Where does person who has exceptionally participated in medical examination and treatment using traditional medicine apply for certificate of traditional medicine practitioner in Vietnam?

Where does person who has exceptionally participated in medical examination and treatment using traditional medicine apply for certificate of traditional medicine practitioner in Vietnam? What does application need to prepare for certificate of traditional medicine practitioner for person who has exceptionally participated in medical examination and treatment using traditional medicine in Vietnam? What is deadline for applying for certificate of traditional medicine practitioner in Vietnam? 

Hello, I have been participating in medical examination and treatment by traditional medicine for more than 30 years, now I want to apply for certificate of traditional medicine practitioner, where should I apply? What documents need to be prepared? Please advise.

Where does person who has exceptionally participated in medical examination and treatment using traditional medicine apply for certificate of traditional medicine practitioner in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 8 of Circular 29/2015/TT-BYT stipulating the competence to issue and re-issue the certificate of traditional medicine practitioner as follows:

1. The Minister of Health shall authorize the Director of the Administration of Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy to issue and re-issue the certificate of traditional medicine practitioner to the subjects specified in Clauses 2 and 3, Article 1 of this Circular.

2. The director of the provincial Department of Health shall issue and re-issue the certificate of traditional medicine practitioner to the subjects specified in Clauses 1, 4, 5 and 6, Article 1 of this Circular in the area under their management.

Article 1 of Circular 29/2015/TT-BYT stipulates that the subjects applying for the certificate of traditional medicine practitioner as follows:

1. Subjects who have been standardized as a physician have all course certificates but have not been tested according to Circular No. 13/1999/TT-BYT dated July 6, 1999 of the Ministry of Health guiding the implementation of the Ordinance on private medical and pharmaceutical practice in the field of traditional medicine and pharmacy practice (hereinafter referred to as Circular No. 13/1999/TT-BYT) before June 30, 2004.

2. The subject has been granted a certificate by the Central Vietnam Traditional Medicine Association as a specialist physician before June 30, 2004.

3. Subjects who have been fostered by the Pure Land Buddhist Association of Vietnam and granted a Certificate of Medical Doctor level 2 or higher (according to the classification of the Pure Land Buddhist Association of Vietnam) before June 30, 2004.

4. Subjects who have been granted the Certificate of eligibility to practice medicine, traditional medicine and private medical equipment by the provincial/municipal Health Services (hereinafter referred to as provincial Health Services for short) individuals with scope of practice of medical examination and treatment with traditional medicine as prescribed in Circular No. 07/2007/TT-BYT dated May 25, 2007 of the Minister of Health guiding the practice of medicine and traditional medicine transmission and private medical equipment (hereinafter abbreviated as Circular No. 07/2007/TT-BYT) but is not a traditional medical doctor or physician and has not been granted a certificate of traditional medicine practitioner.

5. Exceptional subjects have participated in medical examination and treatment with traditional medicine for full 30 years or more.

6. Subjects who have all the course certificates specified in Clause 1, Article 2 of this Circular and have passed the final examination of the standardization course of medical care organized by the Ministry of Health in accordance with Circular No. No. 13/1999/TT-BYT but has not been granted a certificate of traditional medicine practitioner.

Thus, you have been given the exception of medical examination and treatment with traditional medicine for more than 30 years, now if you want to apply for a certificate of traditional medicine practitioner, you will have to apply at the provincial Department of Health, specifically by the Director of the Department of Health of province level in Vietnam.

What does application need to prepare for certificate of traditional medicine practitioner for person who has exceptionally participated in medical examination and treatment using traditional medicine in Vietnam?

According to Article 9 of Circular 29/2015/TT-BYT stipulating that application for a certificate of traditional medicine practitioner is as follows:

1. A dossier includes:

a) An application form for a certificate of traditional medicine practitioner, made according to the form specified in Appendix 01 issued with this Circular.

b) Personal curriculum vitae certified by the People's Committee of the commune, ward, township, place of residence (within a period of no more than 06 months from the date of application submission).

c) 02 color photos of size 4 x 6 cm taken on a white background (within a period of no more than 06 months from the date of application submission).

d) 02 envelopes with stamps and clearly stating the recipient's name and address.

2. For the subjects specified in Clause 1, Article 1 of this Circular, in addition to the dossiers specified in Clause 1 of this Article, the following documents must be added:

a) Certified copies of course certificates as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 2 of this Circular;

b) A written certification of the practice of medical examination and treatment by traditional medicine , made according to the form specified in Appendix 02 issued with this Circular;

c) A certified copy of the degree of education.

3. For the subjects specified in Clause 2, Article 1 of this Circular, in addition to the dossier specified in Clause 1 of this Article, the following documents must be added:

a) A certified copy of the Certificate of being a specialist physician together with a transcript issued by the Central Vietnam Association of Oriental Medicine as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 1 of this Circular;

b) A written certification of the practice of medical examination and treatment with traditional medicine, made according to the form specified in Appendix 02 issued with this Circular;

c) A certified copy of the degree of education.

4. For the subjects specified in Clause 3, Article 1 of this Circular, in addition to the documents specified in Clause 1 of this Article, the following documents must be added:

a) A certified copy of the certificate of medical qualification level 2 issued by the Central Executive Board of the Pure Land Buddhist Association of Vietnam;

b) A written certification of the practice of medical examination and treatment with traditional medicine, made according to the form specified in Appendix 02 issued with this Circular;

c) A certified copy of the degree of education.

5. For the subjects specified in Clause 4, Article 1 of this Circular, in addition to the documents specified in Clause 1 of this Article, the following documents must be added:

Certified copy of Certificate of eligibility to practice medicine, traditional medicine, private medical equipment with the scope of practice is medical examination and treatment with traditional medicine, pulse capture (see) prescribing, loading (collecting) drugs as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 5 of this Circular.

6 . For the subjects specified in Clause 5, Article 1 of this Circular, in addition to the documents specified in Clause 1 of this Article, the following documents must be added:

a) Declaration of practice history certified in writing by the head of the commune health station. In addition, if practicing at traditional medical examination and treatment establishments or private traditional medicine clinics, a written certification from the head of the medical examination and treatment establishment shall be added. traditional customs according to the form specified in Appendix 03 issued with this Circular.

b) Certified copies of diplomas, certificates of attending refresher courses on traditional medicine.

7. For the subjects specified in Clause 6, Article 1 of this Circular, in addition to the documents specified in Clause 1 of this Article, the following additional documents must be added:

a) Certified copies of course certificates as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 2 of this Circular;

b) A certified true copy of the transcript of the final examination results organized by the Examination Council of the Ministry of Health in accordance with the provisions of Circular No. 13/1999/TT-BYT;

c) A written certification of the practice of medical examination and treatment with traditional medicine, made according to the form specified in Appendix 02 issued with this Circular.

According to this Article, if you are eligible for medical examination and treatment with traditional medicine for more than 30 years, you will need to prepare application including the above documents.

What is deadline for applying for certificate of traditional medicine practitioner in Vietnam? 

Article 10 of Circular 29/2015/TT-BYT stipulates that procedures for certificate of traditional medicine practitioner are as follows:

1. The subjects specified in Clauses 2 and 3, Article 1 of this Circular shall send 01 set of dossiers according to regulations to the Ministry of Health (the Department of Management of Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy); the subjects specified in Clauses 1, 4, 5 and 6, Article 1 of this Circular shall send 01 set of dossiers according to regulations to the Department of Health of the province where they reside.

2. Order of settlement:

a) After receiving the application, the application-receiving department shall send the dossier-receiving report to the applicant, using the form specified in Appendix 04 issued with this Circular;

b) If the application is not valid, within 05 working days from the date on which the application is received, the Ministry of Health (the Administration of Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy) or the provincial Department of Health must issue a notice. notify the person who submitted the application for additional request;

c) Within 10 working days from the date of receipt of valid dossiers, the secretariat of the Examination Council must conduct the appraisal of dossiers to classify and make a list as follows:

- Classify the subjects who are granted the Certificate as medical doctors subject to examination and testing as the subjects specified in Clauses 1, 2 and 3, Article 1 of this Circular: make a list of eligible cases and a list of cases ineligible to take the test to send to the Examination Board;

- Classify subjects who are granted the Certificate as medical doctors who are not subject to examination are those specified in Clauses 4, 5 and 6, Article 1 of this Circular: make a list of eligible cases and a list of cases ineligible for a Certificate of being a physician to be sent to the Examination Board.

d) Within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the list of the Secretariat, the Examination Council must meet to resolve:

- For cases eligible for the Certificate of being a physician: the Examination Council shall send the list to the Central Vietnam Association of Oriental Medicine or the Provincial Oriental Medicine Association for confirmation of consent according to regulations. After obtaining the consent of the Central Committee of the Oriental Medicine Association or the Provincial Oriental Medicine Association, the Examination Council shall submit it to the Minister of Health or the Director of the Provincial Department of Health to issue a Certificate of being a physician.

- For cases eligible to take the test: The Examination Council shall make a plan to organize the examination.

If the applicant is ineligible for a Certificate of being a physician or is not eligible to take the test, the Examination Council must notify the applicant in writing of the reason;

dd) After 15 days of testing, the Examination Council shall make a list of cases that have passed the test results and send the list to the Central Vietnam Association of Oriental Medicine or the Provincial Oriental Medicine Association for confirmation of consent as prescribed, and at the same time to notify the test results for each subject. After obtaining the consent of the Oriental Medicine Association, the Examination Council shall submit it to the Minister of Health or the Director of the provincial Department of Health for a Certificate of being a physician.

According to this Article, the issuance of the certificate of traditional medicine practitioner needs to be done in the above order, it can be no later than 40 days from the date of submission of the certificate in Vietnam.

Best regards!

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