing professionally, the head of the establishment will have to send a list of of interns to the Department of Health of the province where the establishment is located.

What are internship durations of Master’s degree holders in Vietnam?

According to Article 21 of Decree 54/2017/ND-CP stipulating internship durations of postgraduate degree holders as follows:

1. A postgraduate degree is either:

a) a Master’s degree in pharmacy, medicine, traditional medicine, chemistry or biology;

b) a doctorate degree in pharmacy, medicine, traditional medicine, chemistry or biology;

c) Specialized Level 1 (SL1) or Specialized Level 2 (SL2) degree according to regulations of the Ministry of Health.

2. Specific internship durations of postgraduate degree holders:

a) A person holding a postgraduate degree in concoction, pharmaceuticals industry or drug testing may take a shorter internship as a chief pharmacist or person in charge of quality assurance of a manufacturer of drugs or medicinal ingredients or as a pharmacist of a provider of drug/medicinal ingredients testing services. To be specific:

- 06 months for holders of SL1 degrees;

- 01 year for holders of SL2 degrees.

b) A person holding a postgraduate degree in pharmacology or clinical pharmacology may take a shorter internship as a pharmacist of a provider of bioequivalence study services, clinical trial services, of a drug retailer or as a person in charge of clinical pharmacology of a health facility. To be specific:

- 06 months for holders of SL1 degrees;

- 01 year for holders of SL2 degrees.

c) A person holding a postgraduate degree in herbal ingredients, traditional pharmacy or traditional medicine may take a shorter internship as a pharmacist of an establishment trading in herbal ingredients or traditional drugs, as the person in charge of clinical pharmacology of a traditional medicine facility. To be specific:

- 06 months for holders of SL1 degrees;

- 01 year for holders of SL2 degrees.

d) A person holding a postgraduate degree in infections, microorganisms or prophylaxis may take a shorter internship as a pharmacist of a wholesaler or provider of vaccine and biological storage services. To be specific:

- 06 months for holders of SL1 degrees;

- 01 year for holders of SL2 degrees.

dd) A person holding a postgraduate degree in pharmacy business or pharmacy management may take a shorter internship as a pharmacist of a wholesaler or retailer of modern medicines (except dispensaries of communes) or provider of drug storage services. To be specific:

- 06 months for holders of SL1 degrees;

- 01 year for holders of SL2 degrees.

e) A person holding a postgraduate degree in pharmacy business or pharmacy management may take a shorter internship as a pharmacist of a retailer of herbal drugs, traditional drugs or herbal ingredients or a dispensary of the commune. To be specific:

- 03 months for holders of SL1 degrees;

- 06 months for holders of SL2 degrees.

According to this Article, internship durations of postgraduate degree holders in the scope of practice in Vietnam as a person in charge of clinical pharmacology of a health facility will be 6 months.

Best Regards!

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