What is the template for follow-up appointment slip in Vietnam according to Circular 01/2025/TT-BYT?
What is the template for follow-up appointment slip in Vietnam according to Circular 01/2025/TT-BYT?
Based on Appendix 5 issued with Circular 01/2025/TT-BYT, the follow-up appointment slip template is stipulated as follows:
Download the latest follow-up appointment slip template according to Circular 01/2025/TT-BYT
What is the template for follow-up appointment slip in Vietnam according to Circular 01/2025/TT-BYT? (Image from Internet)
When is an individual permitted to practice medical examination and treatment in Vietnam?
Based on Article 19 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023, the conditions for individuals to be permitted to practice medical examination and treatment are as follows:
Article 19. Conditions for individuals to be permitted to practice medical examination and treatment
- Individuals are permitted to practice medical examination and treatment in Vietnam when they meet the following conditions:
a) Have a valid practicing certificate;
b) Have registered for medical practice, except in cases specified in Clause 3, Article 36 of this Law;
c) Satisfy linguistic requirements in medical examination and treatment as stipulated in Article 21 of this Law;
d) Be in good health as required by the Minister of Health;
dd) Not fall under the cases specified in Article 20 of this Law.
- Individuals are permitted to perform medical examination and treatment without meeting the conditions specified in points a, b, and c of Clause 1 of this Article in the following cases:
a) Students and trainees in health training institutions, those in the period of practicing to obtain a practicing certificate, those waiting for the issuance of a practicing certificate, and can only perform medical examination and treatment under the supervision of a practitioner;
Thus, individuals are permitted to practice medical examination and treatment when they meet the following conditions:
[1] Have a valid practicing certificate
[2] Have registered for medical practice, except in the following cases:
- Rescuing activities outside medical examination and treatment facilities, excluding external emergency health responders
- Being mobilized or deployed by competent authorities for participating in medical examination and treatment activities in the circumstances of natural disasters, calamities, infectious disease outbreaks of group A, or emergency situations
- Participating in humanitarian medical examination and treatment campaigns
- Conducting medical examination and treatment during the transfer of professional techniques, providing short-term technical support at other medical examination and treatment facilities
- Other cases as regulated by the Minister of Health.
[3] Satisfy linguistic requirements in medical examination and treatment
[4] Be in good health as required by the Minister of Health
[5] Not fall under cases of prohibition from practicing medical examination and treatment
What are the obligations of a practitioner towards patients in Vietnam?
Based on Article 44 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023, the obligations towards patients are defined as follows:
Article 44. Obligations towards patients
- Promptly provide first aid, emergency treatment, medical examination, and treatment for patients, except in cases stipulated in Clauses 2, 3, 4, and 5, Article 40 of this Law.
- Respect the rights of patients, having a considerate and cordial attitude towards patients.
- Advise and provide information as required by Clause 1, Article 9 of this Law.
- Treat patients equally, not allowing personal interests or discrimination to influence professional decisions.
- Only require patients to pay medical examination and treatment fees as permitted by law.
Thus, practitioners have the following obligations towards patients:
[1] Promptly provide first aid, emergency treatment, medical examination, and treatment for patients, except in the following circumstances:
- Medical examination and treatment contradict the law or professional ethics
- The patient or their relatives physically assault or endanger the practitioner while performing duties, except when the individual suffers from mental illness or other conditions impairing their awareness or control
- Patients demand examination and treatment methods inappropriate according to professional standards
- Patients or their representatives do not comply with diagnostic indications or treatment methods advised by the practitioner after being consulted and persuaded, where non-compliance poses a risk to the patient's health or life
[2] Respect the rights of patients, showing a considerate and cordial attitude towards patients.
[3] Provide advice and information on health status; methods and services for medical examination and treatment, service prices; and guidance on self-monitoring, care, and prevention of complications.
[4] Treat patients equally, not allowing personal interests or discrimination to impact professional decisions.
[5] Only require patients to pay medical examination and treatment costs as regulated by law.